This news release is being sent out as an advisory. These subjects are NOT wanted for failing to register.
Gary Seldomridge
Registered as homeless on 080709
Tier 2 Mod risk
Not wanted Public Notification Only
Keith Gudz
Registered as Homeless on 081109
Tier 2 Mod risk offender
Not wanted Public notification only
Dallas Drummond
Tier 3 High Risk
Registered Homeless in Dover Delaware 19901 on August 10, 2009
Not Wanted Public Notification only
Michael Tucker
Registered Homeless on August 6, 2009 in Wilmington, Delaware 19809
Tier 2 Moderate Risk
This is for Public Notification Only however this offender is also wanted for Shoplifting
this is ridiculous. Not wanted for anything,except for the last guy.. What is the release for? Witch hunting and sensationalism
so, i was checking the wicomico county sex offenders registry and the address listed for one of the offenders was "lake street in the woods" . is that really an acceptable address? there is an elementary school on this street. how close to that are these woods?
I heard Mike and his guys got a major herione trafficer recently.
Anon 10:23
Its not a "witchhunt".If they do not have a fixed address the community still has a right to know that they are out there,especially if they are nomadic.I just hope and pray they are not allowed at shelters with children staying there.
Now we need Mike Lewis in Somerset County-heroin has definitely arrived and there are a handful of "alpha dogs" who flaunt their business out in the open and people act like they dont see it.Too many people have OD'ed or lost loved ones to OD.Not knocking the Sheriffs Dept,but Mike Lewis would have already nailed these guys to the wall and out them in the pen.
Give the heroin addicts one maybe two chances for recovery, then throw them away too. Who in the hell is still trying heroin/crack/meth these days. You've got to be the biggest dumb@$$ ever to get started on this stuff. Since you want to kill yourself anyway, lets get it done quickly before you rob honest citizens or cause other damage.
From what I hear this guy was on a bike and had the mother load in his sack, heard he had a lot of stuff at his apartment including pics of him and all his GANG buddies posing with the goods. I bet hes giving them some goods on others to try to save his own butt, maybe that will lead to some of the responsible parties getting nabbed for some of this other stuff thats been going on.
Hey, Webster can help get drugs off the street 2,,,ummm well maybe not. Sorry.
Remember folks...Thes creeps can vote with that address, Lake Street Woods!
How about posting some pictures on these perverts.... And by the way who cares if the last one is the only one wanted.. Everyone should know where these perverts reside or even look like..
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