Don't you dare let County Executive Rick Pollitt or Mayor Jim Ireton fool you Folks, a new Wicomico Library is absolutely not necessary or needed. Look deeper into this topic and you'll see exactly why Council Members are being fooled into such a project.
You see, space has become an extremely valuable commodity within our local Government. The County has clearly grown, almost two fold. Space had to be given up for the County Executive and many others and this impeded on the City's space in the GOB.
The City has also grown with new positions and assistants that go along with them. There has been a contract for many years in which the City of Salisbury simply has to turn over $1.00 and sign the contract stating they take full responsibility for 1/2 of the GOB, (Government Office Building) yet the City has refused to sign the contract, even after we pushed the issue more than 2 years ago. Many Citizens were unaware of the contract to begin with and simply thought the City owned 1/2 of the building. Lord knows, you paid for 1/2, but that's not good enough.
So the County isn't complaining because they've had a tenant footing half the bills and maintenance but the City wants their own building. So how do you make such a project happen in such a horrible economy? YOU PLAY POLITICS!
ANY time our local government comes up with ridiculous ideas with wasteful spending, a red flag goes up in my mind and all I have to do, (in most cases) is look at the obvious. If there's one place money is available through Grants, it's a Library. You know, grow out of the space you're in and the Feds step in with millions of taxpayer dollars. I know, (says Gary Comegys, Barrie Tilghman and others) let's build something with a mini mall attached too for retail, just like Rockville did.
Well guess what Folks, there's an additional 12,500 square feet in the lower level of that Library. Did you also know they have a truck or two that delivers your books to regional Libraries as well. Oh, you may think this is minute but let me assure you, YOU pay for the employees doing so, gas, vehicles to deliver the books, maintenance and believe me, it adds up.
If they simply shut down the regional Library portion of their main building they would gain an additional 12,500 square feet, MORE then they'll ever need. Libraries are getting smaller, not bigger. Follow the trend. While it's hard for many to accept, the younger generations are now depending on computers and not as many books. In 10 years books will be almost obsolete, just like newspapers.
If they want to spend money, open more regional Libraries and do NOT relocate. The ONLY reason the City and County are encouraging this entire project is because THEY need more space and the current Library is PERFECT, hence the FREE GIFT of property from the City to the County, HELLOOOOO!
This kind of misleading governing has to end! We need fiscally responsible representatives and not bureaucrats. Now comes the biggest question. Is a new Library a desperate need to America? Yes, I asked that question properly because every single taxpaying American will foot the bill, (should they move forward) and we need to start asking ourselves, is the building falling down, absolutely not! Is it in disrepair, hell no it's not! In fact, that building was designed to last another 50 years!
Enough is Enough with this spending for luxury items. I have never once heard of one single legitimate reason why we need a new Library. I have been to numerous meetings and everything is a BS excuse. My Father in Law was the Director of the Wicomico Library System for some 20 years and he is outraged at this proposal. We spend millions of dollars on additional salaries for the bottom floor regional staff just to push books to other locations. It needs to be shut down completely and temporary buildings, (like Pittsville had) need to go up instead. If they're successful, build a small Library there. If they're not, shut it down, relocate the temporary building to another proposed prime spot and go from there.
However, building a multi million dollar structure, giving up extremely valuable real estate, simply because you want more space in the GOB is WRONG! I have nothing against Libraries. I have issues with being fiscally responsible and the MSM, (Main Stream Media) only reports what they're delivered and no homework is done as to WHY.
The reason Blogs have become so successful is because of articles like this. Citizens are, (in many cases) too busy to dig deeper into these matters and while most depend on local MSM to deliver them local news, you just can't do it in a 15 second television piece. The local newspaper uses the excuse, we published what we were told. So they don't ask any challenging questions and for far too many years massive multi million dollar projects went through without citizens being properly informed.
It's time we close that chapter and force the MSM to go back to their own grass roots and deliver more investigative reporting. Projects like the Wicomico County Library will only bankrupt this Country sooner than later. It is NOT necessary, it is NOT needed and the facility they are currently in will be around as a Public Library for another 50 years, DEAL WITH IT and stop playing games just so the City of Salisbury can relocate. Start buying up buildings on the Downtown Plaza and relocate the City there and put good money after good money!
