Like him or not, the Congressman deserves high marks for his resolute stand against his party’s leaders (Pelosi, Hoyer, Frank, to name the most dangerous) on the health “ObamaCare” bill, which will not meet its fate until after Congress returns from summer vacation. That delay probably will result in much better (or less bad) legislation than if it had been rushed through the House of Representatives this week.
Mr. Kratovil stated his position and concerns about the legislation in a letter published in the Baltimore Sun at the beginning of the week. In the face of extreme pressure from the Democrat leadership, he stood his ground until they caved. Had he cut and run from the high ground, the outcome might well have been different.
To end the week, he voted against a bad bill that will further inject the leftist liberal agenda into our free enterprise system – by allowing for limits on executive pay – which was passed by the House. The other Maryland Democrat members voted for that bill. The only other member from Maryland who voted against it was the Republican, Roscoe Bartlett, from western Maryland. Delaware’s Mike Castle also voted against it.
Despite his earlier vote for the Cap-Trade bill, Mr. Kratovil is emerging as a political moderate, and it is clear that he is not a pawn or puppet of Nancy Pelosi or the Democrat Party.
Wrong. He is allowed to drift from his comrades as long as his vote doesn't really matter. He tricked me into voting for him as a moderate. He has followed the liberal line too often. I can see right thru him. Will he EVER vote to lower taxes or spending. Will he take the lead against the swarm of illegal aliens?
A political moderate, by definition will always be someones puppet as they do not have any core beliefs.
Kudos to Rep. Kratovil!
PS to Frank: "Ignoramus non carborundum!"
Thanks and keep up the good work, please.
9:17: "He has followed the liberal line too often."
How? He voted against the first version of the stimulus bill, and voted for the version that had lots of Republican ideas on it.
He'd been adamant that the Congress not vote on health care reform before the August recess.
He's voted against legislation brought by Democrats on plenty of occasions.
At least we don't have Andy Harris in Congress, where he would be as effective as a cardboard cutout - a rabid, hardcore rightwinger wouldn't get a thing passed or even concerns heard. We might as well be without a Congressman if Andy Harris had won.
We live in a moderately conservative district that's more conservative fiscally than socially. And that's what Frank Kratovil is - a fiscal moderate/conservative. Just because he hasn't voted to outlaw the Federal Reserve and eliminate all regulation on business doesn't mean he's a bleeding heart liberal.
I have no clue what Kratovil stands for. he can oppose anything the democrats put forth because he knows it will still get passed without his support. He has the best of both worlds.
On FINAL votes he votes Democrat party line. He pretends to oppose at first, even votes against preliminary bills but in the end he votes LIBERAL DEMOCRAT.
ho hum,
I say this not to Duck but to Frank's staffers that read this blog.
Rest assured guys, everyone in this town knows who your operatives are on these blogs.
We are all growing weary of their shrill and vocal support.
Just be aware, they are massively outnumbered down here and like your boss one of them will most likely be a one termer unless he gets his act together.
But just so we are clear.
OUR operatives are everywhere,
That's how we know that recently Nancy Pelosi visited Ocean City.
It was during this meeting, that Frank's supervisor released him from his requirement to vote in the affirmative on this health care bill.
The fix is in Delmarva, so Frank can now put on his dog and pony show this week to "prove" that he listens to his voters.
it is past time to vote Kratovil and all the other power hungry and greedy p[oliticians out of office. it is time for regular Americans to govern this great country.
Gotta love that Republican Party Line:
If he votes with the Dem's. he's a pawn of that party.
If he votes with the Reps. he's still a pawn of the Democrat Party.
Anon 1219 -
Hardly. On almost every major piece of legislation Kratovil has towed the party line. The supposed "Blue Dog" compromise on ObamaCare is a sham that will still cost over $1 trillion and will still lead to Canadian-style socialized medicine. Canadians can come here for decent care. Where will we go? Mexico?
Kratovil supported PORKULUS. Kratovil supported TARP. Kratovil supported bloated appropriations bills. Kratovil supported prosecuting people for what they think. The list goes on and on ...
GA, Kratovil opposed the budget. Kratovil did not support TARP (and he wasn't even in Congress when that was passed) and "appropriations" bills? You mean like paying for Iraq? Yeah, I don't remember you having a problem with Republicans paying for Iraq back when Republicans ruled the House.
Hypocrisy, thy name is "Republican"
Kratovil IS a Conservative Democrat, no matter how much you want Andy Harris in office. Lying about him or his record isn't going to help your argument.
Katrovil was elected by the majority period. I just love how the numbnuts on this blog think...if we lost, we are the majority. You don't count, get it. The Center wins elections not wingnut right. You'll continue to lose for a long time unless you embrace pragmatism.
Castle voted for Cap and Trade also. The reason I think is that Biden offered Castle his support in running for the DE Senate job. I wonder is Castle will switch party affiliation to get DEM money to run a campaign.
Anon 1534 -
C'mon, you guys can do better than that. HR 384, more money for TARP. Frankie supported it. He also supported the original TARP bill and said so during his campaign. I'll give him credit for honesty on that one.
As for appropriations bills, there are several and only one (maybe two) have anything to do with defense appropriations. Let's try HR 3081 (State - Foreign Operations). No defense their but lot's of goodies for the bureaucrats.
Look on Delmarva Dealings tomorrow AM for a more complete list.
Anon 1554 -
Kratovil won? Really? I thought he was serving in office because Andy Harris didn't feel like showing up for the swearing in ceremony.
Of course he won. Does that mean that his votes are now exempt from criticism? Oh, I forgot. Liberals ARE supposed to be exempt from criticism.
Instead of whining, why not try defending his vote for PORKULUS, or his vote for "Cap and Tax".
This is the part that I don't get. I criticize an issue. You attack me because I criticize an issue. You don't defend Kratovil's votes because you realize that the vast majority of voters aren't going to go along with it. Instead you demonize the opposition as being "divisive" and "partisan".
Try again guys. Next time try manning up and using your names.
Supposedly there are 44 BD's. Only 14 are needed to pass any legislation proposed by the Democrats. Kratovil has voted on two major bills in opposition to a majority of his constituency. Cover from his Party may now be taking place, as I am sure he is now learning to be a very cunning politician. In general I do not trust politicians, particularly Democrats, based on their record.
Kratovil will still probably cave to the Party leaders and Obama and vote against our country, freedom and his constituency. Time will tell, but do not put me in his cheer leading group yet. I will be present to remind him that his employers are not happy with him, his Party, or the President he supports.
Sorry Joe, you are wrong about this guy!! I would like to know if it was just a coincidence that a big pile of PAC money landed in his campaign fund after his yes vote on Cap-and-Trade???
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