Update Additional Person Arrested in Marijuana Case
Jessica A Payne-25 100 block of Dutchman Drive Felton, Delaware
Manufacture of Non narcotic (Marijuana)
Maintaining a Building for Keeping Controlled Substances
Conspiracy 2nd degree
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Marijuana
Bond Information:
Currently in custody bond information is not currently available. See attached photo of Payne above.

Location: 100 block of Dutchman Drive Felton, Delaware
DATE and TIME: Monday August 31st, 2009, 11:33 A.M.
Michael D. Moore-22, 100 block of Dutchman Drive Felton, Delaware
Manufacture of Non narcotic (Marijuana)
Maintaining a Building for Keeping Controlled Substances
Conspiracy 2nd degree
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Marijuana
Bail Information:
$6,100.00 unsecured bond
$5,000 cash bail Violation of Probation
On Monday August 31, 2009 Harrington Police Department and Delaware State Police conducted a joint investigation into criminal activity. Harrington Police was currently investigating Michael M. Moore in a burglary investigation.
As a result of a search of Moore’s residence Delaware State Police located three 4 foot marijuana plants, drug paraphernalia (rolling papers, smoking pipe made from a pill bottle and a magazine guide, “How to Grow Hydroponics’ Marijuana”)
Moore was subsequently arrested by State Police for the above listed charges. Moore having been a probationer was violated for these criminal activities.
Please contact Harrington Police Department for charges related to their investigation.
This always makes me laugh out loud! How can a human being possibly "manufacture" a marijuana plant? GOD is the only one who can do that. All we can do as humans is to make the conditions available for God to do His wonderful work! With the law worded the way it is, Everyone should be able to be found not guilty of "manufacturing" just because it is impossible in this case. Go, God! You're my hero!
Young and dumb.
Legalize it
These people are not criminals any more than somebody growing their own tomatoes.
well... we can tell he's toasted in the pic.
spark one up
Green-Eye and all. If the police are listening, these are not master criminals. Locking people up for a couple of plants really stimulates the economy.
She is nice looking.
How'd she end up with such a loser?
What a waste of a potential life. What a shame.
Wow hes high in the mugshot
Females on delmarva love losers like this. Beat me and ill take care of you. Ill work while you sit home and play ps3 that I bought you. Need a ride to your probation officer, Ill take you honey bunch.
"joint investigation"
It is true about what 8:56 said. So many females settle for sh!t. Major enabling issues usually rooted in the childhood.
Way to go!!! Another couple SERIOUS criminals off the street now. I feel safer knowing these two are locked up costing me 50 or 100 bucks a day to incarcerate, plus all that terrible pot is now in the hands of the law. GREAT BUST !!!!
What a joke. What a waste of time. If they were real criminals, wait til they do something real stupid before you waste my time and money with this crap. Look for the real criminals....the baby rapers, the murderers, and the burnout potheads.
Mayberry is safe again.
How stupid is this whole thing. The personal posession of pot should NOT be a legal matter. Period.
Its a plant!
9:00.....Its 3 plants to be exact. Dont you feel better knowing these kids are gonna get some hard time for this dispicable act?
Total waste of taxpayers money.
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