Last night was different though. This wasn't your typical let's get out and respond to some calls. Instead, Jeremy Gordy took this Ladder Truck out for 1 1/2 hours tooling around and when they returned there was damage done to the vehicle once again.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I know it looks like I'm constantly ragging on the Fire Department but look, enough is enough of this crap. It's no secret that Gordy's Son has received special treatment throughout the years and I have no problem publicly stating this on Salisbury News because there's just too many honest people within the Fire Department that would back what I say.
However, I personally stood in front of the City Council on numerous occasions and on PAC 14 and asked them if this vehicle would be used to run to accident calls and so forth and their reply was, no. I had stated to Mr. Comegys that if they stopped using these expensive vehicles to go to accident scenes, don't you think you'd get more than a 15 year life span out of the vehicle?
The bottom line is, tell me ONE fire within the City of Salisbury that required this vehicle, just ONE. While there may have been ONE, there haven't been many. Then I'd like the SFD to tell everyone just how many miles are on this vehicle RIGHT NOW!
THIS IS NOT A TOY! This is OUR vehicle that WE'RE paying for. We were assured this vehicle would NOT be out on accident calls and or joy rides and Jeremy Gordy is taking advantage of the taxpayers and let me assure ALL of you one thing, don't you ever think this is the first time this has happened.
Between wear and tear, the fuel they burned over that one and a half hour joy ride and ultimately the damage that was caused while they abused their privileges, it's time Mayor Ireton AND the City Council put an end to this abuse. The taxpayers have put out enough for the SFD and quite frankly it's time for the games to end.
Mayor Ireton:
This calls for a special investigation and may warrant a special prosecutor.
Don't disregard this matter!
Bet he doesn't have the proper class license. Make him pay for damages since it appears his and his supervisor's neglegence.
This is not joy riding, this is practicing how to get around the streets of Salisbury. I will assume these people are new to Salisbury and don't know their way around, and all learning curves come with mistakes. DUH I guess the mistake is they keep getting caught. IT'S NOW THE MAYORS TURN TO BE THE TEACHER AND FIX THESE MISTAKES. SCHOOLS ON.
Thank you Joe for that information. You know , I am asuming this statement is true, & I am wondering if the people of this town are going to "Stand UP" and be heard. I for one am sick & tired of the ABUSE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY!!! I sure as H--- hope there is a Public Demand for checks & balances, not only with the Fire Co, which is disgusting, but with City & County Employees who use our money to FUND THE VEHICLES THAT THEY USE FOR MORE THEN JUST WORK!!!! If a DEMAND for PROOF of these matters is not required----then it's just going to keep on going till you're taxed to death!
I saw it out earlier yesterday afternoon, when I was coming out of LaTolteca from lunch. I commented on how ugly the paint scheme is.
When a new engineer or driver comes on they need to train them how to drive it, otherwise it should stay all washed and gassed and in the fire palace waiting to be called into duty. Just my opinion.
I can hear it now. Their excuse will be.... but it has other equipment on it also. Well so does the other vehicles.
Enough with the f word, why would you post that Joe? Please, that's very offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!
You put your name to your comment, you own it. Call his superior and complain.
Joe, how in the H+++ do you think they will ever get trained, wait until the fire is in the sky? Regarding damage, the truck has had it's fair share of departmentals because of it's size and complexity. Better they learn now, the damages will get more infrequent, it's a cost of doing business, get over it!
j gordy...learn to drive!
well well well joe i think you touched a nerve there with j Gordy it sound like a threat to me
6 accidents so far, thats a fact!
Your language is a disgrace. I hope you get reprimanded by the fire company and the city.
anonymous 3:09, sine it was Jeremy driving it the whole time, (so I'm told) just how much training does the boy need? From what I hear, he's in that TOY every single opportunity he can get. After all, he is Bill Gordy's Son.
Please provide details -- when, where, how did it happen, etc., so we can tell if it was due to recklessness.
Suggest getting the accident report, too, on this and the other episodes.
Why should I have to put my name to a comment if I said the f word was offensive? And I am not calling his superior, this is your site, you don't have to post it. And what does "you own it" mean?
