"Dear Joe,
Thank you for allowing us to publish your photograph. You may find it after
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We really appreciate your help.
Kevin Fujii"
Rowdy protests at health forums
President Obama and top Democrats vowed Wednesday to push back against angry critics of their health-care overhaul, who have threatened to hijack the debate by disrupting town halls and other public events convened by Democratic lawmakers.
President Obama and top Democrats vowed Wednesday to push back against angry critics of their health-care overhaul, who have threatened to hijack the debate by disrupting town halls and other public events convened by Democratic lawmakers.
The House Republican leader responded by saying "Democrats are in denial" in dismissing objections as a fringe movement, "instead of acknowledging the widespread anger millions of Americans are feeling this summer."
Conservative groups opposed to a health-care overhaul have encouraged supporters to flood public gatherings featuring members of Congress. From Pennsylvania to Texas to Wisconsin, Democrats have been confronted in recent days by sometimes belligerent attacks against pending legislation. In one incident, on Maryland's Eastern Shore, an effigy of freshman Rep. Frank Kratovil Jr., D-Md., was hanged from a noose outside his district office.
GO HERE to read more.
This has become an out of control agenda of misinformation. What ever happened to honest debate and civility? It is not ok to promote violence.
The proponents of this bill are trying to make these angry citizens look like paid rabble rousers in order to discredit them.
HEAR THIS, PELOSI, I am a registered Democrat who voted for Kratovil and I am one of those protesting this rape of human rights! No one buys my opinion, and I HAVE READ Bill 3200.
Hey Joe! I saw your picture used on a CBS news piece the other day. Did they obtain permission and/or pay you for the right to broadcast it?
Joe, this would be ok but the effigy was a protest outside of their misguided attempts of trying to come at us with their talking points. This wasn't something they had planned and were attacked by seniors and their walkers, this was planned spur of the moment with some fliers on an insignificant day to them. By letting them us the photo unrelated to the actual story, they seem to be justifying that these are angry mobs organized by pharmaceutical companies and back door deals. To them I say-What about April 15th before the health care push? What about July 4th's Tea Party on the GOB? Dissent has been building with every new spending plan and now this encroachment of our health choices by the gov't. We are not going to go away!!! We are not paid and we will show up to vote in 2010 and in 2012!! Start putting out your resumes, because we're looking for representatives who will listen to us-that's a threat you can take to the bank.
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