In a conversation with a Contractor friend of mine this morning we were informed that many of the employees at the Salisbury Home Depot are now in fear of losing their jobs.
In fact, one employee expressed how they only have ONE delivery scheduled for this entire week! That's Not Good! Usually you get on a waiting list and cross your fingers your appliance or lumber delivery will arrive when they say it will.
Now, times have completely changed. While Salisbury News delivers some MSM National Stories telling you new home sales are up by this or that, we do so in the hopes that many of you will simply come back saying, BS! Fortunately many of you aren't buying it either but it doesn't take much for a news source to make contact with one of the employees at Home depot or Lowe's to get the TRUTH about what's really going on.
Our Country is in deep trouble Folks. You can read in print or watch on television what the MSM/Government wants you to believe but any general conversation with a respectable Realtor will expose how things really are. Besides the fact that the City of Salisbury hasn't had a new building permit within the City for almost a year now. The County has very few as well, so stories like this coming from Home Depot are ones that really tell you how things really are.
Yeah, maybe they are building some new homes in Atlanta, but they aren't doing so in Wicomico County. Let me close with this. I expressed to the very same person who called me this morning about Home Depot being slow, the fact that my greatest concern, (this was stated two or three years ago) was what would happen if these big box companies folded? I stated that my concerns wasn't just for places like WalMart, Home Depot and Lowe's, my biggest concern was, what will we do if the Banks started folding as well.
Unfortunately, I was correct on all ends. YOU just don't see what we're truly up against, as Obama keeps printing money. It was bad enough when we had 0% interest rates and I was screaming then. Now we have a President and a Congress printing money and we're probably a minus -30% interest rate.
I told you in the past and I'll repeat it once again, they will take every single penny from you until you lose just about everything. Then they'll come back again and take even more. Cash for Clunkers was just ONE way they took from you AGAIN. Millions of Americans fell for that BS program and spent close to whatever they had left or borrowed what they really couldn't afford. Oh, wait a minute, they're not done with you yet. Go out and buy some new appliances too. You know, the ones you don't need but they're willing to give you cash back on your purchase. DEE, DEE, DEEEE!
Enjoy it while you got it because while they're calling this the "Great Recessions," it's much bigger than the Great Depression ever was.
How did the cash for clunkers take from us? People, that were thinking about a new vehicle, were given the opportunity to trade in a old worthless car and get what they need. If people felt that they "had to" buy something new, just because, then that is their stupidity.
You compare Salisbury's housing market to the rest of the country? Explain to me again who the fool is? Step off the slow paced shore and realize that there are other larger more stable areas doing just fine. Salisbury put all its eggs in one basket and now the basket is empty and jobs are even more scarce than they were before. Bring in REAL jobs that can actually support a family and things will change. But the locals cant solve the crime problem that has been ongoing for years so its doubtful that anything will be done to help secure more local businesses opening.
It's all Obama's fault isn't it Joe?
The macro economy (big picture) is bad because of the printing of money. There has been a run up in the stock market, but the only earnings any company can point to has been the result of lowering costs (labor). The banks are making money because they continue to print money legally. They loan out 30 to 1 on their reserves and make easy money off the rest of us.
The micro economy (local) varies from area to area. Our area is probably going to fare better than some others because we still have a tourist economy. Many people who vacation in more expensive places have chosen to vacation in Ocean City to save money. They have made up for those who chose not to vacation at all because of losing a job etc.
Bottom line: our economy is based on monetary expansion (debt). If people don't have jobs, they can't take on more debt. We are in big trouble.
Everyone should take care of their families right now. Things are going to become worse.
We should all be happy some of the local small business owners don't understand the economy is doomed. they continue to invest. We benefit from their investments. How long can it last?
You watch in the near future you will a Wal-Munch & a Wal-Bank. They will crush the fast food industry and take over the banks. With-out building Salisbury is a dead ship.
Md Progressive, I believe I stated it was Obama AND Congress. Do NOT put words into my mouth.
anonymous 2:33, we are taxed like any other community, why not compare it to everywhere else.
This is what makes ALL City & County leaders such Idiots. THEY want to tax you and treat you like we're Rockville, like a new $14,000,000.00 Fire station, a $20,000,000.00 master plan for the Zoo, a $25,000,000.00 Library, yet when times get tough people like you come out and challenge ME??????
Eat your words now, coward.
Coward = No name. Be a man not a mouse.
Sounds like the stimulus packages for individuals and government grants have much in common!
I went to Home Depot the other day to buy some floor tile and they could not find or get anyone to help me. Guess what $500 later they missed Lowes got. Maybe that's some of the problem too.
The problem with this area is they don't want to pay their employees crap. Start making some calls and see what different jobs are hired out at and you will be shocked at what you find. Could you live on $8.00 an hour? That's typical of this area.
