Recession revives old-fashioned exchanges for health care
GOSHEN, Ind.— At age 15, with a baby due in October, Stephany Celis already has racked up more than $400 in medical bills for prenatal care at the Maple City Health Care Center.
Even with a steep discount on the clinic’s sliding scale for fees, the debt threatened to swamp the fragile finances of the uninsured Goshen High School student and her family, who struggle to get by on her father’s wages from a local scrap yard.
And it’s a bill that might have remained unpaid – along with the others that will follow — if not for an innovative program that allows cash-strapped patients to swap skills and services to reduce what they owe.
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Why in the world are they having a baby? This is only the beginning of what they cannot afford for this child.
Your are right. However, they are just unfornuate that they got caught at what everyone else is doing! Evidently, their birth control did not work for them.
Personal responsibility?? No sympathy from me!!!
Yeah, 10:41. I'm with you. We should let them live on the streets with no help, whatsoever. While we're at it, let's deny health coverage to anyone with a heart condition who ever ate a doughnut.
Screw 'em all!
Not even born and they cannot provide......give it up.
ADOPTION!No 15 yr old can provide for a baby.
I wondered why she didnt do like all the other pregnant teens do and get a card but I am guessing she cannot get Medicaid because her father makes "too much money".Only in America are there working poor people!
Just another stupid girl getting knocked up who is still a chid herself. Forget marriage licenses, you should have to have a license to breed!
yeah just look what we ended up when that white trash Dunham girl got knocked up in Hawaii. If onle sha had an abortion we would be better off today.
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