DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, August 06, 2009
You've Got To Love The Salisbury Fire Department
"This morning, Thursday, the boys from the fire department were having breakfast at a local bagel shop. What was really net they drove that new, big fire engine. Look like they could choose a vehicle which would use less gas. They are putting mileage on this vehicle just driving around salisbury (learning to drive)? Waste of time, money and equipment. They should eat breakfast on their own time..I do."
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Please keep the Alvarado story at the top as you said you would. Somehow breakfast eating is not as important as he is.
did it ever occur to you that they work 24 hour shifts?!!! you are such a moron and you continually on occasion bring this dumb crap up just to stir the pot!!!
Do our firefighters and police really have their "own time"? I would like to think that even if they are "not on the clock" they would still use their training to help those in need.
I will agree with the choice of vehicle to go and get breakfast.
Joe, Just curious! Have you heard anything on the audit completed by the Md. Commission on Correctional Standards a couple weeks ago? Nothing has been in the local rag and DDD is quiet.
well well well what elce do our outstanding city leaders have to do with our tax money how elce do you think they can say we need to incress taxes unless they use it to go to breakfast on a big red fire truck
Wouldnt be suprised if a couple on that engine worked a shift and stayed on today to work an overtime shift due to lack of staffing. I guess you want them to wait until they got off at 5 to eat.
Be happy they didnt use the new tower ladder to go joy riding for breakfast.
don't you have anything better to b*tch about.... u idiot
Local government at work , Salisbury fire dept. sucks as well
does most of the so called fire -fighters. Fire em all !
Children at play , want to be a
fireman when I grow up.Salisbury
Its funny that you have brought this up. This afternoon around 12:00 I was eating my lunch at Subway when the big, new fire engine parked and 4 guys came in. Then around 6:00 or so I was out to Chick-fil-a eating dinner with my family and the same truck went by and was at the Wawa this time. I made a comment to my husband "Well that is twice in one day I have seen our local firemen in the big truck riding around. LOL
I couldn't agree with you more. Joe you should really run the entire county along with every city and town in it. I'm sick of all the good ol boys networks in this county / city.
Don't they have a new kitchen in the new palace?
Joe, you're doing it again! Why do you insist on picking on firefighters? It is worth it to get more comments and hits?
Yes, non-emergency rides around town are part of training. Do you want it to be the first time a driver figures out what the turning radius of a unit is, and how he has to approach certain intersections to be when he's heading somewhere in an emergency?
On top of that equipment needs to be "exercised". You just can't let it sit for days on end, or you will have some big problems. Lastly, anyone in any profession that works a 24 hr shift and is required to be available 100% of the time on that shift has their meals on "company time". That is per the labor laws.
There are many people who go to work early in the morning. Before they get there they have either had breakfast at home or had it on the way to work.
With the economy the way it is seems the big one would be saved for something more important due to how much gas it takes.
Are the taxpayers of Salisbury paying for that gas?
Oh geez, some people really need to find something to do. The equipment is driven in the event a fire call is dispatched while the crew is out. That way, they can respond immediately to the scene instead of driving back to the station. Additionally, they use those trips as driver training, as well as putting some mileage on the equipment. Do you know why fire equipment that looks so nice on the outside and has so few miles on the engine are sold? The equipment spends too much time parked that the moisture is allowed to build and sit on the exhaust system and other metals and actually begins to rust and erode the equipment. By running the equipment and getting the temps up, it actually allows the condensation that has built internally to dissipate and evaporate.
Joe, is this really any different then Deputies or Troopers using their vehicles to go grocery shopping or out to dinner with their families? Both are using the county or state vehicles and gas to eat or get food.
When will Ireton get involved in City daily matters, not just media events?
training and learning to drive the thing is fine. showing off, hot-dogging, lady looking, and snacking should be done on their own time. as an earlier post stated, there is a full kitchen (and I am positive it is full of groceries) at the new firehouse.....use it! we all need to tighten up a little bit, including those who have the 'secure' jobs. stop wasting taxpayers' money.
all fire and ems personnell are required to take their unit or engine and the personnel on that unit or engine with them whenever they go anywhere. if they go to wawa, grocery store to get food to cook at the firehouse or fast food all are required to take the unit or engine they are assigned to. this is mandated in all fire houses and ambulance companies so that way if their is a call they have all personel needed and don't have to go back and get anyone. yes it is true that most firefighter and ems personnel get breakfast in the morning before their shift and some do take food to work. others do not. there are bigger problems going on in this community then why firefighters are takin the engine out to get something to eat!