Look at this project for its real incentive. Governor O'Malley will soon deliver a message stating he's cutting the budget by another $240,000,000.00. This means you're going to get pounded with more taxes and City & County Agencies are short another $240,000,000.00, let alone what he already cut this year. So Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury can't get a dime to relocate. However, IF they make this move with the Library they can get the money from the Feds and an empty building will become available for FREE. Wouldn't it be nice if our representatives simply told it like it really is. Instead, its rob Peter to pay Paul.
Just because you don't read books doesn't mean we should go with a third-rate library! This one is old, very outdated, and not useful for modern standards.
I agree Joe. Good Commentary. When O'Malley announced another $ 250 in cuts at the MACO OC convention last week, he said local libraries will be affected. How can we do more? We have schools that aren't air conditioned. Let's take care of what we have already.
renovate no new building
Similar situation is occuring in Crisfield. Certain city and county folks are pushing for a new library but in these economic times it makes no sense. Maintain and fix up the old library, that makes more sense. A new library doesn't change the quality of the books.
if they need more room....block up the rollup doors at old station 16, add cubicals and wammo....office space
" While it's hard for many to accept, the younger generations are now depending on computers and not as many books."
Please site your sources on this data?
there are more older people than younger as baby boomers are aging.
statistics, while showing that they show that computers are gaining traction, still read books. Many are also from the outlying areas without highspeed internet. libraries not only give access to books but also to the internet so that everyone can get access to both paper and electronic information.
anonymous 10:09, get a grip!
I've taken the time to present the article, you yake the time to prove me wrong.
In two more years you'll see millions of people that use that new gadget that downloads books off the Internet and never have to leave home.
Don't try to sell us on the idea that MORE people are using Libraries these days.
mr albero, you are presenting this article as news. it is your burden of proof, not mine.
Joe, what makes you so smart?
Has anyone heard that Bennett Middle School may be postponed due to lack of funding?
So you are against libraries?
I tell you what my friends and I will go down and sit at the library and SEE just how many people go there and if they check out a book or use the computers. /the next time YOU go count how many other persons do you see?
we live in a democracy, so if a "majority" of the local citzens decide they want a new library, they will get it. Remember, the majority wins; not loud "bloggers" on "free" blog sites with their own agenda.
anonymous 10:13, there's 12,500 square feet in the lower level of the Library for an many computers as the eye can see.
I know, let's spend $20,000,000.00 on a new Library so we can house more computers. Come on now, you guys need to deliver facts and prove to everyone that a new Library is absolutely necessary.
You people come up with a concrete reason, (and don't feed me that second rate Library crap) and I'll change my mind.
I agree with Joes article 100% It makes sense is why most council persons wont listen or stop and think before they spend our money.
Drop the library idea and get back to reality.
Agreed. Renovate and use the space more effectively and efficiently. It is a good library that can be made great with investment of time, brains, and money.
libraries are not just about books. in most cities, they are media and social centers. I no longer live in salisbury, but in my town, there is also a youth center and a senior center attached to the library.
this gives a chance for cross-generation mingling and allows the seniors to provide great life experience that is not easily received over the internet. It also gives the seniors more to do than sit around. It gives them a better quality of life.
our library also has meeting rooms where youth activities take place, emergency training (ie. Citizen Emergency Response Team training for events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.). Many of these events have a small "lab" fee that offsets the cost to the citizens. The rooms are also rentable for local clubs, schools, boy scouts, and other organizations that need a clean, safe place to meet.
building these events, facilities, and people around the knowlege of books, computers, and other media is what is now called a library.
More and more people ARE using libraries - free books, free internet, free place to socialize. You just can't read a best-seller book on a blog. With the economy, more and more people have slowed discretionary purchases. Paper books and magazines are one of those - and sorry to say, but most of the people in Salisbury aren't going to spend the money on the alternatives - an e-reader and/or digital edition.
anonymous 10:16, what is it about you that you can't understand my asking you and others to sell us all on why we need a new Library.