What's the matter JT, are you pouting because your comments aren't going up. Use your name and they'll get posted. I told you we know every single time you come on here and make a comment. You've Been Blogged.
ive heard horror stories about Gordo's Son for YEARS now... get him and his father out of what they think is an "untouchable" position in our community, we DO NOT need you Gordo's so go away :)
Joe, if your 3:24 comment is for the one I posted but don't see (about the F word), I am NOT JT, you are sadly mistaken. I am a young woman who can't post my name because I am at work. I don't care if you believe me or not.
First and foremost let me interject this thought. It is not Jeremy Gordy's fault. It is not Bill Gordy's fault. It is Jim Ireton's fault. He new damned well the problems in the fire department and the problems with the current administration. All during the campaign he said help was on the way. All during the campaign he said all department heads would have to reapply for their positions. It has been over 4 months and we haven't seen that help yet. He knew the problems in the department and he had the opportunity to make a change. So what does he do when he takes office? He appoints a dead beat to acting chief when he had the opportunity to appoint anyone he wanted. So with that appointment comes changes, changes for the worst. More spending and more damage with poor moral.
Jim Ireton I read where someone called you Jim Liarton. I think it fits. RECALL
Joe, 3:15, depends on how long it takes him to finally learn how to drive. Hell, some employees tear stuff up thier entire life, others never do.
anonymous 3:23, Unless you're J Gordy, I didn't ask you to put your name to your comment.
ANY person that puts their name on a comment will get Posted. At that point, THEY are liable for what they say, not me.
If I do not publish the comment, there's no record of the foul language and or a physical threat. Are you just pissed because I published something you never thought would go up? Are you afraid that Google might step in and deliver your/their IP Address. Again, the person that wrote the comment and made the threat would now be considered liable. Get used to it Boys. That's what "you own it" means.
Whats this the I love Jeremy Gordy post..
ive never trusted little gordy he is a little immature and doesnt have the experience maybe doesnt even have the qualifications to be a LT i know its a little different with volunteers but i know if i was suspended just once i wouldnt have been promoted.
what damage was done??
The fire service relies on LEADERSHIP, and when they don't have it at the top, it's over. Nothing has changed with Hoppes, and the Lierton Mayor has been all smoking mirrors. I think this has been Joe's beef from the onset with Retired Chief See. MOST fireman are honest dedicated employees, they just need good management and leadership, which Salisbury lacks beyond words. Agree Joe? Signed: a long time paid SBY FF, that gave up years ago............
Who is his superior ? He should be fired and made responsible for the
damage .
To those of you who are wondering why your comments have been rejected without profanity, it's simple.
Stay on topic or it will be rejected.
Nobody wants to hear a bunch of grown men blabbering back and forth with complaints about other issues.
Seems the leaders have been off fishing when there is work to do. Oh, thats right, reward the ex-Chief and his few crooked friends for what they have done, retention and recruitment or something like that at it's worst. Don't concentrate on the Firefighters that are dedicated TODAY, nope kick them enough and they will just become part of the broken system everyone knows the SFD has become.
Joe you rejected my comment, and it just verified why these actions happen, the topic is not just the accident, but how it was allowed to happen, but the lack of accountibilty, leadership, and management of a VERY disfuntional group of little boys that never grew up and are now in charge, including the Mayor.
3:23...OMG YOUR AN IDIOT!!! READ IT AGAIN!!! Joe was referring to J. Gordy!
Sure it wasn't you driving the truck?
Why did His dad and him ever leave DFD? It had to be serious stuff to have to leave 1 FD and go to another and it also says a lot about the FD that excepts you. You should not be able to drive for the FD if you have over 3 accidents. Doesthis not go on their driving record since there was / had to be property damage? Was this not reported? Is this not considered leaving the scene of an accident involving property damage?
Did it occur to anyone that the people driving this expensive equipment around isn't qualified to do so and as a result has accidents? But what constitutes qualified some may ask. :^)
Do these firepeople have any supervision? Who is in charge?
Who should be fired? What a disgrace!
anonymous 4:06, THANK YOU!!!!
That's absolutely 100% accurate.
