What a night ! For those of you who may be curious about what I planned to say.
I had three questions that had surfaced by natural evolution. Partly spurred by receiving a copy of the Crime Task Force "Crime Survey" with directions to return your thoughts to the Mayor, and partly as a result of having had lots of time to ponder each and every detail of my Aug. 6, 2008 "incident" - and specifically, here it is a whole year later. I know in my heart that NO ONE wished an event of this sort to happen and certainly NO ONE could have expected it. But it did happen. It happened in the privacy of my home. And it changed my life.
I had three questions that had surfaced by natural evolution. Partly spurred by receiving a copy of the Crime Task Force "Crime Survey" with directions to return your thoughts to the Mayor, and partly as a result of having had lots of time to ponder each and every detail of my Aug. 6, 2008 "incident" - and specifically, here it is a whole year later. I know in my heart that NO ONE wished an event of this sort to happen and certainly NO ONE could have expected it. But it did happen. It happened in the privacy of my home. And it changed my life.
Despite many months of intensive counseling/therapy, the assistance of Crime Victims Resources and Life Crisis Center, the crime incident changed the way I focus on job related tasks and general day-to-day tasks. I am trying to re-gain my confidences, overcome my fears in the hope that I can return to the personal, professional and financial lifestyle I knew prior to August 6, 2008.
I made a public crime presentation on 8-06-09 to mark the one year. The purpose was two-fold. First, it helped me cross a threshold emotionally - because I "could" talk about it. My therapist/counselor thought it would be good. And it was. Secondly, it addresses the increasing crimes that plague our community, further reduce home values, impact business and our daily lives and offered an opportunity to exchange ideas, seek answers and help get a grip on crime.
The public was invited. I sent Mayor Ireton an e-mail invite three weeks in advance. I checked with our community President about 4 weeks in advance just to run the idea by her because (as I stated to her verbatim) "the last thing I wanted to do was over-step the Mayor". City Council members were invited and emails were sent out to crime task force groups.
A small group of concerned citizens assembled at the GOB "plaza" and I was relieved to see a few familiar faces. Mark McIver of Crime Solvers was on hand and added some new positive information that will hopefully benefit the citizens of Salisbury. But neither the Mayor nor police were in attendance. Had they attended I felt certain their in-put would have rounded out the commentary - lifted the clouds on issues or bolstered confidences about life in Salisbury. But they didn’t. The only council member I spotted was Councilwoman Teri Cohen, with her children. She listened politely. Others sought her opinion.
So, I pondered on the feedback and remarks of that day and it dawned on me that perhaps there is a right and a wrong way to find answers to my questions. How would I know if I didn’t ask? I loosely sketched out 3 simple questions preceded by a friendly approach to the audience. that I thought IF they could be answered, one way or the other - even if they couldn’t - at least myself and everyone else would know what is or isn’t proper protocol; and, if there is no known policy or procedure, my thought was to suggest that Mayor Ireton and police representatives could work together to establish such policy or procedure.
A NIGHT "OUT" ,,,,,
I arrived around 5:40 and signed the guest log for the public forum. I included my name and address. After the Council business agenda was complete Council President Smith called folks to speak as part of the public forum. The first two speakers (Mr. Trader and Mr. Meagher)introduced themselves and did not provide an address. President Smith called me next although she had trouble pronouncing my name. As I approached the podium I stated the correct pronunciation of my name. I was just beginning to greet the council and guests when Mrs. Smith’s gavel pounded louder and louder while she shouted for my address. Having been a victim of crime, in my home, I was not about to send my address across the TV waves so I reminded Mrs. Smith that my address was on the sign-in sheet and I believed she could read my writing.
