CNN and the Chicago Sun-Times are reporting that conservative columnist Robert Novak has died.
Novak was a longtime columnist with the Sun-Times and was also famous for hosting CNN's "Crossfire" for many years. He was also known for first leaking CIA agent Valerie Plame's name in a 2003 column.
Novak was diagnosed with brain cancer last year. He was 78.
Back when it was noble to be a conservative journalist. Did not need to threaten and misinform to get his point across. RIP. Not many of them left.
Joe, I just left this comment on the "other" blog. I hope he posts it.
"You call this blog informitive? Salisbury News has you beat in every way. Content, varity of articles and of course...TRUTH.
Long live our patron saint of the blogosphere, SAINT JOSEPH ALBERO!"
I don't care if a person is a liberal or conservative; it seems to me that for someone who leaked one of OUR OWN intelligence agent's identity, putting her, her family and ALL of her secret contacts in harm's way, dying of brain cancer was far too good for this weasel. He should have been tried as a traitor and executed! I don't believe treason is protected by any part of our constitution.
He did his job by leaking. He was a shill for the right. He was supposed to leak it.
Nothing happens in the Main Stream Media by accident.
I don't believe Mr. Albero is nor wants to be a "saint." But I do agree that his blog is immeasurably superior to that "other" blog. Mr. Albero had the good sense to improve his blog by stopping his part in a personal pissing contest and concentrate on news, information and occasional humor. The other poor fellow seems incapable of any such good decisions for his blog. His blog, while it does cover some worthwhile stories, seems chiefly to be an anti-Albero site and travesty of a news blog. His clear obsession with Mr. Albero and Mr. Albero's family is perverted and disqusting. I stopped visiting that blog, as I didn't even want to give such a sewer of a site daily hits!
Thank You Mr. Littleton, I apreciate that.
I agree totally the other blog is all about Joe. It is apparently a Salisbury Fire Department blog.
Great. A blog for firemen.
Gordo bought himself a blog.
While I tend to agree, I haven't seen definite proof that Cheney, Rove, or Bush gave that order. That's what it would take for me, irrefutable proof. We know for sure that the traitor, Novak did leak the information. I believe no person should be above being executed for treason. Outing a nation's own intelligence operative to settle a personal score is nothing short of treason, no matter who does it, republican, democrat, president, homeless person or anything in between!
Novak was an awful person.
Agents DIED because of that leak. There was no "pubic right to know" benefit to that leak. All it did was get people killed.
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