No law prohibits Alaska governor from using private accounts, he says
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A judge ruled Wednesday that the Alaska governor's office can use private e-mail accounts to conduct state business, as former Gov. Sarah Palin sometimes did.
Superior Court Judge Jack W. Smith said in his ruling that there is no provision in Alaska state law that prohibits the use of private e-mail accounts when conducting state business.
The case stemmed from a lawsuit filed by Anchorage resident Andree McLeod, who contended such use of private e-mails denies citizens the right to inspect public records.
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Wonder if Barrie, the three omigos and the Chief ever did this.
8:13,, I bet they did. 1 of them started out like this,,,"Let me rub that bald head!"
Why are the Dumbocrats sooooooo scared of Sarah?
Maybe because they know that she doesn't play the political nice game like the other republicans. Sarah dosn't pull any punches when she call out corruption.
She cleaned up Alaska, and she could clean up D.C. if we let her. Tht's why they are sooooooo scared of her!
Because she represents everything they hate. Like being strong and self sufficient not only attractive but intelligent and nice about it. She hates hand out's and thinks we need to drill for more oil to keep prices down and quit sending money for oil to our enemies. She knows global warming was scheme cooked up by the socialists to create another tax that they can pocket.But they really can't stand the fact she kept a child with a birth defect .
anonymous 5:52, you forgot to mention she has a Birth Cirtificate too.
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