Some how, for some unknown reason, Mrs. Smith did not want me to be heard. Apparently, Smith and perhaps Mayor Ireton were afraid of what I "might" say. I cannot figure this out. This is the second time I have addressed the City Council. I recall the first time was in August 08 at the behest of my community association. Yes, come to think of it, Mrs. Smith was gruff and rude to me then. Council likes to keep comments to a 3 to 5 minute maximum. Does everyone else know this? Until recently, I did not. I am not originally from Salisbury. I have resided here less than three years, so I do not know a lot of people. Yet, strangers greet me on the street and say how rude Ms. Smith has been to me.
I liked the idea that you could actually walk around town and talk to the Mayor. I thought our elected officials were interested in what the citizens thought. The police wanted us to be more involved in watching and protecting our neighborhoods. Ane help was only a call away.
This is America , home of free speech. I was part of a "public" forum. I followed the only procedure I knew by signing it. I was called to the podium.
I was cut off by Council Pres. Smith because I would not recite my address. I was silenced. I was removed. What is this place called Salisbury?"
My "intended" comments were:
(1) to begin by complimenting the Mayor for including crime among the top issues of his political campaign platform and (2) to thank him and the crime task force for compiling the Crime Survey - it was a very pro-active and big step towards addressing crime for a Mayor of only 4 months. That survey really made me think ..... The be-all and the end-all of what I wished to accomplish is to have some procedures or policy made public so everyone, including myself, would know what to expect and how to approach certain situations. So I was about to ask:
1. Who has access to or has authority to approve access, to a Police Report? Who made some of my personal information public? What is the "privacy" rule?
I have been asking for a copy of my Police Report for a year. I am told I cannot look at it. However, some non-police folks are repeating facts of my case that could only have come from my private report.
2. Explain the proper police procedure (or policy) for pursuing a suspect? Shouldn’t immediacy and urgency be a part of procedure? The two officers responding to my incident at 6:30 AM failed to pursue my attacker for 8 hours despite the fact that a neighbor followed the attacker and knew exactly where he was hiding. I.e.,
The lack of police responsiveness has allowed the attacker to remain free on the streets of Salisbury for the last year. Please explain the police procedure related to pursuing suspects and what is considered "timely". Is this written somewhere? or am I being un-fair to expect an answer that is one other than "I don’t know"?
3. Is it policy to use traffic equipment to provide surveillance of private citizens gathering in the plaza? I am told that on 8/6/09 police traffic cameras were diverted from traffic to me during my presentation in the GOB plaza. I received an email with a photo of on-lookers who were identified with names above their heads and personal comments added about them?
After being gaveled-out of the Council Chambers, the Mayor did not apologize to me. He chastised me saying ..."he is fed up with my issue and cannot provide me with 24/7 attention". Since I have never asked nor expected such attention, I was shocked. Detective Mitchell stood in the hallway while Mayor Ireton told me "I should get some help. He also said he had a letter that is coming to me and that I will be getting it soon. Beyond that, I was embarrassed, shocked and enraged that I was ejected from a Council meeting.... on television.
The Mayor’s letter arrived August 27th.
To quote "the report filed by the SPD indicates immediate action taken on your behalf, pursuit of the individual involved and proper handling of the scene for evidence. The report contains a log that details all of your contacts to the SPD regarding the individual implicated in this case, and its response."
Joe, I can tell you, there are many un-truths in the above statement,
Last year Jim Ireton approved of my appearance before the City Council, this year he publicly berated me. Smith closed down the forum and left the room. The Mayor was irate and invited me to speak with him in the hallway. A detective was asked to escort me OUT of the Chamber room.
I am told that Smith & "some" Council members were AFRAID of what I might say. Although I don’t subscribe to the Daily Times, I am told that Chief Webster has been in the news lately and that crime continues. While, I have never attacked the Police Chief, I do question why his officers failed to pursue the attacker in a timely manner. And, I question why I cannot obtain a copy of my Police Report.
Albeit, my intentions on the evening of August 24th were NOT to embarrass the Mayor or to place him under an ugly light in any way....
