Maryland Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-38) announced this evening that he will not seek re-election. Speaking at the Fountains Conference Center, Stoltzfus said that he would not seek another term in 2010.
Contrary to rumors that have been circulating, Stoltzfus will not be resigning his seat. Some have speculated that Stoltzfus would resign his seat so that a replacement could be appointed and run as an incumbent next year.
Currently there are three individuals that have either expressed interest in the seat, or are rumored to be interested. Michael James, who narrowly lost to Maryland House Appropriations chair Norm Conway (D-38B) in 2006, along with Pocomoke City mayor Mike McDermott, have expressed interest in running for Stoltzfus' seat if he did not seek re-election. Del. Page Elmore (R-38A) is also rumored to be interested in the seat.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

Contrary to rumors that have been circulating, Stoltzfus will not be resigning his seat. Some have speculated that Stoltzfus would resign his seat so that a replacement could be appointed and run as an incumbent next year.
Currently there are three individuals that have either expressed interest in the seat, or are rumored to be interested. Michael James, who narrowly lost to Maryland House Appropriations chair Norm Conway (D-38B) in 2006, along with Pocomoke City mayor Mike McDermott, have expressed interest in running for Stoltzfus' seat if he did not seek re-election. Del. Page Elmore (R-38A) is also rumored to be interested in the seat.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

Interesting, but Joe said all posts would be listed after the Alvarado story. Could you move this down?
I know just the girl, and the liberals love her!!!!!
; ^ >
I haven't been impressed with Stolzfus since he showed a lack of political courage and integrity by speaking against and voting against the bill which would have banned talking on a cell phone while driving. All those politicians know that such a ban would save lives, but were afraid they'd lose votes by giving their constituents the impression they were for infringing further on people's "rights" by voting in favor of the bill So he traded lives for votes. I'm glad he's calling it a "career."
anonymous 8:15, If that's what you base 19 years worth of a career on, please don't ever vote again.
Then again, you probably voted for Obama. You sound like the type. You know, vote on one issue rather than respect someone who spent the last 19 years representing you and truly caring about every single vote he supported or fought.
You people, (some of you) on the Eastern Shore really crack me up sometimes. Lowell is one hell of a good man and I can guarantee you one thing. If you were to ask the man why he voted the way he did, I guarantee he'd give you a direct answer without beating around the bush, (shall I mention the child and Kratovil) and you'd walk away clearly understanding that there was more than likely PORK added to the Bill and so forth and because he believes in representing you he voted a certain way to PROTECT your interests.
Barrie Tilghman -- his successor in the Maryland Senate?
watch out for one luis luna to also enter as a republican. not good.
Judge Danny Long is the man to beat for the seat. You made no mention of him but he is totally respected and will run a real campaign.
You know, vote on one issue rather than respect someone who spent the last 19 years representing you and truly caring about every single vote he supported or fought.
That sounds like the way most of my anti-abortion republican friends vote. They will vote against their own economic self interest because of the way some politician stands on one issue.
I had a great but sad time there tonight. My thoughts and prayers are for Lowell and Sharon. Sharon and the kids sacrificed a lot for the Senator and now it's time for him to look after his family.
Lowell thank you for being Our State Senator!
Mike lewis able to run for this spot. take his courage and charisma to a higher level ??
Danny long also another great choice. One of the finer people i had the pleasure of working with as a policer officer. He did what was right or tired to in all aspects.
Without a campaign account, Judge Long really shouldn't be campaigning and third-party soliciting funds. But hey, the Gazette photo of him with his good buddy Bruce Bereano should tell you about where Judge Long comes from.... the old school Democrats.
Lowell Stoltzfus is a great man and a great senator. It is too bad he is retiring. The Shore couldn't have asked for better representation in Annapolis.
Elmore has done nothing for the local community.
If you liked Stoltzfus I would suggest that you would not be happy with Danny Long. Don't forget Long is a liberal democrat. He would certainly not stand for the same principles that Stoltzfus stood for. Think about the mistake that many made by voting for Kratovil just because Gilcrest lost the primary. I would suggest voting for long would be no different. However if you like Kratovils votes on cap and trade and his supporting of the health care bill, vote for long if he runs. I for one certainly would not vote for any democrat because of their actions.
Is Page Elmore going to run for the Senate? Wouldn't he be the logical one to succeed Lowell? He seems to be a fairly good delegate. He certainly seems to attend everything and he's good to the watermen.
He would make a good Lt Gov.
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