I live adjacent to two schools i Delaware...Every day I watch local commercial trucks and cars fly by in the 20 mile school zone. But, it's a real thrill when the FIRE ALARM sounds...It's as though a NASCAR Offical has just waved the Starting Checkered flag. Considering this town simply covers defective Fire Hydrants with Hefty Trash Bags...Maybe they should HURRY!
I would like to know what the idiot ran over this time. I just thank God that so far no one has been injured while the idiot is out playing on his TOY. So wake up Salisbury. The next time he takes this out he could take you out with it. Mayor Ireton WHERE ARE YOU?
Funny, I work in SBY, but Volly in another combination department that has the disapline and managment needed. It makes all the differance in the world. Most can guess where the other department is, they are on the way up, they have everyones respect, and did it with the leadership SBY will never have under Hoppes, and the current M&C. Shame, and btw, ask where all the good SFD employees have gone to, and where they have standing applications. It's not the SFD rank and file, it's the top officers that have brought us down. Jim, we trusted you, jokes on us.
Joe, 4:41, your welcome. You supported Jim, even got him elected, why can't you help get the word to him?
I did.
4:56 Bet it has a beach ...... my application has been there for years, and now it's even better after the changes.
The damage has been very small on 3 events, due to the large rear overhang that you just have to get used to. It swings OUT on tight turns.
I appreciate you efforts to get local news and information out in a timely manner. However, I would like to ask you to verify your information, when possible. Your current fire department post suggests that Lt. Gordy was driving the Tower when he was in fact riding as the officer. I was driving the tower when the damage occurred.
A bracket that hangs off the bottom of the tower, toward the rear of the piece, was bent while responding to an incident. It scrapped when we hit a bump, going approximately 45-55 miles per hour, on the current road construction that is taking place on west bound Ocean Gateway. Similar type incidents have happened with this bracket before with different people behind the wheel. We are currently looking for a solution to the problem, to include relocating the bracket.
Joel Dixon
I quess its up to Jim now. I quess a lot of things are up to Jim now.
Heres a good question-is a CDL required to drive this mammoth truck?
BTW,what got tore up this time?
I think one of the things people are missing her is that J. Gordy is a Lt (i know scary). Lt's don't drive the equipment, thats what drivers and engineers are for. The Lt's job is to ride shotgun and look pretty NOT DRIVE THE EQUIPMENT. So back to the topic-what was he doing driving that piece of equipment and is he licensed to do so. wasn't his license suspended at one time, or wasn't he suspended for his driving habits?
anonymous 5:53, it turns out he was in the vehicle and not driving at the time. My error, sorry Jeremy.
He is the one, however, who wanted to take the vehicle out and had the authority, (supposedly) to do so. It was not taken out due to an emergency.
Now, can we please get back to other topics of this Post, as in....
How many fires has this vehicle been called out for? How many fires actually demanded a ladder truck AND how many miles are on this vehicle.
I firmly believe the taxpayers will be blown away at the answers to these questions. In fact, once the Firefighters take notice to these questions and then look at the miles on the truch, I believe they'll be amazed themselves.
It has ran about 150 t 250 calls.A ladder truck is nessary on evry house fire.A truck company is equipped and staffed to perform a variety of specialized fireground operations like forcible entry, search/rescue,laddering, overhaul, salvage, inside operations, ventilation and utilities.
Without the truck the engine may not be able to do its job.The truck company is truly the
workhorse of the fireground operation.
The truck company assignment
requires knowledge and skill
level in many diverse areas.
To function as a member of a truck
company, you must be able to conduct
operations that support the engine
companies mission/objectives.
Some operations that are typically
assigned to the truck company include:
· Forcible Entry
· Ventilation
· Search & Rescue
· Lighting / Power
· Laddering
· Aerial Streams
Tower 16 crew pulled a women from a burning building several months ago.If it wasn't for them that women wouldn't be with us today.I'd say the equipment Salisbury has is doing it job and will keep doing it's job for many years to come.
I want to clarify some things for you. Jeremy Gordy was not driving the ladder truck last night when the incident occurred. I live in Salisbury and I have physically only seen the ladder truck twice in over a year of living here. Another correction Jeremy has not had six accidents in his life neither fire company related or personally. I personally see Jeremy every single day, and i ride with him atleast 4 to 5 times a week, and Jeremy has never endangered my life.
