Every year the local Motels start booking rooms for transient workers who are willing to do jobs most local Americans simply aren't willing to do. In this case, 5 workers cover this field, 3 outside the bus and two inside the bus. The driver slowly moves across the field while three guys toss watermelons to each other. The third guy tosses them one by one to the 5th guy inside the bus who stacks them. Its long hours in very hot weather.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, August 03, 2009
Tis The Watermelon Season
Every year the local Motels start booking rooms for transient workers who are willing to do jobs most local Americans simply aren't willing to do. In this case, 5 workers cover this field, 3 outside the bus and two inside the bus. The driver slowly moves across the field while three guys toss watermelons to each other. The third guy tosses them one by one to the 5th guy inside the bus who stacks them. Its long hours in very hot weather.
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My daughter did this job when she was a teenager. When did Americans decide that good, honest, hard work was beneath them?
How about we get some of the people sitting on welfare or sitting in prison to do this. In exchange they give the prisons some of the fresh local produce to feed some of the ones sitting on their butts doing nothing but sucking the rest of us dry.
When Obama grants amnesty to illegals they will join the other entitlement groups and collect welfare. If all they want to do is work hard why don't they concentrate on working hard to build Mexico into a strong country?
They decided they didn't want to do this work when the farmers decided to offer slave wages to illegals who are making much more than they would in their own country.
It's not because our citizens don't want to work, they realize they have a great government job; do no work, get free food, housing and medical care, earn a salary that allows them to buy drugs and loud stereos for their souped up SUVs, and not face too stiff a penalty if they get caught breaking the law.
8:11 AM - I love this idea and it's not new - why Wicomico County won't do this is beyond me, other than the guards would also have to do something for a change, like supervise the inmates. The inmates should be out in the fields picking tomatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, etc. Also I think they should have to grow their own food, if they want to eat.
I did this when i was a teenager also, it is good honest hard work.
Sorry for the ones loseing there homes, out begging for health insurance.
This is the problem with our country,
Lazy assholes, they sit on there computer all day and try to swindle people out of money and it has backfired on them.
Good luck america, you aint going to make it,
Oh and by the way, i told the fruit stand to keep the $7 watermelon they had, hell that would pay thee guys for a week. Or would $6,.50 go in that assholes pocket sitting on his computer?
FFFF usa.
They could use the ones that are not in prison for violent crimes. They wouldn't need a guard with them. It could be like work release. The ones that can't go out of the prison to work could stay at the prison and til up the prison yard and plant a garden there if they want to eat.
Well, our government is letting them stay here. Atleast they "earn" their living & not depending on the welfare to support them or standing out on the corner selling drugs to our kids. I by no means agree with what is going on w/ illegals, but the reality is our problem started over 100 years ago by the ship loads!
I remember working on the farm all summer. That was the good old days..Everything was closed on Sunday. We have 3 t.v. stations. We always had family dinner together every night. We worked in the chicken houses and the hog houses. Going to McDonald's was considered a big treat not a right. We grew enough of our own vegetables to feed 8 people through the winter. Why is it when we are kids that we want to be older and when we are adults we wish to be young? I really miss the good old days. I feel for those guys though. I remember vividly in August it being 100 degrees and we were picking up bales of straw. It was miserable.
Kids used to do this to make some money over the summer. Thanks to the democrats "protecting them from abusive work conditions" it's easier and cheaper for the farmers to hire the transients.
Enough said?
These people work hard! Without these Mexicans (or whatever nationality they are), there would be no one out there picking these fields. I also know for a fact that they do not pay them "slave wages". They earn their money and are paid appropriately. Maybe they aren't paid what a lazy American would want, but obviously the money is good enough for them.
I did it for several summers on Mack Malones farm, hard work but it was money. The kids today are a joke.
Really? While they are here the have an anchor baby and they can apply for all kinds of free stuff. Not to mention just about every dollar they make here is not spent here. Check out ANY western union on a friday and see just how much is being sent to another country to stimulate THEIR economy. Do a search to see just how many illegals there are in prison.
Yeah but pregnant migrant workers are out in the fields right up until they deliver and despite all the kids they have they still work.Try to get an American on welfare to do that...never happen.
9:34 That's b/c they leave the kids home ALONE. Or with the oldest sibling (about 8).
I worked up until I had all of my kids & went back to work with in 2 weeks of having each of them (after one I went back 4 days after she was born). The longest I ever stayed out was 2 weeks & that is b/c my job wouldn't permit me to come back any sooner even though I had a Dr's note that it was OK.
I think prisoners should have to do this as well. I think they should be forced to grow their own fruits & veggies & raise their own livestock. Maybe then they wouldn't be such a burden on our pockets!
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