I made a public crime presentation on 8-06-09 to mark the one year. The purpose was two-fold. First, it helped me cross a threshold emotionally - because I "could" talk about it. My therapist/counselor thought it would be good. And it was. Secondly, it addresses the increasing crimes that plague our community, further reduce home values, impact business and our daily lives and offered an opportunity to exchange ideas, seek answers and help get a grip on crime.
The public was invited. I sent Mayor Ireton an e-mail invite three weeks in advance. I checked with our community President about 4 weeks in advance just to run the idea by her because (as I stated to her verbatim) "the last thing I wanted to do was over-step the Mayor". City Council members were invited and emails were sent out to crime task force groups.
A small group of concerned citizens assembled at the GOB "plaza" and I was relieved to see a few familiar faces. Mark McIver of Crime Solvers was on hand and added some new positive information that will hopefully benefit the citizens of Salisbury. But neither the Mayor nor police were in attendance. Had they attended I felt certain their in-put would have rounded out the commentary - lifted the clouds on issues or bolstered confidences about life in Salisbury. But they didn’t. The only council member I spotted was Councilwoman Teri Cohen, with her children. She listened politely. Others sought her opinion.
So, I pondered on the feedback and remarks of that day and it dawned on me that perhaps there is a right and a wrong way to find answers to my questions. How would I know if I didn’t ask? I loosely sketched out 3 simple questions preceded by a friendly approach to the audience. that I thought IF they could be answered, one way or the other - even if they couldn’t - at least myself and everyone else would know what is or isn’t proper protocol; and, if there is no known policy or procedure, my thought was to suggest that Mayor Ireton and police representatives could work together to establish such policy or procedure.
A NIGHT "OUT" ,,,,,
I arrived around 5:40 and signed the guest log for the public forum. I included my name and address. After the Council business agenda was complete Council President Smith called folks to speak as part of the public forum. The first two speakers (Mr. Trader and Mr. Meagher)introduced themselves and did not provide an address. President Smith called me next although she had trouble pronouncing my name. As I approached the podium I stated the correct pronunciation of my name. I was just beginning to greet the council and guests when Mrs. Smith’s gavel pounded louder and louder while she shouted for my address. Having been a victim of crime, in my home, I was not about to send my address across the TV waves so I reminded Mrs. Smith that my address was on the sign-in sheet and I believed she could read my writing.
Some how, for some unknown reason, Mrs. Smith did not want me to be heard. Apparently, Smith and perhaps Mayor Ireton were afraid of what I "might" say. I cannot figure this out. This is the second time I have addressed the City Council. I recall the first time was in August 08 at the behest of my community association. Yes, come to think of it, Mrs. Smith was gruff and rude to me then. Council likes to keep comments to a 3 to 5 minute maximum. Does everyone else know this? Until recently, I did not. I am not originally from Salisbury. I have resided here less than three years, so I do not know a lot of people. Yet, strangers greet me on the street and say how rude Ms. Smith has been to me.
I liked the idea that you could actually walk around town and talk to the Mayor. I thought our elected officials were interested in what the citizens thought. The police wanted us to be more involved in watching and protecting our neighborhoods. Ane help was only a call away.
This is America , home of free speech. I was part of a "public" forum. I followed the only procedure I knew by signing it. I was called to the podium.
I was cut off by Council Pres. Smith because I would not recite my address. I was silenced. I was removed. What is this place called Salisbury?"
My "intended" comments were:
(1) to begin by complimenting the Mayor for including crime among the top issues of his political campaign platform and (2) to thank him and the crime task force for compiling the Crime Survey - it was a very pro-active and big step towards addressing crime for a Mayor of only 4 months. That survey really made me think ..... The be-all and the end-all of what I wished to accomplish is to have some procedures or policy made public so everyone, including myself, would know what to expect and how to approach certain situations. So I was about to ask:
1. Who has access to or has authority to approve access, to a Police Report? Who made some of my personal information public? What is the "privacy" rule?