It amazes me how everytime i get on sbynews, which is one a week or so you constantly bash Jeremy Gordy and his father. Do you know Jeremy personally? If you knew him you would know he is a good kid. Everyone wants to bash him because his dad is a high rank in the SFD and he is an acting LT. Ok so what.... Did his father "help" him get the acting LT position? No because he can't. Jeremy went through a promotion process just as do career employees. The question is, is Jeremy a good fire fighter. Yes i think so, and i trust my life in his hands. I can count numerous times when Jeremy has been over and has immediately left for a fire call, or him having to be up at 7 a.m. to teach a fire class. I would say that;s dedication. Does his dad make him do those things NO. He enjoys what he does and doesn't abuse his power.
Everytime something goes wrong in the SFD the finger is always pointed at Jeremy Gordy and His father. When in all reality, no one can get there facts straight about anything. You just point the finger.
You write a blog about Jeremy when he has trash on a trailer, you write a blog when he gets kicked off of Assateague. Who CARES!!!
Jeremy is a good kid, and im sorry that all of you dont have the pleasure of knowing him but yet still want to accuse him of everything.
thank you,
M. Allen
M Allen, you need to get your head out of Jeremy's ass because it's shoved up there so deep your blue eyes are brown and your brain needs air.
That's amazing how you state that "I" talk about Jeremy every single week. I challenge you to show me ALL of the posts that have his name in them.
In fact, if you type in the name Jeremy Gordy in the search bar in the top left hand corner of Salisbury News you'll find THREE articles with his name attached. ONE was on August 7th, 2008 and the other two were on August 8th, 2008.
Today would be the 4th time he's ever been mentioned here. What some of you Idiots tend to forget is that while you may see his name here often, it's in comments, not in Posts.
This isn't a privacy Site where we keel every one's name a secret, it's a Blog. If I were in Jeremy's shoes and I did a search like I'm suggesting you do, I'd be pretty damn happy that his name only came up 4 times total.
That being said, why don't YOU practice what you preach and tell others who have never met me to think about that same question. I guess you didn't read what I said about Rick Hoppes, or did you conveniently ignore that comment.
So you know, I did get a call from Jeremy today. He stated that it wasn't him who posted the comment and while I told him it wasn't my policy to remove ANY comments in which someone put their name to it, we enjoyed a healthy conversation about many issues and I chose to take down that comment as a sign of good faith.
By the way, there's still light out to enjoy the rest of the day so please consider taking your head out of his ass, take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your evening.
Anonymous said...
Without the truck the engine may.....
6:22 PM
How sad, Anon 6:22's post just didn't look right so I googled part of it and found that the moron copied it from this: Truck Company Functions, Volume 1, Number 7
Typical dumb FARMIN!!
Bluto owns dump trucks, I got it, raise the flag.
Just because you have a ladder truck does not mean you are a truck company I think we see this every time Salisbury has a fire.
Looks like some of the vollies have come out to cover up for Junior good ole boy Jeremy.
I am going to explain something to you about this ladder truck referred to as a truck company. You ask of one fire this vehicle was needed, just one. Fact is Joe it’s needed at every working fire. Why? The 95’ aerial ladder is only one tool on a large tool box. We use a very large portion of the tools on that truck at every working fire. Ground ladders, hooks, axes, salvage covers, saws, portable lights, extension cords, ventilation fans, I could go on and on. Don’t look at aerial ladder length or height as reaching tall buildings as that is not it’s only purpose. The set back of buildings/houses from the street are why departments such as Salisbury purchase 75’ and 95’ aerial ladders. An example is a 3 story garden apartment with the typical 30’-50’ set back will require the use of a 95’ aerial ladder to gain access to the roof area and or 35’ ground ladders.
Thank you. offense darling but be concerned about Somerset County where you pay your taxes and lay your head. They got enough problems down there that you expend your energies on. Joe's got a grip on things up this way, pile on someplace else. K?
First Question who is M. Allen 6:40 PM? Second question, how do you know Jeremy wasn't driving?
