The Obama Joker posters are still spreading virally across the country and the world as the authorities panic at the power of the grass roots to reach the masses almost in an instant, flying in the face of an establishment media which is controlled by a handful of powerful corporations.
The success of the Obama Joker poster campaign, started anonymously in Los Angeles and amplified after it was incorporated into an Infowars contest, can be measured against the achievements of America’s foremost contemporary street artist, Shepard Fairey, who was responsible for designing the Obama “HOPE” flyers that were posted in public places before the 2008 presidential election, an image labeled “the most efficacious American political illustration since ‘Uncle Sam Wants You’” by New Yorker art critic Peter Schjeldahl.
Fairey admitted that he was in contact with the Obama campaign team following the release of the early versions of his poster, and that they directed him in creating new posters. The original poster carried the word “PROGRESS,” but this was later changed to “HOPE” on the insistence of the Obama campaign, along with two other versions which read, “VOTE” and “CHANGE”.
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Who controls the money?
Who controls the media?
that poster is right on target, but, the joke is on the american people.sjd
Its not a damn joke, its our lives, everything we have worked for, everything we have believed in, every dream we ever had is going down the toilet. And you people keep talking, when is it going to be time for the words to stop and actions to take over?
There is nothing we can do. They are waiting for, prodding us, tempting us, to finally lash out. Then there will be martial law.
They thought we would become outraged by the invasion of our country by Mexico. We weren't outraged.
They thougt we would be outraged by looting our economy. We weren't outraged.
They thought we would be outraged by excessive taxation. We weren't outraged.
How can they make us "lose it"? How can they call in the foreign troops if we never become outraged?
They are perplexed by our inability to defend ourselves.
Well they have a rude awakening coming.
Well isn't public common space actually government property?
It's ok if the liberals call Bush Hitler and attack average Americans at a protest but if you draw a picture here comes the S.S.
Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama they are all the same. They work for very rich powerful people who tell them what to do, what to say, and how to vote.
We vote for one of the options given to us by these rich powerful people. The game is fixed. We lose no matter who we elect.
The Republicans got screwed over by Bush - Cheney. They weren't conservative!
Then, the Republicans got screwed over by a fake candidate. McCain was never intended to win. He was a pathetic choice. He doesn't represent a conversative point of view.
Now the Democrats are getting screwed over by Obama. He doesn't care about the people. He isn't going to help the poor, uneducated, needy. He is a liar, a stooge, another fake leader. He literally reads from a script! He is totally controlled. Everything that happens is pre-determined by the rich powerful masters.
We are in serious trouble.
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