I have been asking for a copy of my Police Report for a year. I am told I cannot look at it. However, some non-police folks are repeating facts of my case that could only have come from my private report.
2. Explain the proper police procedure (or policy) for pursuing a suspect? Shouldn’t immediacy and urgency be a part of procedure? The two officers responding to my incident at 6:30 AM failed to pursue my attacker for 8 hours despite the fact that a neighbor followed the attacker and knew exactly where he was hiding. I.e.,
The lack of police responsiveness has allowed the attacker to remain free on the streets of Salisbury for the last year. Please explain the police procedure related to pursuing suspects and what is considered "timely". Is this written somewhere? or am I being un-fair to expect an answer that is one other than "I don’t know"?
3. Is it policy to use traffic equipment to provide surveillance of private citizens gathering in the plaza? I am told that on 8/6/09 police traffic cameras were diverted from traffic to me during my presentation in the GOB plaza. I received an email with a photo of on-lookers who were identified with names above their heads and personal comments added about them?
After being gaveled-out of the Council Chambers, the Mayor did not apologize to me. He chastised me saying ..."he is fed up with my issue and cannot provide me with 24/7 attention". Since I have never asked nor expected such attention, I was shocked. Detective Mitchell stood in the hallway while Mayor Ireton told me "I should get some help. He also said he had a letter that is coming to me and that I will be getting it soon. Beyond that, I was embarrassed, shocked and enraged that I was ejected from a Council meeting.... on television.
The Mayor’s letter arrived August 27th.
To quote "the report filed by the SPD indicates immediate action taken on your behalf, pursuit of the individual involved and proper handling of the scene for evidence. The report contains a log that details all of your contacts to the SPD regarding the individual implicated in this case, and its response."
Joe, I can tell you, there are many un-truths in the above statement,
Last year Jim Ireton approved of my appearance before the City Council, this year he publicly berated me. Smith closed down the forum and left the room. The Mayor was irate and invited me to speak with him in the hallway. A detective was asked to escort me OUT of the Chamber room.
I am told that Smith & "some" Council members were AFRAID of what I might say. Although I don’t subscribe to the Daily Times, I am told that Chief Webster has been in the news lately and that crime continues. While, I have never attacked the Police Chief, I do question why his officers failed to pursue the attacker in a timely manner. And, I question why I cannot obtain a copy of my Police Report.
Albeit, my intentions on the evening of August 24th were NOT to embarrass the Mayor or to place him under an ugly light in any way....
Fool me Once. Fool me Twice....you know the rest.. and "when" is the "next" council meeting?
PS: Really, all I wanted to know is
Who has access to my PRIVATE information?
What is police procedure as to following a suspect (sense of immediacy?)
Why was I videotaped by police cameras during my presentation and why were the guests
photographed, labeled and named?
What is policy/procedure regarding any of these things?
PS: Really, all I wanted to know is
Who has access to my PRIVATE information?
What is police procedure as to following a suspect (sense of immediacy?)
Why was I videotaped by police cameras during my presentation and why were the guests
photographed, labeled and named?
What is policy/procedure regarding any of these things?
Ireton's behavior is reminiscent of Mike Dunn's. For all the charm they throw out to the swooning old ladies who get them elected, they are just back room bullies.
Mayor give this citizen a chance to speak. are you scared she is not only expose cheify but you and louise as well. This towns politics get more screwed up everyday. If traffic cameras were truely used to to take pictures of people at the press conference and these people are singled out for retaliation can you say lawsuit that will be more costly than any lawsuit the cheif could file for being fired. I acn assure you the judges in that case can't be intimadated but him or his Barrie led supporters. Even if her appearance was out of order there are more civil ways of handling this. Mayor you should be ashamed of your actions. Your administration is failing quickly its not too late however to turn it around. Man up!! find new leadership for the Police Dept.
