DHS Responds to Inquiries by Rep. Frank Kratovil and will Announce the Release of Additional H-2B Visas
Washington, DC – Responding to efforts by Congressman Frank Kratovil, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute confirmed today that the DHS will shortly announce the release of additional FY09 H-2B visas for temporary workers, which will provide immediate relief to numerous Maryland crab processing businesses. Federal immigration laws cap the H-2B program at 66,000 visas per year, and many crab processing facilities on Maryland’s Eastern Shore have had their H-2B applications denied as a result of the DHS formula for allocating visas under this cap. After repeated inquiries from Kratovil regarding potential steps that DHS could take to help the crabbing industry, including the allocation of visas, DHS will acknowledge today that visas have been under-allocated under the fiscal year 2009 cap and an additional 25,000 visas will be immediately released. This announcement is welcome news to the Maryland crab industry, which has been dealing with a severe labor shortage that has prevented a number of processing facilities from opening this season, while those that have been opened have been operating at levels far below capacity. Reopening these facilities will have a major impact on the local economy; a recent study from the University of Maryland found that each H-2B worker in the crab industry supports 2.5 American jobs.
Rep. Kratovil released the following statement regarding The Department of Homeland Security’s decision.
“I am pleased that the Department of Homeland Security listened to our pleas and released these additional visas. This decision is great news for the Eastern Shore communities that have been hurting because of the closed picking houses. These additional visas will allow Maryland’s crab processors to open and remain viable throughout the rest of this season. Today’s announcement is good news for the watermen, picking house owners and employees, truck drivers, restaurant owners, community bankers, and everyone else whose livelihood is impacted by the crabbing industry. I would also like to acknowledge the work of Senator Barbara Mikulski, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and other colleagues in Maryland and across the country who have also been steadfast champions for H-2B relief.”
Rep. Frank Kratovil
wth? "1- H2B worker supports 2.5 American jobs"? Are they using Liberal math? Put some of those obama lovers to work! Heck put the prisoners to work too! Filling American jobs with immigrant workers DOSE NOT support American jobs!!
Bringing in migrant workers for crab processing is just stupid. Not as stupid as the person on TV who thought that crab pickers were people "who stand in cold water picking up crabs all day", but stupid.
Let these processors pay in cash and you won't need foreign workers.
Maybe the crab houses cannot get local pickers because all of the former crab pickers are now getting free housing, money, and health care from the government. This H2B nonsense is just crazy. We are complaining about high unemployment in this country so what is the democrats solution? Oh, bring in 25,000 more workers. It's just crazy and I cannot understand how Kratovil, Mikulski and the other libs rationalize this. Please vote them all out of office.
Kratovil does something good for the 1st District, but you guys won't even give him credit for that.
9:53 It's not good for the district. There are plenty on unemployed already here.
Just who is going to pay the health care cost when these additional 25,000 immigrants need it. You need to think a little bit about this. If they get sick they have no insurance, we will pay their medical costs. If they have a baby while they are here we have another citizen with no health care. With 10% unemployment, do we really need $25,000 more workers in this country? I don't think so. Kratovil is a jerk and so is Mikulski and most of the other Dems.
More non-sense, get these foreign workers out of here, use non violent work release inmates if you have to. Enough is enough Frank, do the right thing or others will be forced to.
In other news
Congressman Kratovil's staff workers are busily updating their resumes as his dry cleaner complains about stained pants.
Folks, he went to Cambridge, talked to "the head picking company" and gave him what he wanted.
Which was cheap labor.
The next headline from his office will be...............
Look at all the jobs I have provided for Marylanders.
for the aliens..
If this guy would grow a pair and crawl out from under Pelosi's skirt and quit trying to bribe the voters we might at least respect him.
Hey Kevin
Got resume?
I hear you 9:53. That what you get from rednecks who dont understand anything. Seafood industry suffering, Kratovil helps. Where's the problem? 10:12, maybe you should tell those lazy unemployed to get off their but and apply for the jobs then? Why do you think we have to get foreignors? Cause the lazy redneck dont want to pick crabs for a living.
But you don't understand. Unemployment and welfare probably pay better than an honest job picking crab meat. Don't make the prisoners do that work. They should be in a stone quarry making little rocks out of big ones. The whole value system in this country is in shambles, why? Because we have allowed the values to erode. We no longer value an honest, hard days work. We no longer value a family with working parents raising their children with a good sense of fairness.
Look at the corporations in America. They would rather make a profit on the backs of their workforce than increase the cost of their goods. Since when did a viable business model involve selling your product at a net loss, then expect your workforce to pick up the slack with low wage increases and concessions. Think it doesn't work like that? Look at the airline industry, and now the domestic auto industry.
It's not just about welfare, health care, unions. It's about an overall decline in the desire to work for what you get. It's GREED, pure and simple. Whether it's government officials (we need some jets), business leaders (give me that government bailout, but let me keep my bonus package), or the deadbeat that has known nothing but a check in the mailbox from the government (don't take my check away, I can't buy my crack). Now, that last statement is NOT pointed at those who are truely disabled or in some other manner unable to earn their way in life.
Bring back a value based system, where everything of value, material goods as well as labor, are acknowledged and rewarded accordingly. Nothing of value to offer, no intrinsic value to society, notwithstanding charity. It's time we rewarded a day's labor with a decent day's pay.
After all, all the material we produce things with were put here already. They only gain value when their final form is useful thanks to someone's labor. Even fire for heat requires someone to light it.
Thanks for a more level-headed response to the opinionated sheltered people who think unemployed workers are lazy rednecks.
I've been through two factory shutdowns, one outsourcing to China, because pesky Americans like me cost too much.
Things are the upswing for me. I recently left my job that paid $.75 above minimum wage for a better job.
I wish the best for others who are in a bad predicament jobwise. You are not worthless because you want the same standard of living your parents had.
Unemployment at 9% and we need 25,000 more imported workers. Give me a break, something is wrong with this picture. It's the dems and Kratovil & Milkulski catering to the minority again and not doing what is best for the majority. How do these morons ever get elected?
Kudos for Congressman Kratovil -- again!
Well, so we have two comments on here from Kratovil's staff, anyone else?
The ignorance of the Shore amazes me.
this guy had SO much to do with it. Yeah, right. I am an insider and I can tell you he does not deserve credit
3:39 --
Sure you're "an insider" -- the toilet tank!
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