Pols Party While Budget Burns (Updated)
Governor Martin O'Malley made a big deal about wanting to have a "sober" Maryland Association of Counties conference last week. But one of his staffers proved otherwise by releasing a whopping 115 party-time photos to the public on Facebook. Who knew that hundreds of millions of dollars in budget cuts could be so much fun?
GO HERE to see photos and read more.
I remember that sober skipper!
ahhhhhh- here's to the good life. Fu-- the people.
Boy I really do miss Bob Erhlich and his staff. Although I didn't agree with him entirely we were much better off in those four years. Please everyone lets get Ehrlich in office again. At least we know what we are getting with him.
Although I am not a big O'malley supporter I cannot see what is wrong with folks having a good time on their dime. The taxpayers did not pay for the drinks.
Who is that woman? She looks familiar.
1:12 What's your proof of this?
That piece of trash O'Malley will soon be gone but like Obama he will leave big mess in his wake you libs get out your shovels
Bob Ehrlich? You're kidding right? HA HA!
Bob Ehrlich was one of the best things to happen to Maryland - I even got invited to have dinner every three months with him, his wife and young Son's, to discuss and try to resolve any issues in the Wicomico County School system from a teenagers point of view(being that i was in highschool at the time)which is the best point of view to get when talking about school systems, kids know what is wrong with it from an inside perspective & mostly how it can be fixed! This man TRUELY cared about our state & the people in it, believe me I did not know him before he was in office, it was not because my family is rich & got treated differently, he just really wanted the public & specificly young people's input in how the state was ran, his wife started a "Maryland Teen Advisory Coucil" which i was a part of, and thanks to them alot of things got done for Wicomico county! I heard rumor he was running again?? & i hope it is true! We do NOT need another O'malley in office!!
Stay in school.
Well the pics were taken in a bar
Some of those pix look more like a LGBT meeting. just sayin.
Come on, be fair now Joe, the Governor NEVER said anyone wanted a booze-free convention! What they DID say was, they canceled a reception at Seacrets which would have been funded by approximately $12,000 in taxpayer money.
Who's to say these people in the pictures didn't pay for their own drinks out of pocket? You're going to vilify folks for wanting to party at night, off the clock, on their own dime?
Don't shoot the messanger!
How nice to see our governor boozong it up on the clock!
2:59 you are just jealous - admit it. If someone offered you "free booze", you would take it. NO ONE passes up free booze in Ocean City (and I don't really consider beer as 'booze').
That picture of our dear Governor drinking, wasn't in Ocean City
Lets all quit paying taxes for awhile....see how many party's they have then...
2:22 - my whole paragraph and all you have to say is i spelled truly wrong? WOW - and i should stay in school? you probably don't even understand have the Sh!t Joe writes about. Get a LIFE, I probably have more education & knowledge in my short 20 years than you have had in your whole life, you are probably JT anyway! ha - did i spell this right - GO GET A CHEESESTEAK YOU FATA$$ :)
who's the blonde?
Ok I'm homesick...
Don't worry O'Malley's re-election is assured. This IS Maryland after all. I'm sure the dead will walk the Earth once more to vote on election day in Baltimore.
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