Instead, all you choose to do is challenge me. I'm a very busy man and while I'd like to take additional time to deliver you answers, you clearly have a computer. Use it and find what you're looking for because I divorced one of you once. You hear what you want to hear.
anonymous 10:17, wisdom and experience. What makes you so stupid?
anonymous 10:22, that's just a stupid statement. Did I ever say I am against Libraries, no. In fact, look up my previous articles on the Library and you'll clearly see on the record I say I am not against Libraries. Leave it to a liberal to come on here and try to twist my words.
anonymous 10:28, I firmly agree with you. However, remember what you said, citizens. The citizens must be educated first and they are now aware of why this project is being done. It's NOT because they need a new Library. It's because this is the only way they're going to get funding, (City & County) to move the old Library, relocate it and take over the old building. It's a scam and the Daily Times would NEVER publish it. They have an issue with telling the TRUTH and delivering to their customers news and information they pay for. Show me the majority, (and I don't mean Council Members) and I'll back off. By the way, do YOU have any clue what agenda means? If you claim you do, please tell me what my agenda might be. Unless you're talking about speaking out to tens of thousands of people per day with this Blog in the hopes od educating them with the truth and facts as to why the City & County are trying to fly this one under the radar. My agenda is simple, educate and make people accountable. My other agenda would be, tell all of us WHY. Give us solid concreded fair debate as to why this new facility is necessary. It won't happen. Just remember Folkls, the more Salisbury News grows, the more educated you become. Now can you see why some representatives with special interests want to shut Salisbury News down! You will NOT read information like this in the Daily Times. You will NOT see it on WBOC or WMDT.
Let them be the first to get news and information from the inside. I'll get it eventually and we'll break it down, investigate it and express it here. We no longer need the local MSM and or people have finally come to depend on Salisbury News to give you the "other side."
anonymous 10:45, I'm happy you gain so much out of "your" local Library. Might I remind you however, we're in a depression, not a recession. It will take 30 years to climb out of the hole we're now in and this is NOT the time to be spending money on a perfectly good Library. The taxpayers were sold 20 some odd years ago that their hard earned tax dollars were being invested into a new Library that would last at least 50 years. Our local government LIED to the taxpayers as there's at least another 30 years left of use in that building. Just because the liberals WANT something new doesn't mean they should get it. They're scamming taxpayers to relocate the City of Salisbury to their own GOB.
We are in a depression. Is there anything else that needs said.
anonymous 11:13, you see, this is exactly why people hate government. Don't you think the Library Director already stated they have more traffic now than ever. Just like Jim Rapp stating 35,000 people per month were visiting the Zoo, yet the meters weren't working.
Use comon sense. Pretty much every household in America has a computer, if not two or three. You can't expect people working for the government to come out and state their numbers are down. This is also why these types of government run businesses host free events in order to increase their numbers.
Look, like I said, I'm NOT again Libraries. I want you to prove to me and all the readers coming here that the Wicomico Library in Downtown Salisbury is so overwhelmed with traffic that they must relocate. I don't care about other Libraries. Sell us on why it's of vital importance right here.
I visit the library downtown with regular frequency. I have never once seen it overwhelmed with people they didn't have room for. I do notice that most if not all of the computers are in use-but there are plenty of people going in and out borrowing books and DVDs and such-lots of families and daycare groups also. I don't see the need for a newer, bigger facility at all. Maybe there is something I am missing, but to me the current library is just fine and doesn't need to be bigger, grander or relocated. I bet the greater majority of the city council members have never even stepped foot into this library (except maybe to scope out office spaces). Stop spending the taxpayers money frivilously-we can't afford any more money going out of our pockets. Most of us are looking for ways to keep every dime we can nowadays. I say NO to a new library. The current one is doing just fine.
anonymous 12:19, thank you for your comment. Might I add, imagine if the doubled in size by simply opening up an additional 12,500 square feet downstairs. You're right, a new Library is absolutely not necessary. But Rick Pollitt and Jim Ireton need more space, so I guess the MAJORITY have spoken?????
You're welcome Joe-it's about time people start using their common sense and paying attention to what our "esteemed leaders" are doing for/to us. I'm tired of having my rights taken away from me one by one because America as a whole will not stand up and say "enough!" Next thing you know we will be being told what kind of tissue we need to use to wipe our a**es! I'm feed up!
Its time for that majority to get scared.
What are you prepared to do about it?
My ultimate goal with Salisbury News is to get people like you involved. I want to expose what's going on out there and then I want to hear people respond through comments.
We all know it only takes ONE nay sayer to use anonymous and act as if there are many of them out there. I have been doing this for fouor years now and I can assure you, there are a hand full of nay sayers who no matter what I say will argue the point, yet they offer NOTHING concrete.