Joe, I personally would rather see a good story on what people at the City, County and State (besides Police) actually have take home vehicles, and what the reason is. I would rather see the firemen be able to respond immediately, than truck back to the firehouse in their personal vehicle to get the firetruck. Just my opinion. BTW, is info about take home vehicles something people can obtain?
Anonymous 9:10- give me a flipping break (and no I'm not from the fire department or associated with it)!!!
When you work a 24-hour shift, you don't have your "own time" for meals. It's done during the shift, worked in whenever possible.
I don't take lunch to work everyday-and there is a fully functional kitchen at my office. Why would they be expected to take food just because there is a kitchen??? I doubt they burned up that much fuel just going to the bagel shop.
There are bigger issues going on in this community. Focus on that and not where the firefighters are eating their meals.
speaking of firefighters, one of Parsonsburgs special opps. Lt is on the WCSO most wanted list at the crime solvers icon on this blog. Kevin Howard is on Wicomico County most wanted list. Click the crime solvers icon at the top of the page, scroll down. He is about the fourth one down.Then go to www.parsonsburgfire.com and click on members. and there he is. shouldnt be hard to find him Sheriff Lewis.
Hey, with the dollar plunging and our economy going down the drain, I don't blame the firefighters for using the firetruck to grab a bite to eat. You got to save a dollar anyway you can. And if you save enough of those useless dollars you may be able to buy some gold or silver that actually has some value. Boyyy
I dont have a problem with an engine because they have to eat and they are ready to respond. Whats rediculous is Gordy's son taking that huge ladder truck for daily joy rides and food runs. This juvenile delinquent just does what ever the hell he wants.He thinks he owns the place and daddy retaliates against anybody who corrects him. Gordy must go.
They put a commercial kitchen in that fire palace and it wasn't to be used for fund raising events. According to Bill Gordy it was so they would have a place to fix meals. Groceries for the FD could be purchased and hauled back to the station in one of those new pickup trucks. Taking a million dollar truck to Lombardis for lunch or the bagel shop or anywhere else is absolutely ridiculous.
The time it would take to get that truck back to where it belongs in the event of a fire is just that much longer a structure will burn.
Don't even try that BS about condensation and rust buildup. Why doesn't Harvey Mack, Barr Freightliner & International or Western Star take all of those big trucks out for a joy ride daily instead of letting them sit on the lot? You guys will say anything thinking people will believe it. If you are so concerned about condensation then start the engine and let it idle a few minutes instead of joy riding all over God's creation.
Not only do these dingleberry firefighters take any firetruck they want on joy rides 4 lunch but they also park in the no parking zone at Giant to do thier grocery shopping as well. To all u liberal retards who commented neg I guess u don't mind them wasting your tax dollars.Wake up tards all forms of GOV get there money from US! Quit standing in line for a handout and get a job.
They should get there food the day before when they are off.Then cook it when they are working. There is no reason to be riding around town going to get ice cream and food.They also make trips to WAWA to get free drinks..
I heard a couple of days ago that the tower ladder is not allowed to go anywhere anymore but if its a house on fire.They are not allowed to take it anywhere to train,medical calls,automatic alarms and some other calls they normally go on.I heard this from a career member there.
I did see a fire engine the other day at Rita's.I wish I could leave my job and go get ice cream.
Did they ever hear of delivery?
I thought the new big fire truck was a volunteer fire truck.If so if they are working for free I don't see the harm in them taking the fire truck to go get food.
The 10 or 20 dollars in gas is nothing compared to the amount of the money we would have to pay to hire people to work on that truck.
Them Salisbury career guys are nothing but a bunch of fat lazy wannabe firemen.They will never play that sh!$ at station 2.We already do our best to annoy them when they are working here then they leave and go hang down at station 16 and play Xbox.
Anonymous said...
