With 1.5 million set to lose jobless benefits, many don't know how they'll get by
ELKHART, Ind.— Karen Inbody has just about three weeks to figure out Plan B.
The 58-year-old divorcee has been getting by on unemployment compensation since her layoff in early 2008, but she’s nearly reached the end of her benefits.
And even though she's applied for dozens of jobs, the former rental property manager has come up empty.
“I’d shovel horse poop,” she says wearily. “I haven’t even found one of those jobs available.”
Now, like many others whose unemployment benefits are running out, the Elkhart, Ind., native doesn’t know how she’s going to put food on her table and pay her mortgage.
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but yet obama gives $20mill to Hamas ppl while we starve in the streets
McDonalds is always hiring
McDonals's is NOT always hiring! Wake up to the fact that almost ALL business is down in sales. That means cut back of labor proportionately. All business is down. There are areas in the Country where there are NO JOBS. Period.
Think about it. That is sad. The big corporations blew up the economy by making very quick easy profits. Now there is virtually no economy left for Americans.
We can only consume. We can't make anything. We are fast becoming "useless eaters".
3:52, Pay your mortgage and bills on that. How about a nice big glass of STFU?
Well these people didn't want to work anyway. They just want to sit on the couch and collect welfare.
Isn't this the usual repub. line in these situations?
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