"I always firmly believe that if you are elected to a local office (Mayor or City Council) that your allegiance remains to the citizens and to the town. Not to a higher political party. I don't live in Salisbury, but I am ashamed of the way that town has been run. Ireton ran on the concept of fixing the problems in town. And though it will take a few years to make these changes for the better a reality. He has shown the citizens nothing to make them believe it is going to happen. He should not be doing anything but serving the citizens (the ones that elected him, and the ones that didn't). Stay out of other Politics, it is corrupt enough, and what you say won't make a difference. Be the Mayor the City of Salisbury needs."
yeah well i don't live in Philly & that's why I don't comment on how City Hall operates in that city.
Ditto to whomever wrote that comment. We didn't vote for him to be the mouth piece for political party and other politicians.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,
P L E A S E just stick to the daunting job of getting our city back on trak.
He's a democrat, what do you expect him to do? They support their party and each other. They all think alike and do what they are told by those above them. They have a strict chain of command and do not think for themselfs. It's time for them to go.
If he wants to move up in the party, he better support Kratovil and the other Dems, if not he will go no where except back to teaching.
Seriously- can we go back to trying to make things better rather than complaining and whining??? Jim is doing a great job- and a really hard job at that.
anonymous 4:48, a great job AT WHAT?
If he was actually doing a great job you would have stated all of the great things he has done.
Jim Ireton is just Blah. He and Webster should actually get along great. They do nothing as department heads, sile for the cameras and that's about it.
Jim Ireton is just Blah.
Whaaaaahahaha, now that's funny
At least he's better groomed and dressed than Barrie!
But otherwise not much difference.
He should resign from the Democrat Central Committee ASAP (and if not, should be removed).
Salisbury Beware!
He probably gets his advice from the likes of Phil Tilghman and his sidekick Pretl.
Do your mayor thing! There's plenty that needs doing here. Please don't disappoint local democrats (and others) who voted for you and who do not like obamacare one single bit. Mr. Kratovil, the jury's still out on him. You have a right to your opinions, like anyone else, but you're not helping yourself by spouting off for the big shots like you did on the radio. Spout off for Salisbury and let your feet do some talking, too. Let's see some action.
It wont do any good to complain. This dude fooled everyone thinking he will change the city. The cute little smiles and hand shakes got him in offic and now that he is in, well his actions speak. Great job D*** head! Wonder what the salary is for mayor? Cut that salary down to 32,000 a year! I bet things would change. Heck, people at IHOP do more than he does and gets paid less than $20,000.
"A good decision now is better than a perfect decision six months from now." He needs to learn that.
you'll be happy to know the salary isn't even $32,000. It's $25,000.
And I'd argue Mayor Ireton has done a lot in 4 short months. Weekly skimming of the Wicomico River, Urban Salisbury saved, budget put online. Rome wasn't built in a day, and Salisbury won't be saved in a year. It might just take 2.
Duck, with all due respect, get your head out of your A$$!
The river was always being skimmed.
Urban Salisbury saved, FOR WHAT? Paint the town pink?
Budget put on line, I'll give him that. You better come up with far better stuff than this because you're looking like a complete fool, seriously.
Does a MAN have to step up to the plate and show you how to get e real job done?
Who would that MAN be, Gary Comegys?
Duck you never could hit the curve ball, low & outside.
I thought you endorsed Ireton. Has been only a short time and you are turning on him like Barrie? Is anyone good enough for you?
I endorsed Ireton over Comegys. I also endorsed Bob Caldwell over Ireton, as did many others.
He called his campaign the "Help Is On The Way Tour". The tour left town. That's what he gets for having a guitar player for a campaign manager. They all hear the beat of a different drummer.
wow, did you all really think he was going to change things? All politicians are full of sh__. Politics is all about scratching each others ass hahaha. sorry for laughing at you all but you deserve it!!!
Iretons is better equiped being a participant or judge in a baking competition. The boy is all style and no substance.
Jim is doing many things for Salisbury, maybe not as fast as some would like but hey after 8 years of tearing down what do you want in 6 months. Guitar player for a manager, dude he is a programmer, plays guitar for pleasure, had a teacher on his team, kinda like a normal guy. Lets look at some things Mayor Ireton has done. He has visited every outfall pipe feeding the river in Salisbury, trying to establish natural filters at the source of the outfall pipes. WWTP is finally comming to the front,and he is supporting Salisbury with the third Friday, as soon as the downtown merchants come on line that could really help downtown, more than another survey. Put the holds on donated property, knowing it will cost Salisbury way to much money to accept. Downtown is looking better, the windows you had done says much about you and your property, and though the Mayor did not pay for it, it was pride and vision on your part,inspired by wanting downtown to be successfull. Jim is accessable to the people, I have had the opportunity to meet him several times, speak frankly with him, pass along ideals, something I never did with the former mayor. Keeping the police chief, when many call for his head, Jim is letting the man prove himself to him. I have to admire that fact. Jim may not be the end all of all things people want changed but lets make an assessmnent in a year, give the man a chance before we begin to bust his stones.
duck,,,so your saying the salary of the mayor is $25,000? BS! I know stupid is free, but your taking too much advanage of it!
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