I dont have a problem with an engine because they have to eat and they are ready to respond. Whats rediculous is Gordy's son taking that huge ladder truck for daily joy rides and food runs. This juvenile delinquent just does what ever the hell he wants.He thinks he owns the place and daddy retaliates against anybody who corrects him. Gordy must go.
10:31 PM
As long as Jim Ireton doesn't have the balls to get rid of Gordy and Hoppes it will be the same ole same ole. Mayor Ireton do what the hell we hired you to do.
Yesterday they used a truck to go get lunch too...
You guys are bashing them for free drinks or "ice cream", or stopping for a bite to eat. Wawa only gives free coffee and Ritas is only a really small free Italian Ice. They get other discounts around town at certain food chains. So what if they stop to eat! Sounds to me like there is a lot of jealousy towards the career firefighters. I bet if they were there saving your house on a call your opinions would change.
Wow.....you people on the shore need to get a life!!!! There is no harm in what they did.
I agree w/ the comment about getting rid of Gordy and Hoppes. His son should not be in his position, he doesn't meet the requirements of a LT. and afterall, he was suspended more time than he was active. Taking a 1 Million dollar tower ladder to a medical assist is rediculous. No one else would be allowed to do that, and you are right, I have seen him out riding around it, just wasting taxpayers money. Put an end to the entire group in administration. It will be good for the City and good for the Fire Department. Little Gordy is nothing but a juvenille delinquent, and shouldn't have ever been accepted in the department.
Anon 12:55
Sounds like a disgruntled tick, who tried becoming a career firefighter, but could not pass the physical agility test or was to stupid to pass the written. Maybe instead of being on here, you should be reading up on SOP's and start laying in at fires. Obvious smoke on Liberty Street and E1 had to pick up the plug, because that retard A/C of yours knew his boys were going to be punked. Oh and by the way, isn't he the same one who burnt a house up on Priscilla or somewhere over that way, cause he thought his "boys" could handle the call? How about Powhatten Blvd. where he chickened out going up the steps on a working fire. You all are killing the fire service with your lack of knowledge and it will only be a matter of time before someone gets hurt because of your ignorance.
firefighters put their lives on the line to save YOU PEOPLE every day. i can't believe you would complain over something so petty. this website is a crock.
anonymous 8:20, Grow Up!
They HAVE to drive the fire truck if they want to eat! They are on call and it makes no sense, safety-wise, for them to drive their own cars to go get food. If they did do that they would have to drive all the way back to the fire station to pick up the fire engine to drive to the emergency, significantly increasing the amount of time it takes them to respond to emergencies. Pick your battles, Joe.
Joe, if the firefighters are on a 24 hour shift and must be available at all times, how would you have them get their lunches? Personally, I would rather the crew be in the engine when a call goes out then down the street at Subway in their personal car where they have to leave, get back tot he station, and get on the engine. It lessens response time. Also, the people driving the truck need experience with the rig.
How about try using the new kitchen that cost the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars??????
How about getting food delivered?
They shouldn't be forced to use the kitchen if they don't want to. Like all other jobs, you should be allowed to do what you want for breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. We should be be thankful for their service to the community and stop nitpicking on something like where they're getting food. You won't be complaining when they save your house from burning down!
Man that was some good coffee from wawa's after doing some training in the rain. You know the training that makes us better at what we do. How do you know that engine was'nt returning from a call on the north end? You dont know so have a great day.....
Isnt the whole purpose of a huge kitchen in the new HQ to avoid having to run out? Don't most firehouses have one or two on staff who cook for the others?
Lets not forget about them going to the back streets in numerous pieces of equipment for barbeques that other personnel have for birthday parties or whatever the ocassion. If there is food they run faster than if it was an actual fire. ROTFLMAO!!! This is a fact jack. One would assume that since they "required" this multi million dollar storage building they would be satisfied guess they're never satisfied. I bet everythings still new except the lazy boys and apparently the xbox.
some points on here are valid and some shifts are better than others about always cooking dinner at the palace when possible however when busy times come it just isnt plausible. as for going to ritas and wawa well if they are out why not support local economy. many children have been met and gven fire hats and talked too about fire prevention at ritas and various locatins while out. anything can be twisted to sound the way you want it. the important part is the fire trucks and ambulances respond to the calls needed. do the volunteers always get out? no and the 2 vollie that commented above truly is ignorant and does not know the height nor width of this situation. now what is with KEVIN HOWARD SOT LT AND PROMINENT MEMBER OF PARSONSBURG BEING ON WCSO MOST WANTED!!! that should be the post joe you owe us to do some research on that..
