The politics of charisma is so Third World. Americans were never going to buy into it for long.
So we are to have a French health-care system without a French tradition of political protest. It is odd that American liberalism, in a veritable state of insurrection during the Bush presidency, now seeks political quiescence. These "townhallers" who have come forth to challenge ObamaCare have been labeled "evil-mongers" (Harry Reid), "un-American" (Nancy Pelosi), agitators and rowdies and worse.
A political class, and a media elite, that glamorized the protest against the Iraq war, that branded the Bush presidency as a reign of usurpation, now wishes to be done with the tumult of political debate. President Barack Obama himself, the community organizer par excellence, is full of lament that the "loudest voices" are running away with the national debate. Liberalism in righteous opposition, liberalism in power: The rules have changed.
GO HERE to read more.
Liberalism is a mental disorder...
Sit down, be quiet, and drink your Kool-Aid!
Another crap article. Nobody is denouncing sound criticism of health care reform. It's you loonies shouting "granny killer" that are getting called out for spreading false information, and for good reason. You folks shoveling crap into the debate from both sides cloud the issue and prevent people from having the fact-based logical debate that allows for the formulation of the BEST plan for America, even if it means not having a plan at all.
"fouad ajami" needs to be reminded that folks with a name like his are routinely ridiculed as foreign terrorists by the same right-wing ideaology he's trying to support now.
10:21am-how liberal of you to notice his name and blame conservatives for your racism.
I have no problem with his name. It is guys on the right who curse "Barack Hussein Obama". It is largely you on the right who equate Muslim with terrorist. It is you on the right who look down on the Pablo's and Jose's of the world as illegals. Do you really want to try to deny this?
2:20 - If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck - It's probably a duck. Food for thought buddy.
2:20pm-of all the posts on here you brought up his name, yet you have no problem with it (right, and there's a healthcare plan Barry wants to sell you). Its Barry Soetoro, aka Barry, aka Barack Obama who has a problem with his own name. BTW, I am a native US Citizen y hable espanol muy bien y tengo muchos hermanos, hermanas, primos, padres que hablan Espanol tambien. Got that? I'm of Mexican descent, but I'm an American first. I know that my cousins Jesus, Cristobal and Diego are legal for starters.
2:20, it's is you on the right that perpetuate myths of Obama being Muslim (as if that is bad), of him being a terrorist, and of him being unamerican. And it is YOU who spout his middle name in your attempt to rile the base. And if you are blind enough not to see that, take a look at any post that mentions immigration or healthcare on this blog. In fact, take a look at comments on the thrift inn post. Take my advice; when you are at the next Repub. rally, you might want to have a frank discussion about what many (not all, not a majority) really think about Mexicans
5:05pm-that's a good one, all the posts on here and you bring out all the myths that no one else has bothered to mention. WHY? I bet it's so you can perpetuate that those on the right- Conservatives, Republicans and even independants- are the ones who are intolerant. I never said anything about his religion, patriotism, or anything, and you had a problem with the author's name. Not all illegals are Mexicans, get that thru your head. NOt all those who claim to be Mexican are illegal, get that thru your head. I have a problem with both groups, the first because they are here illegally and don't bother to learn English for their own good, and the second group because they should consider themselves Americans first.
9:24, I'm sorry if you have only taken the time to look at 1 of Joe's post, from 1 day. I personally find entertainment from the angry rants from conservs. on this blog as well as the local news coverage (good job Joe) so I have frequented this page for the last 2 months. So, all I am asking is for you to take the weekend and look over multiple posts on this blog and you should get an idea for what I am talking about. Sorry I won't do your homework for you.
11:18am-I frequent Joe's blog often and what I see is the Dem's usually posting name calling stuff or stating lies and then not backing up the lies. Joe posts what gets sent to him and sorry you're a minority on the Eastern shore, because they are mostly conservatives and/or Republicans, especially the ones who post. A lot of posts, like mine, are anon and can come from anyone so you can't say all conservatives on this blog are hateful or think Obama is a muslim or even a terrorist because liberals tend to set up some of the racial tension (see the Nevada democrats who broke their own windows for instance or anything Joe has caught JT -2centz posting anon) just to complain or point out the racism. I won't do your homework for you either.
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