I can't answer your first two questions, but I have a good idea about the third: Why were there police cameras present at your GOB presentation/"press conference" and why were people there labeled? Very often perpetrators of crimes show up at such events such as this. It gives them a sort of a thrill. If there are people in the picture that look a little suspicious or perhaps even someone that you can identify as the person who did this to you, the crime might be solved. I don't see the presence of cameras as threatening to you or to those who support you; rather, I see the cameras as an attempt by police to solve the crime.
I posted a comment on an earlier piece on this site and was taken to task by another commentor. If I am wrong, I apologize. I opined that maybe President Smith brought an end to the Council meeting because she sensed trouble about to happen and that you had been a frequent visitor to Council meetings. Beyond that, I can only guess why she terminated the meeting . I can surely see why you would not want to publicly state your address. I'll accept what you have said that Mayor Ireton said to you; it it's accurate I'm surprised because he is usually extraordinarily understanding.
I hope that the crime against you can soon be solved.
My heart goes out to Ms. Forthuber. But for the grace of God, it could have been me.
If the two speakers before her did not give their addresses aloud, why was this citizen asked to do so? How does Louise justify that?
Ireton was "fed up with her issue?" What a jerk! What if he had been the victim of a sexual attack? Well, he'd probably like it! LOL
Unfortunately, Ireton's inexperience, immaturity and lack of tact is something we are going to have to live with for another 3.5yrs. He appears to be out of the same mold as Obama, however, I am not sure if he and Larry Sinclair have met.
Talk about immaturity. This whole mess goes back to Louise Smith creating yet another drama out of nothing. Shutting down a meeting over this? Really? She did that before over the audit as I recall.
What crap is being fed to Ireton about this lady who spoke that he would go over the top like that.
Ireton, don't let those goons pull your leg!
My goodness , Smith is ugly , she
is a terrible lady. I wonder why the lady that was attacked didn't
give Smith a black eye or a broken nose. The police arn't going to bother you in salisbury , that is obvious.
SPD is now recruiting for officers
and they have chosen to look for
the best from the cub scouts of America. Good luck Salisbury , I live in the county and we have Mr. Lewis , thank the Good Lord.
The word on the street is , "Salisbury" is for crimnals.
Sounds like you've pissed off the wrong people too many times. It is possible they were using the cameras to investigate but we will never know for sure. All this goes to show you just how the average citizen has become helpless in Salisbury from both the criminals and those that protect us from them. Out police force is a joke. They know it and they want to keep it as much a secret as possible.
Be very quiet , and look around ,
aim carefully , "don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes"
Louise Smith continues to display the behavior of insecurity and lack of confidence.
It may be a good idea for her to seek, if not already, some type of counseling regarding her inappropriate public behavior.
Ann, I hope you are going to file a complaint with the ethics commission. Louise violated your rights by trying to force you to state your address, and she violated proceedure in the way she shut the meeting down.
Jim Ireton needs to return to his roots. Return to those he trusted before he got in office. Return to those he trusted to get him in office. Return to the citizens that put him in office. This BS game of trying to get along with Barries administration is just that BS. It is not going to happen. They are going to continue to sabotage his every move.
yes the salisbury police dept has a pursuit policy and yes they have a duty to act upon information by witnesses especially if one followed the damn suspect to an un disclosed area for hiding. how ignorant does things have to get and people woonder why crime is up well there you go folks...they had info to lead them to the suspect and did nothing with it. either these officers were new on the job or their hand was being forced because if any officer in their right mind had this info they would have acted for many reasons.....enuff said someone needs to do their job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry for all you have endured Ann.
Who indeed is SPD leaking info to? Not much of a brain teaser when you stop and think about who it is that sucks up to them and follows them around and I will say nothing else.Joe probably knows ,as do alot of other readers here.
I live out of their jurisdiction so I am not concerned but I know how they treat people in their jurisdiction who dare speak against them.You have my sympathies.
Jim Ireton makes another good Community Organizer. He's certainly demonstrating Thug-like behavior. All the Makings of a Political Figure...GO JIMBO!