If anyone knows Jeremy Gordy he is not a good kid and he is nothing but trouble. The boy bragged about being in the department for 3 years and being suspended for 2 of those years. That is a fact! The boy was arrested for stealing gas and his dad owns a gas station. Fact! The boy was drunk and got into trouble at PRMC with security and police while wearing a Salisbury Fire Department t-shirt. Guess what he didn't get in trouble. The boy and another volunteer was involved in stealing fire department pagers and other city equipment and didn't get in trouble.
Did his father help him get his acting Lieutenant position because Bill Gordy is the volunteer Deputy Chief? You are right, no he didn't help him he gave it to him because he wasn't qualified and still isn't qualified. He doesn't have all the required qualifications. Hence your self admitted claim of him being an "acting LT." You say you "think" he is a good firefighter? I thought you knew this guy??
You say you can count numerous times that Jeremy has left your house to go on numerous calls? WOW, that is "amazing" because the volunteer rarely get alerted more than once a month at his assigned station. It has a 24 hour paid crew and there aren't that many structure fires in the city. You say you have seen him leave many times at 7:00 am to teach a fire class?? ROTFLMAO. Jeremy Gordy have very view classes under his belt and he has no true certifications. If you claim that he is a fire instructor you are a liar. Jeremy Gordy is not qualified or certified to teach anything. And another thing there are no fire classes taught at 7:00 am in the morning.
You say Who CARES because Jeremy Gordy trashed property and Jeremy Gordy was drunk and got kicked off Assateague. I will tell you one thing little man every tax paying citizen in this city cares. As the previous fire chief always stated you are a member of the Salisbury Fire Department 24 hours a day and Jeremy and Bill Gordy should be charged with actions unbecoming of a Salisbury Firefighter.
Thank you Mr. Illusional M. Allen, but your hero and his father are nothing but losers.
J. Gordy was riding officer, J. Dixon was driving. Had this been a career person doing damage they would have been taken for a drug / alcohol test immediately by the AC on duty. This didnt happen. Had a career person had this many "incidents" driving they would lose their driving rights. It wasnt a career person, they are still driving.
Why was this peice responding on an accident anyway when there was a crew in station?
Nice post Joel, good cya going on there. Why was it almost 2 hours after you all got back that the damage was reported to the AC. What kind of call were you responding on the the tower shouldnt of been going on.
I think that Joel Dixon should be given a lot of credit for telling us the truth... Sounds like a good honest fireman to me!! We need more of them!
Gordo's son has had a drinking problem and a problem with "authorities" for the past several years. It has been documented and spoken about on Salisbury News before. So why are you still bitc-ing about it instead of complaining to our sissy pants mayor? I'm sick of reading about the poor little fire fighters. If you don't like it, do something about it.
9:18 PM you are absolutely correct. The department has a policy enforced for all members to follow and if this isn't the case then there are 3 people that should be held accountable if not 5.
1) Joel Dixon
2) Jeremy Gordy
3) on duty Assistant Chief
4) Bill Gordy
5) Wannabe Chief Hoppes
By not demanding an immediate drug and alcohol test per department policy is negligent and a liability issue for the City of Salisbury. Jim Ireton you need to fix the corruption in the Salisbury Fire Department immediately.
This is exactly why there are serious moral problems widespread throughout the Salisbury Fire Department.
Instead of whining and crying on a blog why aren't you sending emails to the mayor? He can't do anything without cause. Give him the cause he needs to get the job done. How hard is it? If you can type a comment, you can type an email.
How did we ever do without this truck since its been so useful and the other trucks sound like they are not. Give me a break. If this truck is doing the work of the others lets get rid of those instead of having to insure and maintain all of them.
Anonymous said...
I think that Joel Dixon should be given a lot of credit for telling us the truth... Sounds like a good honest fireman to me!! We need more of them!
9:49 PM
Telling the truth? It was 2 hours before he and Little Gordo came forward to tell the truth. They are both in violation of policy for not reporting it immediately. Grounds for dismissal.
