Some time ago I received the following comment. "Has it got something to do with the all expenses paid $5000 fishing trip a select few of volunteers from station 16 took with your tax dollars?"
Before I posted such a comment I wanted to make sure it was accurate so I sent it on to Mayor Ireton and he immediately started investigating this matter.
While I did come to learn the comment was in fact not accurate, I did find out something in return that bothered me even more.
"Dept fishing trip not paid for with taxpayer money, volunteer funds."
So while people are making donations to the Volunteer Fire Department, Gordo & See chose to use those funds to take a select group of people out on a $5,000.00 Fishing Trip.
Look Folks, this BS needs to end. The leaders of the SFD are so out of control, this is just disgusting! Can you imagine if there was an actual external audit done on this group! I can probably GUESS which people were invited on this $5,000.00 Fishing Trip but I'll leave it open for others to let us know exactly who it was that went.
I'm done donating to these people.
gordos son an mr dui were two of them
Yeah, they're on my "guess list."
Joe , what the hell is wrong with the people in salisbury. Nothing will be done about this either.
Poor little fireman need to go fishing. Go ahead and support these idiots.They work so hard.
Guess what the County is going to say to our request for a bigger share of the fire department funding pie. Nice move, Gordo!
Who is Mr. DUI?
"While I did come to learn the comment was in fact not accurate, I did find out something in return that bothered me even more."
Joe, please explain this comment! Was there in fact a $5,000 fishing trip? If so how was it paid for?
The volunteer money is donated for what equipment,training things like that? If so this very un-ethical & possibly a crime. They should have to pay the money back to the fund.
I used to own and operate a charter/headboat.
What kind of fishing trip cost $5K?
Unless they had a large crew and used several (4 offshore,12 6 pack charter, or 112 people on headboats) boats.
anonymous 4:12, allow me to explain. There was in fact a fishing trip taken by a select few from the Fire Department and the funds used were the DONATIONS the residents of Salisbury donated to the Fire Department. Rather than the funds/donations going to pay for equipment, (which is what they SELL you on) they're doing just like the Salisbury Zoo and using DONATIONS for personal things, like a Fishing Trip in this case.
Let me clarify the Zoo portion. Ther Zoo Signs say Feed The Animals, yet the money does NOT go to feed the animals.
anonymous 4:24, I know! I didn't get details but there was no denial of $5,000.00 being spent.
I have spoken with the County on this matter as well and I can assure you this is NOT going to go over well there either.
Well you people are in the dark. The volunteer corpations inheritied a large estate. This is called the Leacy fund. It is manage by the community foundation. The three corporations recieve quarterly checks from the interest. The fund is worth well over a million dollars. that is their money not the people of the community. Besides they have bought alot of tools and equipment over the years. Gordo wants this money.. But it is safe and secure and being used by the the community anyway. The crime is the city passing an ordinance taking control of the county funding and volunteer assets. Why don t you check into that ordinance.. Dunn,Comegys, & Cathcart were instrumental in that passing.
Who are the select few - names please, Joe.
What is Ireton doing about this???
Joe, please don't forget to bring up the special retirement party for David See this Saturday August 15, 2009. I am sure this is being paid for with "donated" funds as well. The 3 volunteer stations/corporations were forced to pony up approximately $2,000 of County funding. That is correct County tax dollars, do you hear me Rick Pollitt, County tax dollars. Try to smooth over this one like you did with the landfill scandal.
16 volley on target as usual. And I understand what is behind the leacy fund. word my brother. What is going on herein this county man. i'll burn up alive before i let my government decide someone should pout me out. I just dont want to hang with this helpless american socialism. When do we finally orgnize enough to say enough is enough. It is enough now.
It's not his place to do anything about it. However, wait till the new Budget comes out, he won't forget.
There are many fire departments that do fund raising through out the year. If they work to earn this money I dont see a problem with the department spending SOME of the money to treat the firemen. I do have a problem with them using money donated by people.
Many other fire departments in the county do fund raisers to make money. Hebron has the carnival, Paronsburg has a haunted forest, Pittsville has bingo. These volunteers WORK to earn this money. The SPD used money from people that were kind enough to donate to them and abused it. 5k is an excessive amount for only a select few.
I just decided to not donate any more.
anonymous 4:49, NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!
You do NOT imply the funds will be used for equipment desperately needed to Save lives and then go on a fishing trip with the money.
I want these people held criminally accountable for their actions and they CONNED the citizens and falsely took their money. In fact, I'm going to ask Sheriff Lewis to look into this matter, since we all know what Chiefy would do with the investigatin. I'm sure County Residents are asked to donate to the City as well.
It's time for these guys to go down for stealing.