Joe, is there any chance this post can be featured on Monday morning also, because so many folks are busy with their weekend plans and might not be online? Just wondered.
There are always two sides of the story and I would like to hear Mr. Ireton's side of the story. Joe have you contacted him for his comment on this.
If you haven't I know for a fact Jim reads this blog so Mr. Mayor will you please offer your take on this whole incident. Thanks in advance.
1:37 PM
You stated that Mr. Ireton read's blog, well in my eyes he sure the hell is not learning any thing about what the taxpayers of SBY are thinking about him. I realize that he can't fix every problem in SBY but Monday's Night Council Meeting was the pits. And the worst of it is most of the citizens of SBY have no idea what is going on in the City of SBY in the 1st place, were SBY is a Renters Capitol of Wicomico County. All the owners of their homes in the City or to scare to say or do anything about crime. And if they say anything they end up being rob or beaten up or killed.
Thanks to the XMayor and her 3 pigs got us into this mess in the 1st place.
Plus I have not heard from L. Smith were she was send an email about her actions on 08/24/09. But as always I never get a answer from her or the other 2 pigs.
Its obvious Jim Ireton doesnt know how to handle the job he has. He is in way over his head. He is obviously a puppet or he would have done something about it. To condone this type action makes it worse. Probably not one thing can be donr either, not for 3 1/2 yrs anyway.
Mayor comment on something controversial don't hold your breath. He is too busy making videos promoting downtown. make dowtown safe and people and businesses will come not your videos!
Anonymous said...
There are always two sides of the story and I would like to hear Mr. Ireton's side of the story. Joe have you contacted him for his comment on this.
If you haven't I know for a fact Jim reads this blog so Mr. Mayor will you please offer your take on this whole incident. Thanks in advance.
1:37 PM
If you can find and watch the video of this event you will see that Ann is telling the truth.
Ms Smith, Ireton and crew silenced her at the last council meeting and adjourned, while the mayor called her a "drama" queen.
It was an outstanding abuse of political power and ALL of them should be reprimanded and/or resign for such a display of arrogance against a citizen.
I'm disappointed in Ireton's behavior. I expected more from him. Louise? not so much.
I'm disappointed in Ireton too, but you have more cause to feel this way because he used you to get elected and now has abandoned you. I wonder if he has a psychic problem about people being apprehended by the police -- from that episode on the beach in Delaware a few years ago.
If those cameras were used to keep an eye on the event in case the perp showed up, shouldn't the police have had someone there undercover to protect her and the public in case he did?
Nice of the lady not to talk about what the blonde in the audience witnessed with Ireton. Ireton owes this victim an apology.
This is all so stupid. Why does Salisbury always have to make a bad situation worse?
Doesn't sound like the cops did all they could the day she was attacked.
The lady wanted some simple answers.
The blogger who shall not be named goes after this woman to destroy her and make up a conspiracy theory about her.
The lady comes to the council meeting to ask a few questions and the council president goes beserk.
Then the mayor flips out on her.
I'd like to know the mayor's side, too. But if the lady needs professional help as the mayor said (she said she's already been getting it), it's no wonder the way she's been victimized twice.
Few leads in Shell station killing
By Sharahn D. Boykin • Staff Writer • August 29, 2009
Is anyone surprised?? Hey Jimbo, this happened on your watch! What are you going to do about it? Just as we thought, nothing!!
From the DT Grapevine
Pemberton Manor shootings
# It's a disgrace how our young people are getting involved in crime. People like to live where they are comfortable, not where they have to duck and dive to avoid bullets. The Pemberton Drive apartment complex needs to be cleaned up because not everyone who lives there is a criminal. What will our mayor and police chief do about this?