Allow me to state some facts about this incident. The Tower Ladder was returning from a call off Riverside Drive when a second call for Station 16 was received. The Duty crew was still on scene removing smoke and the Ladder was ready to respond. It was for an automobile accident on RT. 50 and Queen Ave. Tower 16 responde with three firefighters and Rescue 16 responded from Station 16 with a crew of three along with myself as the Duty Chief. The incident was handled and while returning the Tower did suffer damage to a bracket on the under carriage of a compartment. The cause was uneven pavement from ongoing paving of the roadway. It is very dark in this area and it would be somewhat hard to detect at night.
Upon returning to the station I received a formal damage report from the driver and examined the damage myself. Department policy does not call for Drug/Alcohol to be done for incidents of this nature involving uneven pavement. Thats my call and you can blame me if it is wrong. The paperwork was forwarded to the proper officers today and the damage can be repaired fairly easily. An inspection of the roadway in the daylight today verified where and how the damage took place. All parties were interviewed and the stories match.
Finally I want to say that when ever a unit is damaged the members get upset. They are proud of their apparatus and appreciate what the citizens have provided. This incident was no exception. Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion on any of these individuals and this incident. However this is not the proper forum to settle this issue. This is an internal issue and it will be handled as such. Thank you for your concerns.
Wasn't Jeremy Gordy one of the honored firefighters invited on the $5,000 fishing trip
Good ol boys love their redneck toys. I remember reading about favoritism being a problem around here. They were right. Damaging anything that isnt yours should have some form of punishment. Meanwhile, murders are unsolved and banks are being robbed. Yep, backwards!!
Where do these volunteers go when they go out driving for hours ? How many times will there be damage before the Chief pulls this driver? It seems to me that there is no accountability or discipline. At least when it comes to Mr Gordy and his men.
If you were a real journalist and had any credibility, you would have been able to pick up the phone and interview a high ranking official of the fire department to get their version of the incident. Because you are not, you print this "heard it through the grapevine slop" and the lemmings grab it an go from there.
anonymous 8:27, let's see, was the Ladder Truck out for an hour and a half, yes. Was there an accident involved, yes. Are the taxpayers getting ANY answers from the Fire Department as to the amount of fires that required this vehicle, no. Have the taxpayers learned how many miles are already on this vehicle, no.
The bottom line is, that vehicle was not designed to handle the streets in Salisbury and has become a $1,200,000.00 mistake, whoops! See & Gordy just had to have the most premier vehicle in the Country to out do everyone else and with 6 accidents under their belt already, I'd say this article exposed, (once again) the lack of professional leadership at the expense of the taxpayer.
What seems funny to me is that this is a FIRE TRUCK! Not a sedan, "low-rider" or fancy sports car...and you're telling me that there is a bracket that sits low on the under carriage that got hit? Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a vehicle of this size have plenty of ground clearance? Sounds to me like Peirce may have ripped you guys off-paying $1.2 for a truck that can't even drive down a bumpy road? I drive my sedan over the same roadway everyday on my way to work and I never scrape with my 6-8 inches of clearance! Something just doesn't make sense here...either the equipment is truly inadequate or the story is a little fabricated. Either way the SFD is RESPONSIBLE!
Chief Records, why do you even try to come on here with the facts, even afterwards the BS goes on. Allow me to say from a LOT of people, when you post, it really then always looks credible and honest, shame some just don't care. GREAT job Chief!
Thanks Chief Records. That was a very professional reply and completely explains the truth behind the rumor.
Joe, How is it this truck is not designed for the streets of Salisbury? The road was being worked on. What do you know about heavy equipment? Other then the I know more then you answer. Exactly what kind of equipment would work for the City of Salisbury?
I would love to hear your answers. Please print this. I am not from the shore. (since you can tell from the IP address)
Dave Nesbold,
Annapolis, Md.
M Allen, your comment was rejected due to lies. I never made any such statement referencing 1 call month. I stopped reading it there and just rejected it.
This vehicle is too large for most Salisbury streets. It should have never been approved, but Gordy had to have a bigger more expensive fire truck for Station 16, just like everything is bigger and more expensive there. Thats why Delmar ran him away. Too costly to keep him. And guess what, he lacked 6 months to get lifetime status, and guess who won't allow him to get it????? I wonder why. Maybe Salisbury will be lucky enough in the near future to be rid of them too. Salisbury needs leadership to revamp the fire department, and to live within the realms of what we can afford, not what we want.
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