So thank you for participating andf I hope more like you say their peace. After all, I have no special interests in this project, or any other for that matter. If it's right for the community, so be it. However, my job is to lay it all on the line for ALL of you to become educated and IF they pass something the majority of you disagree with, their political career is over!
anonymous 12:35, what are you talking about?
You know exactly what Im talking about.
I agree with the author of this post. I occaisionally see people using the library and there is a "need" but we certainly don't need a new library. To be honest with you we don't even need to renovate the old library. We are in a very depressed economy and we need to live within our means. It is high time the Mayor, County Executive and the council members put out a statement to the department heads that they will not be entertaining the thought of capital items for the next 5 years.
Like Joe says almost every household has a computer and the internet. So what if it isn't high speed, most of us had dial up for several years and it got the job done. There was a time in the early 80's when doing research on the internet was questionable. Not today all major publishers are on the WWW.
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to go downstairs and I was shocked at how much space the library had. It looked like an open warehouse with just a few desks and a lot of clutter. They have more than enough room in the entire facility. I also agree that the county library could be branched out such as one in Pittsville and one in Hebron or Mardela.
I have a job and a decent salary and I would love to get a much needed new car and a boat, but I can't go to my employer and demand a bigger pay raise because I need new transportation. Guess what folks I learned to live within my means. Get with it people, tell your elected representatives to cut spending or you will see them voted out of office during the next elections. All you have to do is model your groups after the so called Tea Party's and work to get better candidates in office. Its going back to grassroots politics.
Kind of only relates to this because of the wood chips and paper. Just talked to a friend I havent seen in well way to long and found out like alot of us hes lost his business, his log trucks & a piece of his pride. How can so many families be going through all of this and losing everything and these people feel its fine to just spend,spend,spend. Whats wrong with you people? Is it that your just that out of touch with what the average family is going through right now, or is it that you just dont care?
That basement was flooded at least once this summer after a bad rain. I saw them pumping it out. May not be the best place for all those computers.
anonymous, perhaps your mind is only on this post but mine is all over the place with 50 others and comments coming in on every one of them. Stop playing games and answer the question or go away.
anonymous 12:41 & 12:53, thank you for taking the time to comment. We are by far in the most difficult times America has ever seen.
Unlike Gary Comegys, Barrie Tilghman, Louise Smith, Lynn Cathcart, Mike Dunn, Shanie Shields and others on the County Council, I want to be responsible for America, starting right here at home.
Acting more fiscally responsible at a local level is vital to America. Remember when Obama took Office and he sent a message out to all Mayor's & Government Leaders to start acting more responsible????? Well, what happened to that request!
The City of Salisbury WANTS a new location. The County WANTS them to move out and the Library Director is simply a Pawn wondering how in the hell he fell into such a gravy deal. Well Tom, now you know. They want you out because they need the space.
You people want to force sprinker systems in all of the Downtown Buildings, start buying them up and set the example by being the first to do it. I know of at least one building that could house three times what the City would need space wise and it's for sale. In fact, it's right next door to the City Bistro building. 3 floors of prime real estate you could snag up for a steal.
It's all about accountability Folks and our local Officials know absolutely NOTHING about it.
At what point do you stop asking them to be responsible? What comes next? Oh yeah, back to the voting booth so a new fool can be elected. Round and round we go. Whats next?
I do use my common sense. All I was saying was that well run libraries are an asset to the community - this was not a dig at you or your feelings about relocation, which I agree should not be done. However in your reply, I highly doubt that "Pretty much every household in America has a computer, if not two or three." I do use the library for it's resources. Although I have never found it overwhelmed, there are times that I've noticed that every computer is taken.
anonymous 1:30, again, with all due respect, add more computers. There's 12,500 sq. ft. downstairs. I know you agree with me/us on this issue but what bothers me the most is the fact that no one is stepping up to the plate telling all of us why this HSAS to be done.
It's been Comegys and Tilghman's dream to build something similar to their Rockville model and even during public comment at that meeting I stated, THIS IS NOT ROCKVILLE! This is the Eastern Shore, where taxes are supposed to be a LOT less. If WE wanted Rockville, we'd all move there.
