Thought some might want to have a beer with Miller to discuss his pledge while he's in town for the MaCo conference.
1. What is the purpose of the Transportation Trust Fund? answer: To pay for road repairs.
2. What are gas taxes used for?
answer: To fund the Transportation Trust Fund.
3. What happened to the money that was in the Transportation Trust Fund?
answer: Legislators borrowed from it to fund other things.
4. Why does Miller want to raise gas taxes?
answer: The Transportation Trust Fund ran out of money to borrow for other things.
From the Frederick News-Post:
Ted Kennedy clone.
Miller is a career politician and an obstructionist. Time for his fat ass to go.
Miller's pledge was to raise the gas tax if re-elected.
This guy is a slimy ba$tard who has most of his family on the State payroll with cushy,high-paying jobs. He obstructed slots when Ehrlich was the Guv, but pushed them past O'Malley's objections. POS.
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