I though they let all thier employees go a long time ago,,,have you shopped there lately
Nice to see the contractors following STATE LAWS and displaying their license numbers and company names on the WORK vehicles.
The Illegals will be unemployed at home depot. Will collect unemployment too!
It the progressives and their mindset that has caused our economic collapse.
Joe , you are right , the economy
is getting worse. It is obvious
if you look at the profits of the big and small business. Do not be blind sided by the stock market.
It will be going down and down.
The temporary fixes of the Obama
admin. have given false hopes.
However , I have noticed , that the
people at Lowes are much more helpful and friendly than the
Home Depot people.
Home Depot had great years during the housing boom. Hopefully they have enough "cash on hand" (profit) to survive through the tough times ahead. Yet the government insist companies shouldn't make profit. The government on the other hand just spends spends spends. Then when they don't have enough money coming in, they just print more money. This is why private companies can't compete with the government.
What happened to the basic principle of saving to buy something you want.
I might also add , the Home Depot workers seem to be down-right lazy.
Joe, don't scare us like this. I was planning to go to Home Depot tomorrow and look for new flooring and a new kitchen countertop. So, I will be taking them my little bit of money for redoing my kitchen. After 20 years, I think it deserves a new look. My husband says I love to help the economy and frankly I don't have much and don't want to go in debt for it either. I will let you know if they get my business.
Hey MD Progressive:
Obama's policies have taken a weak economy headed toward a recession and driven that economy off of a cliff!
How do you think investors are feeling when this Obama administration has:
Taken over car companies
Taken over banks
Threatened to take over the health care industry.
Threatened a economy buster irresponsible "Cap and Trade" tax on all energy
Refused to allow recovery of energy in this country in any form.
Threatened a civilian army.
I could go on and on
Get your head out of your rectum MD progressive.
Obama and the other progressives in congress are destrying this country with their progressive policies!
If I was a BIG money investor, I'd pull my money out of the U.S. too with what Obama's doing.
Trouble with Obama and his followers though, he's soooooo stupid that he/they think he's smart!
I'm waiting for the canned response now.
Canned response 1: Just give him a chance.
Canned response 2: You're trying to stop him because he don't look like you
Canned response 3: He inhereted this mess from Bush
Canned response 4: This will take time to fix
Canned response 5: The 1,000,000,000,000 health care plan will save money.
Canned response 6: We need to borrow more money to reduce the debt.
Canned response 7: The Obama administration is instituting fiscal responsibility, I've saved $100 million dollars by eliminating our national defenses.
Anomymous 2:33
How did the cash for clunkers hurt us?
We took value; I.E. old cars that still had value. And rendered that value worthless. We borrowed money from the future to pay people to destroy value.
If you don't understand that, then may I suggest economics 101 at night
It is getting worse, and I'm afraid of what's to come. I work for the state, and I can honestly say that the next year at least is going to be a struggle due to the furloughs (and anything else passed our way). We won't be spending money on anything but the basics. I imagine there will be lots like us- which can't be good for the economy.
For some of us its already here.
The reason the economy is getting so bad is that people don't have basic spending money right now. Trouble is that they've spent it all on guns and ammo and are waiting for open season on progressives!
Did someone call for me?
My neighbor has been layed off from there for about two months I think. He worked there and now hes off, not a topic you bring up with a man unless he brings it up first. Hes a good man. Hes a great neighbor.
5:23 I love that sort of thinking!
They think their killers, I doubt it.
All joking aside , things will get very , very bad. This is a fact.
Absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel this time. This will be the Great , Great , Great depression. Obama has caused the
American people to ready themselves
for revolt. It will not go away ,
be prepared.
I shop at The Home Depot and have always been treated well. Lowes is OK, but have cheaply made products.
Home Depot sponsers the Toyota in NASCAR. That is the one reason that I NEVER shop there!
I Believe in American companys and American products.
I love this country, unlike Obama.
i went to home depot today and purchased all my materials that Slowes did not have...
I would rather deal with home depot then Slowes but pocomoke lowes is closer to me and i am forced to do most of my business there..
I blame there employees for alot of there problems.They are there for a pay check and that's it!!
They don't help customers...
like most people and there jobs they just Don't Give A Shit!!
I shop at ACE Hardware now because I could never find anyone at either Home Depot or Lowes to help you with anything. There is always someone there at Ace to help you find what you are looking for. I'll pay more for better service!
To figure out why we are in such an economic mess, just look at the first poster (2:33 PM) who asked, "How did the cash for clunkers take from us?"
In this program, the government gave $4,500 to every person buying a car. The total cost was over 3 BILLION DOLLARS (the yet to be tallied administration costs will run it up to nearly $4B).
Now, Mr. Anonymous 2:33 PM, where do you think they will get that money from?
If you have a job, and get a paycheck, keep your eye on the line on your pay stub labeled Fed Tax.