Tell them Joe! What on earth is 4:49 thinking!! Probably too much of that MSNBC nonsense where they actually tell people the government should have a taxpaying duty to put them out if they catch on fire. What kind of thinking is that? i don't want some liberal government tellng me or my children that i cant be reduced to ashes by a fire i dont consent too if it is not in the Bill of Rights. America is just going dowwnhill man.
Maybe you misunderstood what I was saying. The fire department was given money BY people to use for the department and equipment. They used it for a fishing trip. THAT'S BS. They did not earn this money, it was given to them FOR the department NOT for them to go fishing with. The departments that actually work to earn the money are the ones I dont see a problem with them spending a SMALL amount to treat the members for their hard work.
Blogger joealbero said...
It's not his place to do anything about it. However, wait till the new Budget comes out, he won't forget.
4:45 PM
Joe I respectfully disagree with you on this one. It is the Mayor's place to do something about it. It would never have happened if he would have put the appropriate person in the Fire Chief's position instead of Hoppes. Gordy could have been demoted and this would never have happened. Right now as many of us see it Ireton is in bed with Gordy and Hoppes. The spending will never cease as long and Mayor Ireton condones the practice by leaving Hoppes and Gordy in their powerful positions.
Leave Mike Lewis out of it. Take it to the MSP.
Funny mayor ireton was in the
volunteer meeting when the bill was read.. He didn't seem to question it then. Also, for the record the trip wasn't $5000 it was $3420 to be exact. Fourteen people went. The entire membership had the opertunity to go. Nobody was " invited". Those who do not bother to attend corporate meetings or do not bother to read the 16 volunteers website didn't know about it. Sorry about their luck..
This is theft. The donations are not made with the knowledge that a few of the firemen will go fishing. Use your own money to fish. Either donate your time to the community, or don't donate your time. I am now a fireman. I choose not to donate my time. However, when I donate money, I assume it will be used for fire fighting. If the firemen want to go fishing together, then fine. But don't use our money to go fishing. Use our money to fight fires.
anonymous 5:04 & everyone else, let me try this one on for size.
Each and every one of you tell me what YOU would say to your local Fire Department if they called you and said they were trying to raise $5,000.00 to take a select few people on a fishing trip. You and I both know every one of us would say, ARE YOU F/N NUTS! My kid need braces and you want to go on a fishing trip! My kids college tuition is due and you want to do WHAT!
Well, the point here is, when they're a 501C3, (or whatever you call those tax free companies) and they raise money because they're hero's who save lives and they need equipment, that's one thing. However, they stole from that account, (IMO) and used it to entertain themselves, just as they're also trying to do by funding Chief see's Retirement Party. It may be legal, (I don't exactly know YET) but in my opinion it's stealing.
If EVERYONE isn't willing to put up the CASH to have a Party, then there is no party and this is why GOVERNENT RUN ORGANIZATIONS SUCK! If WE did this in business we'd be locked up and charged with defrauding our Government, bue these A$$holes can get away with it all day long and all I'm saying is, I want it investigated, ALL of it.
I want Gordy on the line for ALL of the equipment from surplussed Fire Trucks in the past he knew the equipment WAS NOT surplussed.
This Game Ends NOW!
I go to and support the firemens carnivals because I know that they are diong this work to raise money for their departments' needs; i.e., equipment, fuel, paint, furnishings, EMS equipment, traffic control, etc. I want them to have the finest equipment available the night my family is in danger or in harm's way.
If they blow it on a fishing trip, they just lost a carnival attendee.
Joe I totally agree with your 5:43 PM comment Gordy is out of control and he needs to be gone now. For the record you keep allowing Richard Hoppes to fly under the radar screen and he looks like an innocent party here. I can assure you he is just as guilty and needs to be terminated as well.
5:26 is right on target. Ands it has been hot today so it is good to here reason for a change. take it to the real boys in msp. isnt that good old county boy the last thing protecting you untl he realizes like everyone else you are a liability. i hope everyone starts to support more independent people like chris lewis who offer an empty head instead of biased ideas fro a change.
It is in your face type of stuff. I would make them pay it back, dont do it anymore. Mayors gone and her chronies are going to fall to. Be better men, dignity is one of the things you want to have when you draw your last breath. It took me almost half my life to learn that.
If they are a 501(c)3 I think that anyone who donated would have the right to see their financials and their audit.
someone should ask Gordy why he tucks his tail between his legs and runs from the county chiefs meetings when certain chiefs in the county show up?
It sounds as if the volunteer portion of Salisbury's FD is independent of the City so budget oversight by City Government would not apply. If this is the case, is the volunteer portion an incorporated entity? If so, their charter should define how money is to be spent and accounted for. The reality though is that, if the fishing "event" was open to all volunteer members, they could make the argument that the expenditure was legitimate under the auspices of it being a team building training event. Not much different (but far cheaper than the MaCo boondoggle in OC this week.