I am a county resident but I know Jim Ireton well. He is a great person, however, I have to say I am very disappointed in him as the mayor. I realize his hands are tied in some respects - but the citizens can weed out the trash on the council soon enough. My sympathy goes out to the lady who was so rudely attacked by Smith and I hope she files a law suit against them. Jim if that was your mother , would you have said the same thing to her as you said to Ann? And you are a good Catholic? Just please start making a difference in Salisbury because so far all you have done is get in with the wrong crowd! And Louise Smith, that guy is still on the streets and you never know whose house he will hit next. It could be yours or mine.
Anon 4:13 PM Jim is not a good Catholic and he has nothing good to say about the church. I have been praying for this man since he got elected.
you keep praying baby, you keep praying
I live in the county also, but close enough to salisbury to be concerned what happens there.
How long before the crap that goes on there expands to the surrounding areas? If not already.
City and county councils have always fought among themselves. Power struggle? Ego? Little boys and girls who can not get along in the sandbox? Who knows.
But it really needs to stop. This would be laughable if it was not so serious.
Which agency do you contact to report such behavior by council members and the mayor?
It seems this mess can not be cleaned up locally so maybe we need to look outside the city and county for remedies.
It's gotten almost to the point where citizens need to band together and clean up the city by and for themselves.
This would certainly be another problem for salisbury but, how much are we to endure while inaction, indifference and lack of concern for residents is SOP?
Seems they are more concerned about attacking Joe and Ann and whoever else that asks questions and point to their collective failures.
Are members of council or the police in bed with the criminals?
At this point I would suggest every resident to carry protection, legal or not. Hopefully you will never need it but you have to protect yourselves and family.
You may be the only ones to do so in this area.
4:57 What? leave religion out of this. No mix with government.
7:00 p.m., this is why I have so much respect for Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. They have taken so many childish hits from the other three and the former mayor. But they just keep plugging away at their jobs. Only occasionally do they throw out a well-deserved comeback. For the most part, they avoid wallowing in that slime pit.
Two adults, three children on council.
The mayor? The jury is still out. His "enough is enough" move on the childish council health insurance nonsense and his recent veto of an irresponsible land purchase tells me he knows right from wrong. But this flap over the chief of police and now this poor lady who has suffered enough have me worried.
I know his hands are somewhat tied, but there is still plenty of room for leadership.
Lead, Mayor, Lead. Don't let the former mayor and council children direct this city any more. The citizens are begging for relief!
It must really suck to be the mayor of this town and see in reality what little you can do with the players that are already in place. However, being a public figure can get public waves going in ways that may be a little "out of bounds" but still make trains move in this town.
Come on, Jim, think past the Box.
Anonymous said...
4:57 What? leave religion out of this. No mix with government.
7:45 PM
This is where you are wrong my friend. Sounds like something Obama loving Chuckie Cook would say.
Reading this, I thought we were talking about Princes Anne for a second.
It's piteous, at best. We all hoped that there would be some semblance of reason when Jim was elected, but we still wallow in the pits of disaster. We understand that he has limited power as mayor, but as a human being, Jim, your power is unlimited. All you have to do is use it! break out of the suggested bonds that the folks at the GOB are telling you about, and just stand up for US! We will take OUR POWER and send things through! You alone may have no power, but you alone have not yet asked for our help. We are big, and the majority, and will not let you down as long as you let us have a voice.
"E-8 to Salisbury, requesting a card for a patrol check, the Church Street area. 10-4 E-8"
This just occurred in Salisbury by the Maryland State Police at 10:30 PM. The other night I heard them do a patrol check on Fairground Drive. Thanks to the Maryland State Police for patroling the streets of Salisbury.
"E-8 to Salisbury, requesting a card for a patrol check, the Church Street area. 10-4 E-8"
This just occurred in Salisbury by the Maryland State Police at 10:30 PM. The other night I heard them do a patrol check on Fairground Drive. Thanks to the Maryland State Police for patroling the streets of Salisbury.