The ONLY hub in the Downtown area is the Court House, NOT the Library. I truly believe I know enough about business to tell each and every one of you, this would NOT be a success to Downtown Salisbury. It will NOT build economic & development, unless you want to consider the jobs it will provide while it's being built.
No more people will go to a new Library than they will if it's older. Besides, IT'S FREE! We're not collecting any revenue from the Library, it's an expense, 24/7!!!!!
Our representatives need to finally act more responsible and STOP coming up with IDEAS.
Have any of you ever been inside the Pentagon? I know people that work out of converted closets and that's the honest to God truth. There isn't a single person in the GOB working in such horrific spaces. Until we SEE that going on here, stop spending our money and raising our taxes!
I took my daughter to the library to get info on a report she was doing, sure I could have found the info online but I wanted her to experience the library (she is only 7). They had everything we needed but we had a long line to wait in to check out the book because all anyone was checking out was DVD movies....there you go, go to the library and rent free movies...Give me a break, I was so dissappointed. Another thing I noticed no computers were available because people were using them for FREE internet service....parents sent the kids to the kid section so they could have free babysitting while they surfed the internet...I only saw 2 other people checking out actual books...such a shame. What a waste to build a new one when paint and carpeting would fix the current one
I love to read and I have been frequenting the Wicomico Library for many, many years. While I do not think that "real books" will ever be a thing of the past I also do not think that we need a new library at this point in time. I am in the library almost every week and I have never seen the library overloaded. Yeah, I agree it always looks like there are a lot of people on the computers but I also agree with Joe. Put more computers downstairs. Now is not the time to be spending more money that "the government" just doesn't have. Call it a "grant", call it whatever. We don't "need" it.
A new library is NOT needed in Salisbury,especially with the economy the way it is.For what? So all the unemployed people can have a place to hang out all day long?Get real.refurbish and use the existing space.Make do like the rest of us do.
No offense,but Rick Pollitt is out of touch if he doesnt see that people are tired of seeing money wasted.
And if they are determined to blow $$$ anyways,how about some security at the existing library?The last time I went there,it was wall to wall crazies.Guys muttering to themselves,rocking bak and forth etc.Not exactly where one wants to take the kids.
10:09 When I'm at the library the computers are all being used by teens. They would prefer sitting on computers talking to their friends via IM or do their homework by looking up the subject online instead of actually picking up a book.
Joe, looks like you've got some rich folks who read your blog. They want this new library so bad let them pay for it. If the space is the issue, open up the first floor and kick the regional folks out. I sure don't want my tax dollars going for something that won't need that kind of space in the future. Over the past week the library was used mostly to get cooled off from the heat. In two cases there were people nodding off without a book on their lap or even near them.
Anonymous 10:45 said...
libraries are not just about books. in most cities....
Anon 1045, lets get one thing straight, this isn't most cities so drop it moron.
10:17 --
Look for Pollitt to tell us about the Bennett Middle School replacement being dropped real soon now that it's an open secret.
I do agree that the Salisbury City Government needs to find their own Government Office building and they have a place right under their noses. What is wrong with renovating the "Bricks" at 502 East Isabella Street for the new city government building. It was donated to them so they are already ahead of the game. This new government office building would be a great step forward in rebuilding the crime ridden Church Street area.
The majority does not always rule. Hopefully we will start to rule and let our feelings be known. For to long it seems that government has given in to the minority and ignored the majority completely. Maybe the majority is getting tired of this treatment and is ready to stand up and fight for what is right and not what is politically correct.
Quite a discussion, huh Joe. Good job.
1. Thank you.
2. Keep up the good work.
3. Public debate is essential to good government.
I think that there is NO logical aqrguement for a new library. Renovation is the solution to outdated space, the building is a perfect size, just removate. It saves money, and believe me, the city can ill afford any building anything right now.
City or County offices could go in the civic center, (renovate) there are several buildings that would suit county offices the one across the highway from Wor Wic (a an abandon campus of some electronic company. it is beautiful, and it is very suitable for our County office building. and Lease it, it is a write off, and it would certainly more than satisfy the needs of the county. Let the city have the old GOB it is in a great place, and renovate it, over the years we will save alot of money plan our projects carefully and BUY NOTHING ....we have enough. We have vacant properties everywhere, yes it is a good time to take advantage if we had money but we cannot spend what we do not have. USE WHAT WE HAVE.