Carnivals are agreat way to keep our local first responders going like this and give them what socialist budgets wont or cant provide. i dont know if they should be fishing. As ow said, he isnt really capable of protecting his family because he is far too busy telling others how they should live, but the important thing is that no government is going to tell me when a fire needs to be put out. If it goes to far it goes too far. We cant be judged by that which we fail to reasonably acknowledge. I hope our senators in Seattle washington realize that thy are gambling with our political capitol and we will hold them accountable until we get tangible results!!
$250 per head is still a very expensive fishing trip (even offshore) when you can get a whole boat for $350 per six everything included except eats.
Joe, Salisbury is no different, lets talk about your favorite fire department, Pittsville, look at what they spend their money on.
Other than employing uncertified people that have a "fellowship" dinner every month paid for with donations from the general public.
501(c)3s have benefits as well as drawbacks. I used to be an economics major. I, too, would be interested in seeing the hard copy of these documents regarding due process implications and the fact that dws head just stuck to my refrigerator magnet. I guess the problem is if we allow liberals to dictate that which they think we want to hear, ors well how are we going to help those really unfortunate among us like dw who is stuck to his own appliances in what can only be described as a hate-crime fashion. We all have to be really aptient here if our party wants to compete in 2020. There are a lot of chips on the table and I don't want us to mess things up by looking crazy.
Joe, you know you'll do nothing of the sort. You'll cry and threaten us who dedicate our time and lives to something just a bit more important than a stupid blog, but in the long run, everybody will support us and laugh at you. Just like they have done every other time you cried like a little schoolgirl in the past. So sick that little man-fluffer Ireton on us, he has no balls to do anything. Until the real mayors of this town Debbie and Terry say to do something, Jimmy boy won't do squat.
Us firefighters of Salisbury have enough support in the right places and you're the laughingstock. So put that in your stupid cigar and smoke it, pussy.
anonymous 7:08, WARNING! There's a storm coming, trust me on that one. There are more people looking at this matter in the City and County, the time has come.
So if the fire department requests anything new in the budget the council should tell them to take it out of the money spent on the fishing trip and the retirement party.
Does anyone have a copy of the fraudulent letters sent out to everyone begging for money? If someone can produce this it will show that the donations aren't supposed to go to fishing trips of fun things for the volunteer fireman. These people are thieves and need to take a hike.
Given all the hrs they put in, there's nothing wrong with spending some money on a trip that's a token of appreciation. The SFD vollies save this city millions of dollars in payroll costs every year. They deserve a $5000 fishing trip once a year. More power to them.
The fire depts around here TOTAL good ol' boy clubs! I say wipe the slate clean and let a new crop in. I know so many people who relocated to this area with fire fighting experience who have been turned away from even volunteering! It's such a CROCK! These jokers are taking total advantage of tax dollars and donations, while so many others would love the chance to serve honorably but are turned away. Joe, please do a story on that kind of BS!
The volunteer fire companies in the out-lying areas of Wicomico County are just that VOLUNTEERS. If they have a fellowship dinner once a month or any kind of get together once a month it is very likely for the department to show their appreciation for all of the hard work their people do. The volunteer companies raise their own funds and get a small grant from Wicomico County at budget time. That is why you see carnivals, bingos and other types of fundraisers.
7:11 As long as Comegy's in on the council they will get what they want. Unless Mayor Ireton does something about it before it gets to the next budget, like getting a new Chief.
Since the SFD responded to a fire at my home (arson) some 16 years agoand quickly put it out, I have contributed annually to the company. Obviously, this news cause me to reconsider.
This money was spent by the volunteers. And only the "volunteers" went on the trip. The career firefighters were in no way involved in this mess.
Proud IAFF member.
So you are saying if the volunteers are saving the city about a million dollars a year staffing fire equipment so they take five grand and go fishing they are stealing from US more like we are stealing from THEM.They work hard and are willing to risk there life.GREAT work guys and ladies keep up the good work.I hope you all injoyed your trip!
Wait a min, mabye I am not seeing the whole picture but did you say the volunteers took this? I am sorry but why shouldnt they be able to take this??? Arent they the ones who YOU would call if Your house was on fire? Arent they the ones who run inside the buring building to save the ones left inside?? I say good for them and I am glad my tax money sent them fishing!! It is a better use of it then the leeches that we support that sit on thier ASS while we work!
Anonymous said...
Given all the hrs they put in, there's nothing wrong with spending some money on a trip that's a token of appreciation. The SFD vollies save this city millions of dollars in payroll costs every year. They deserve a $5000 fishing trip once a year. More power to them.
