Civil rights leaders worried race played a role in death of suicidal neighbor
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - Alonzo Heyward carried a rifle around his low-rent Chattanooga neighborhood one day last month, ranting about suicide and ignoring the pleas of friends for hours before six city police officers surrounded him on his front porch and decided it had to end.
His father says Heyward told the officers, "I'm not out here to hurt anybody."
But police, who tried unsuccessfully to disarm Heyward, fired 59 rounds to kill him on July 18. The medical examiner found 43 bullet wounds in his chest, face, arms, hands, legs, buttocks and groin. Police contend Heyward was a danger to others and threatened the six officers.
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Good for the police , maybe some of this crap will stop when the police say halt. If a man carrying
a weapon does not yield , he's dead. End of conversation no expense to the tax payers and get off the racial kick , that crap don't get it anymore.
amen 4:24 , agreed
4:24, seeing how the reports and video are still being studied, how can you pass any judgement regarding this case? Just as you guys ridiculed Obama's "stupidly" comment because he didn't have all the facts, you sound even dumber commenting on this man's death.
Very good. It sounded like he needed to be shot.
my brother is a cop in the salisbury area..... i know he wouldnt need to shoot a suspect 59 times to kill him it just goes to show you that these cops couldnt shoot it in the ocean if they were standing on the beach
Do whatever the police order you to do!
They have guns for crying out loud.
They are our masters.
not a surprise, the police and their abuses of power are nation i not worlwide. The police, as I have often stated, are the most corrupt ody in the entire nation. Frightening
Why did they stop shooting?
Reminds me of a Ron White skit.
god bless the cops!
pretty pi-- poor shots if I may say so.
43 bullets of 59 shots fired = about 73% That's about a C to a C- if they were being graded. But, a C got the job done.
Would've been more, but they ran out of ammo...
lucky they didn't "TAZ" him, or there would be hell to pay.
Okay, look. ONE of these guys only fired nine shots. I want to know who the slacker is and I want to know right NOW!
Seriously, folks, six trained men were witnessing the same situation, were unable to disarm him, and six trained men all saw him start to make his move at the same time(obviously). Six men used deadly force to protect themselves and those around them.
These cops were ordered by the Chief of Police to get rid of all their old ammunition
59 shots and only 43 hits? Sounds like they need to get some more range time.
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