LMAO!!!!! We must be safe now!!!! Probably rode through as fast as he could with the windows up!!!!
cards aren't drawn for patrol checks lol
"E-8 to Salisbury, requesting a card for a patrol check, the Church Street area. 10-4 E-8"
This just occurred in Salisbury by the Maryland State Police at 10:30 PM. The other night I heard them do a patrol check on Fairground Drive. Thanks to the Maryland State Police for patroling the streets of Salisbury.
10:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"E-8 to Salisbury, requesting a card for a patrol check, the Church Street area. 10-4 E-8"
This just occurred in Salisbury by the Maryland State Police at 10:30 PM. The other night I heard them do a patrol check on Fairground Drive. Thanks to the Maryland State Police for patroling the streets of Salisbury.
LMAO!!!!! We must be safe now!!!! Probably rode through as fast as he could with the windows up!!!!
11:20 AM
For your information I see more MSP troopers patrolling the Street area than I do the wannabe policeman from the SPD. That comment obviously came from one of Chiefy's losers.
Anonymous said...
cards aren't drawn for patrol checks lol
1:19 PM
No one said anything about "drawing a card." Must have been the jealous one that made the 11:20 AM comment as well. You boys are so Jealous that you didn't get hired by the state. You all are nothing more than Mall Cops. LOSERS!
There are probally more MSP and Sheriffs cars on patrol because they have more people to put on patrol. Whats the city got on a nightly basis 4 cars to cover the city.
The fat green one is slandering Debbie Campbell again. You should do a story about when he ransacked her house. Was he trying to find this tape that he thinks exists?
Jim Ireton...you owe all of us an explanation of your behavior. The people of Salisbury deserve that much. After all we put you in office to change Salisbury. Looks like you are trying to keep things status quo. I don't understand why you wouldn't allow this woman her three minutes. There were other people there that night that had plenty to say. Guess you will never know what that was cuz you are acting like a real jerk.
Anonymous said...
Jim Ireton...you owe all of us an explanation of your behavior. The people of Salisbury deserve that much. After all we put you in office to change Salisbury. Looks like you are trying to keep things status quo. I don't understand why you wouldn't allow this woman her three minutes. There were other people there that night that had plenty to say. Guess you will never know what that was cuz you are acting like a real jerk.
1:04 PM
The bottom line is the mayor doesn't have the authority to allow anyone to speak. Jim Ireton didn't have to be at the meeting and he has not control over it. He was totally out of line by making a negative comment to the tax paying citizen.
I know for a fact, the 97% of the spd patrol officers will go the extra mile and step to help catch the criminal. I also know for a fact that, depending on who the LT who is on duty has a lot to do with crimes being solved or let go. 1 LT has made MANY bad mistakes resulting in criminals getting away. Moss being 1 criminal that slipped away because of that LT. 99% of the spd cant work with that LT. Many have requested off his squad. This LT has been through several sensitivity classes. This LT is make up most of the issues at spd. investigate That LT!
Terry Cohen handled discussing this incident superbly when Bill Reddish asked her about it this morning.
More leaders like her who understand the Rules of Engagement between officials and constituents, please.
Anonymous said...
Terry Cohen handled discussing this incident superbly when Bill Reddish asked her about it this morning.
More leaders like her who understand the Rules of Engagement between officials and constituents, please.
4:01 PM
I am sorry I missed it, what happened? What was said?
Terry Cohen is a classy lady. As well as Debbie Campbell. The three sleaze balls can't touch either.
I know this is off topic, but hearsay is not admissible in court, so why is Ms. Campbell being accused of being in possession of stolen property? Was the transaction taped by serveillance?
6:09, I'm not 4:01, but I heard it, too. No bashing of anyone, just how misunderstandings can be avoided and better handled. Something calm, rational and respectful. Wish she were council president or mayor.
SPD hiring high school kids? LOL scouting the middle school? How many spd officers have left this year? I heard like 10. Thats worst than the army and marines. What are they doing over there?
I heard a former SPD cop is helping the sheriff office in catching computer thieves?
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