Dingbats! This country is full of dingbats!
What goes around comes around remember all the great little hardware stores,Whites, C@P, folks quit supporting them when the big boxes came to town.If Home Depot leaves Lowes prices willgo through the roof SUCKERS
Comment 3:50 pm
You're Right, it is nice that some of the contractors follow state laws. It seems that contractors working in Hebron, don't know the laws. There are two different contractors working on Main Street, with un marked vehicles and no licenses, right near a county building inspectors house.
Home Depot was great when they first came to town. I used to buy from them just because Slowes pissed me off just abouit every time I went in there. The tide has turned now and its Homie Depot that pisses me off when I go in there. Their stock is way down and customer service is rock bottom to boot. Tried to get a key made in there the other day and ended up going to Lowes because the old fart at Homie Depot was too busy talking to one of his friends to wait on a paying customer.
Joe should do an unlicensed contractor of the week photo. It would help out the honest people trying to run a legal business to make a living.
8:34 I agree i have a whole list of them for him to start with.
Im a licensed contractor fed up with going behind non licensed contractors who have ripped people off.
For everyones info just cause they have a license from the clerks office don't mean they are properly licensed to do the job.
MHIC license is required to do any remodeling/ work on existing structures.
You can check to see if the person is properly licensed at:
Most folks don't know how to compare our current situation with the Great Depression. People today have much, much more, and have many more options to turn to for help. However, I have noticed a growing number of people (friends, relatives, customers) who are living close to the edge and are living paycheck to paycheck. I put two kids through college and have a $1000 amonth mortgage, but I always have 4-5 thousand mad money, and about 75k in the bank, plus my investments. Although I'm self employed, I am blue collar, hands on all the way. My wife works, and we considered ourselves very average. My question to JA and everyone is: are families truly being squeezed that much, and do you believe things will soon get worse? DS
DS, Thank you for your comment. Allow me to explain my position.
Today, many, (if not ALL) are living their lives on credit. The fact is, most Americans are so in debt they cannot get out of it in 20 years, mainly credit card debt.
Back during the depression, 99% of Americans didn't live on ANY credit, therefore I believe the situation today is far worse than it was back in the day.
I'll add, Obama is spending phony money to salvage big corporations, placing us in much deeper debt than ever before. I hate to say it but it's only a matter of time before it all crashes down on us and they'll start playing God Bless America songs, waving flags on TV and try to make everyone patriotic to SAVE America and guess what, I'm not falling for it. They'll ask everyone to join together and we'll get through it.
"Change", this go around is going to be a real bitch!
All I want is some work. Im ready put me in coach.
Losing pride is one thing, losing so much that it affects your manhood is another. Thats when the bad man shows up. I sure hope you all are right about God. (Dont bet the farm on it)...
Hubby is a small business owner...small being the word...
He has his own auto shop and works by himself with the help of two subs, and tries to help all small businesses in the area rather than big business.
He tries to funnel everything he can to the one-man businesses, etc. as much as he can.
I think a local business owner a week would be a great thing.
I'm in Lowes 3-4 times/week and they seem busy. Maybe its the rotten service and disgusting attitude one needs to wade through at Home Depot that is sealing their fate. Bye-bye & good riddance.
My 2 cents is that i try 2 do business at home depot and cant get any service ! For instance last week go there they have a tile i would buy $400.00 worth cant get anybody 2 tell me if they have enough so i go boack 2 LOWES like normaland buy it they r glad 2 help u and load it!!!GO 2 LOWES 4 GOOD SERVICE!!!
only home improvement contractors need to display their liscens number on their vehicles. if work is being done and there is not MHIC number on their vehicle, then they more than likely do not have a Md. home improvement lic. are should not be performing work. call the home improvement commision and report them at once so that qualified and licsened contractors can get work. Thanks
The city property tax rate is now higher than the county tax rate. Half of the county's budget is for education and the city does not have a school system. Both have police departments. What gives??
I love Home Depot! Great store and Great customer service. I used to go to Lowes but one day they didn't have what I needed so I went to Home Depot and with the excellent service I am now a Home Depot shopper.
As an employee of Home Depot, I don't understand how un-educated people blog about things that dont't know the truth about. If anyone would like to take a look at 2nd quarter earnings reports for Lowes vs Home Depot, you will see that Lowes tanked against Wall Street estimates. Guess who beat Wall Street estimates, Home Depot! So if anyone needs to worry about their company leaving, maybe they should look at the Retail Home Improvment Company that was down 19% second quarter. Their Stock Symbol is LOW. At the time of this entry, Lowes stock is at 21.75 and Home Depot is at 27.6. It seems like alot of you bloggers are anti-goverment and that in itself is a travesty as an american . Please do your homework, before sending anonymous blogs! -Signed Homie Depot
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