This is a joke, or am I in a depressed economy and Salisbury is not???? is there something I do not know..
Follow the money.
Who benefits from building a new library?
Contractors - who would most likely be the contractor for a new library?
Banks - which bank will fund the project?
Property Seller - what location is being considered for the new library. I may have missed this in the discussion, but who will make a profit from selling the land? Makes me think of the Fire Palace. Same question has been asked, yet it is apparent that the real names have managed to keep their identities secret.
Qui Bono
anonymous 6:08, That's where the TRICK comes in with this whole deal.
The City owns the Lot, (actually, both proposed lots) in which they are, (out of nowhere) willing to GIVE the property, (currently bringing in income as parking lots, much needed ones, mind you) to the County. So, what does the County have that the City SILENTLY and so desperately wants and claims they need, the Library!!!!
However, you've not heard anyone discuss the County stating they are willing to give the City the current Library building but we all know that's the one hand washes the other thing.
So the City gives up valuable property and gains a building in which you know they'll have to dump several million dollars into renovations, but it's good enough for the Department Heads, just not the Taxpayers?????
The times I have gone there during the day, it has become an extension of a homeless shelter. I have found people there sleeping in chairs or the sofa. I have complained about this, and nothing was done. One homeless man tried to hog a computer when his time ran out, and screamed racism when he was asked to give up his seat for someone who was waiting to use it. If the homeless would not hang out there during the day, there would be plenty of space and chairs available.
Here on the Shore, the first reaction is first to grab at the cash grant. The problem with this is the local municipalities end up building monuments for which there is no funding to maintain. OC has at least 2 at which the restrooms are perpetually locked because nobody funded cleaning them.
Libraries provide an outdated solution to a modern day problem of information access.
We don't need a new library when we have schools that are falling down and are not air conditioned. Students and staff at Northwestern Elem. have to suffer in the 90 degree heat as well as a few other schools.
Screw the new library and take the money from the civic center and other projects that the county dumps money into and upgrade our schools. You hear that Rick?
Hey Joe you ought to look into the Bennett middle school project. Rumor has it that is dead in the water. What do we need more a school or a library.
I see that you are all for kicking out the regional library from the basement but do you have even one idea of the services that they provide to the main library above and to the community and how hard it would be to provide these services from a different location?
Good insite Joe!
I have one question,
anonymous 9:30, do you think thjis Blog only reaches people in Salisbury.
Now, instead of a BS number directly from the Library, everyone has had a chance to comment here and guess what, NOT ONE person has stated so far that they didn't want the regional service eliminated.
That tells me two things. One, they don't care and two, they don't care! ;-)
Every single taxpaying American. It will come from Federal money. You know, the stuff Obama just keeps on printing. At this pace we'll not have a single tree left in the United States in less than 6 months.
Exactly, Federal Money. The Feds are shelling out money for local projects everywhere. Why? They will own the assets.
What claims do the Fed make on buildings etc which are built because of Federal Money?
but I thought we will all get a tax reduction if we make under 250K?
it's a county thing, isn't it?
NOT the city?
"our representatives need to act more responsible and STOP coming up with IDEAS"
Oh yeah, let's not elect anybody with ideas. Joe. you're finally qualified to run for office.
Using more land up for another new building while the old one lies vacant and rots.
Revelation 7:3-Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."
anonymous 7:14, how about using time to work on projects such as crime instead. Sub Stations, cleaning the river, there are too many to mention this early into the day.
We should get a new Civic Center. Tiles are falling on our heads. The libary is fine and it does it's job.
It's Official:
Bennett Middle School is on hold.
To be announced soon by Mr. Transparency (Rick Pollitt).
Before my office building moved from Carroll St. to somewhere else I use to drop into the library at lunch. I was always amazed at the amount of "and type" of people on the computers. The type of people that collect tax dollars money for food & housing instead of getting of their ass and working are sitting in the library playing on computers all day. There is no way Salisbury needs a bigger library.
The Bennett Middle school is officially done for at least another year. Heard it from a high source.
Slick Rick made a decision to support funding to fix up the civic center instead of putting money in the budget for BMS. Guess it was an easy decision for him now that Rick Jr. is out of there.
Educated people read newspapers.
Educated people read books.
As long as there are educated people in this world - they may or may not reside in Wicomico County - libraries will exist.
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