I was hoping you could put up a post, three baby kittens ended up in my yard, they are probably about 6 weeks old. I can not keep them and do not want to have them sent to the humane society where someone will have to pay to get them. If any one with a good home that will take care of these kittens and would like one please call me. (410-603-2244) Jenie Henry.
There are 2 boys both gray, one blue eyed one gray eyed. One butter color girl with amazing blue eye's I really fell in love with her she is sweet but I cant have indoor cats as my son is allergic. I have bathed the cats, I gave them a flea treatment and dewormed them, they are ready to play.
I was recently reading on the HSUS website, one should never give animals away unless you absolutely Know The Person Well!!!! There are "sickos" out there who torture animals , they can use them for Bait when training Pitt bulls to fight & hoarders who mean well, but can't afford proper care for them. Please be very careful & don't offer them for free.
True, 1:03, but then there are good people like me who have adopted 6 cats and a dog or my sister, whose home includes 7 cats and 2 dogs all adopted . Not everyone is a sicko. I wish I had room for them but I will alert all my friends that they are in need of a home. Jenie, thanks for opening your home, if even temporary, to them.
thanks for the butter girl we just got from you!! we just love her already! she's asleep on my neck as we speak lol
I cant have them sorry. :( They are adorable though!!!
I've been looking for a kitten and my boyfriend said i could only get a girl kitten. i love cats and i'm really missing mine. Unfortunately when i went to a dorm i could take my cat with me, so my mother really bonded with her and i could never take her off my mother. i will have to give you a call tomorrow
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