7:46 PM
This must be a Gordo, See and Hoppes follower, one of the few. Say what you want to sugar coat this scandal but it is just that a scandal and a criminal act and someone must pay.
Wait a min, mabye I am not seeing the whole picture but did you say the volunteers took this? I am sorry but why shouldnt they be able to take this??? Arent they the ones who YOU would call if Your house was on fire? Arent they the ones who run inside the buring building to save the ones left inside?? I say good for them and I am glad my tax money sent them fishing!! It is a better use of it then the leeches that we support that sit on thier butt while we work!
There is nothing criminal or illegal about it. VFD's across this country do this kind of stuff all the time. It is well earned. Total benefits come out to about 10 cents an hr, for putting your life on the line. If you don't like it, go live in a city with a fully paid FD and pay a ton in taxes for reduced services. I hope you enjoyed your trip, guys, and get to take many more.
Volunteer means just that. When I make a contribution I don't expect it to go toward a fishing trip. I expect it to be spent on the equipment that saves lives, including the lives of the fire personnel. I think that the volunteers also get retirement benefits from the city and a large amount of money for an annual awards party. I can see that it is practical when attracting volunteers to offer retirement since many are self-employed, but fishing trips and parties are beyond reasonable and I don't like to think that tax dollars or contributions are being spent that way. When SPD wanted to upgrade their gym equipment they raised donations specifically for that purpose. That seems to be the best approach if a department needs a specific thing that is beyond the ordinary.
However, I don't paint all of the volunteers with this poor decision. Just the leadership.
anonymous 10:15, we'll see how the donations start coming in this year based on your attitude. You guys just don't know when to shut up, do you.
Gordo is the problem. Hoppes jumps to Gordo's tune. He must go. Why do we still support his business?
Hell with the fishing trip. How about Gordo insisting that the Volunteers pay $ 1600 a station for See's retirement party. Not for the members, but the VCOS buddies of his that they've never met. If the Vollies wanted to attend its $ 37.50 Thank You ! I dont thinks so Gordo. He hated Vollies and let you run this department into the ground. Hoppes is letting you run wild as ever. Somebody please help us.
This reminds me of their new multi million dollar musuem that was so nessesary.
Just recently in front of a small group of people Gordo and Hoppes admitted they were using the volunteers and on duty paid staff to do the monthly Church Street and Dover Street clean ups. He said they are participating so they can get the mayor and council to pay for the new building for Station 2 on Brown and Naylor Streets. What a bunch of suckers the volunteers are to do this. At the last cleanup they had volunteers from all three stations. The mayor and council are a bunch of suckers to fall for this man as well.
the $5000 fishing trip wasn't as bad as $140,000.00 for repainting two fire trucks. tell me how that will save lives and help our city. my son is a charter boat captain and he would take them for $4000.00. sjd
This will hurt the volunteers that respond, and provide dedicated service to the community. Station 16 has been led astray by Gordy. The biggest thing that they have done is given all control to him. Check book is his, and there is no longer a board to make decisions thanks to him. He was booted from Delmar, and unforutnately Salisbury received Delmar's waste. And now, his son has also joined the ranks of being useless, and even if you get rid of big Gordo, you still have that same mentality. First and foremost you must put and end to the reign of Gordy and Hoppes. Otherwise we have the same leadership styles and mentality as See, which has been the downfall to SFD. It is not right to penalize the other two organizations and the staff of volunteers based on the "brainwashing" that has taken place at Station 16 by Gordy and Cotter. They seem to always get their way. As you know, if you leave a couple rotten apples in a basket, the rest of them will rot too, which is what we have in the leadership at SFD. Get rid of Hoppes, Gordy, and you will see things to turn around to a more positive approach. We need someone that will make decisions without sacrificing the taxpayers. What a waste of money See and Gordy have cost the taxpayers in the City of Salisbury. In additon, Gordy needs to be investigated for the property transaction where Station 16 was built. It is rumored that he was involved in the LLP that purchased the land and sold it to the City. " Insider trading" ??????
hahaha, surrrrrre am glad I don't live in Salisbury
Nice try JT!
No name, no comment.
If some of you want to state that the funds came from a specitic place, do so by using your name. Till lthen, none of them will go up as a smoke screen.
No damage control without a name.
Hear here.
One thing that was omitted in the 3:04 PM post was the fact that the Lacey Fund ran by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore is worth well over a Million Dollars and the 3 volunteer stations divvy up the interest with oversight from the fire chief and the volunteer board. Apparently the board has been dissolved and the oversight is in the hand of the fire chief and/or the volunteer deputy chief which happens to be Hoppes and Gordy.
If the Salisbury Fire Department is worth over a Million Dollars then why are the city and county taxpayers paying for all this new equipment and toys as Bubba puts it?
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