WOW!! I would have never thought that a innocent stop for breakfast (after working a 24 hour shift and starting an additional 10 hours on extra time) would have started such a stir. It never fails, I haven't been on this site for a while and when I do, there is something about the SFD on here. I, as always, will step up and accept or take the blame for stopping the other day at a local bagel shop for breakfast since I was in charge of the crew. As I stated earlier, I had just started an additional 10 hour shift at Station 1 after finishing my 24 hour shift and I was just a bit hungery. Yes, believe it or not firefighters do eat like everyone else. Did I make a special trip to get breakfast? Well the fact is we were already going to Station 16 to drop off paperwork, pick up any mail and replace a broken piece of needed equipment that was found during our morning checks. While inside the establishment, I was happy to answer several questions from customers about the new engine and even gladly allowed a young man to sit inside the engine at his request as we were leaving. So again, what was an innocent stop for breakfast turned out to be what I would consider a good public relations event. And yes, we also stopped for lunch at Subway on the way back from a training event. Again, an innocent stop that was made while already on the road.
Capt. Chris O'Barsky
Salsibury Fire Department
"A" Shift
How dare soem of you critize the firefighters that one of the toughest jobs ever they are real heros and i would rather pay for extra gas so they can go eat after or before a shift then pay for freeloaders and "undocumented" persons HEALTH INSURANCE! get a life and quite bitching about firemen. I hope you will never need their services esp you Joe Why do you hate firemen so much your blogg has had for years many differnt very inaccuarte stories about fire companies!
Doesnt the city have a policy about not recieving free gifts? Does coffee and drinks or half off at Popeyes count as free gifts for the police and firemen?
When will the volunters be required to pass a written and physical agality test along with randon drug testing like the career firemen are?
Kevin Howard, dont be worrying about him. He is in the spec ops click and steves boy, they will take care of him.
222, Joe doesnt hate firemen. He has supported them alot. He doesnt like waste and abuse of power that happens alot within the departments of the city.
You complain about them getting food to eat. How about the deptartment sponsered fishing trip off Ocean City that was supposed to be a team building adventure between volunteer and career yet no career were invited? What does a day offshore cost the tax payers?
I would first like to start with Mr. Albero,
You are a loser and always will be. You stab people in the back and talk out of your ass. If you meet career fireman on the street you will go out of your way to say hi. When you are behind a computer screen, you become a pussy and run your shit trap. GET A LIFE!!!!!!!! I hope you never have a myocardial infarction or ceberal vascular accident while at your little shithole office, because I am going to be there and suddenly forget how to provide advanced life support. You are such a piece of shit!!!
You too are a loser! I personnaly hate working at that firehouse because u worthless idiots have no regards for your family or life. You hang there all night playing your xbox as well! TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK. Nothing more to say. Not worth my time.
To the citizens of salisbury that hate Salisbury Fire Dept:
There was one individual on here that metioned about the fridge being stocked with food, YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! You know for a fact, my ass. Get your shit straight before you run your shit hole!
The career firefighters either work a 10 hour shift if on daywork, or a 24 hour shift if on shift work. If they want to get out of the firehouse and go get something to eat or be in the public's eye and ready to respond, then so be it. Let me remind all you losers that you chose your career. Alot of you also probably have take home cars. Should we post about that??? The Maryland State Police and Wicomico County Sherriff's Deputies also have take home vehicles. Is it right for them to ride around all the damn time too? Oh that's right, they are cops and albero likes puffing on their peters. I could keep on going but I'm not. GROW UP AND GET A LIFE YOU BUNCH OF LOSERS!!!!!
A person on shift who cooks? Several shifts are dysfunctional to the point it would pain them to sit down and eat together.
WHAT? You mean, like a Brotherhood! The SFD men and women wouldn't know what to do with one and other by the masses if a beer wasn't involved.
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