Ex-No. 1 pick, who had dogfighting conviction, has been out of NFL since '06
Michael Vick is back in the NFL, landing a job with the Philadelphia Eagles.
Agent Joel Segal confirmed the quarterback’s signing, shortly before the team announced it in a text message. The Eagles gave Vick a one-year deal with an option for a second year.
Agent Joel Segal confirmed the quarterback’s signing, shortly before the team announced it in a text message. The Eagles gave Vick a one-year deal with an option for a second year.
The 29-year-old Vick, once the NFL’s highest-paid player, has been out of action since 2006.
The former Atlanta Falcons star was convicted in August 2007 of conspiracy and running a dogfighting ring, and served 18 of a 23-month sentence in federal prison. He also was suspended indefinitely by the NFL.
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Eagles just lost this fan.
Who didn't know this would happen?????!!!!!
He paid he hisdebt to society. I will not judge him. Just like the local politicians who broke the law and never missed a beat. They i have a problem with. This guy lost most everything he had. I guess if he were white and a senators sone he would have walked and got some anger mngt. course. Lets face it Blacks get hammered. White State's Attorneys walk.
Let the crap fly but we all know it is the truth.
I never was an Eagle fan, this reassures my decision not to follow that team. In my opinion there are two categories people should never hurt or violate in any way, the first is children and the second is animals. He is a disgrace for what he did, no better than a street level menace.
that man shouldn't even be allowed to play anymore... and I don't even watch football. he makes me sick. >.<
May the Philadelphia Eagles have their worst season ever.
please... the man paid his dues... did his time. He deserves another shot.
I can't believe anyone would sign him. Players, etc are suppose to be our children's idols someone to look up to and if VICK is what their idolizing, our society is in extremely poor shape.
Eagles just lost this fan too!
all this bs about these felony crooks,dui killing people and they reinstae them. What about Pete Rose he mad a stupid bet wager on games and they barred him for life.He needs to change his skin color to be reinstated.
I'll start by saying that I'm thankful that my team didn't sign him, as it would have been a major distraction. But the guy was found guilty, did his time, paid his debt. Is he not entitled to return to his job? I was always taught to "love the sinner, hate the sin."
What really gets under my skin is how the one player gets less than 30 days in jail for killing a man while drunk driving. What is that? Both of these guys should never be allowed to play football ever. I don't like Michael Vick or the Eagles. Just gives me one more reason to change the channel if the stupid Eagles are playing.
I agree with 11:12 and no I'm not black. Vick is a good person I truly believe that and maybe all of you should watch the interview on 60 minutes Sunday night. He made a hugh mistake, but he faced it head on. I hope he returns to MVP form.
Your point is taken, that he paid his debt - but considering the evil things he was part of, many people don't feel he deserves to be part of a top NFL team.
JB, who cares what "many people" think. The point is the man has done his time; leave him alone and let him live life. Thats supposed to be the whole point of jail time. To learn from your mistakes and pay your debt.
By you guys' logic, it's like a friend borrowing $50 bucks, then paying you back, but you remind him for the next 10 years "hey, remember I had to loan you $50 that time"
Bunch of damn dogs, He served his time leave him alone.
Obviously Vick has major character flaws. I honestly think he's evil. I say this because he enjoyed torturing and killing these dogs....and had no remorse until he was arrested. karma is a *itch. I predict Eagles will have worse season ever and that's what they deserve. Vick will pay more appropriately for his actions in time. Maybe he should be put in a ring and have to fight with dogs. Wonder how he'd like it? He is one of the low life scum of the earth.
Mrs. Tom
This just gives me another reason to hate the Eagles.
Can't wait for them to play in Cleveland. The Dawg Pound will be ready for him.
Cleveland $h!t stains suck. Maybe one day you will crawl out from under the Steelers' cleet
Hey! Look hear all! We have another "fair weather" Squealers fan among us. I never said I was a Cleveland fan, you clown.
To go a bit further, as a matter of fact, I hate ALL professional sports. That is the only profession that you can become an instant millionaire, then kill people, drive drunk, rape, steal, cheat on you spouse, sell and take illegal drugs, kill animals for money (since your millions arent already enough), gamble,... the list goes on and on, throw away your millions, "pay you debt to society", then become a millionaire again. I'll stick to college sports, where if you screw up, you're DONE. End of story.
The comment about Cleveland was made simply because all those idiot fans will come out and make complete fools of themselves while I sit and laugh at them. Makes for good entertainment. You can take your Squealers and stuff 'em.
Another reason to despise the Eagles.These NFL guys drive drunk,fight dogs,carry guns but Pete Rose cant get into Hall of Fame?
Hey 12:05 were you talking about pro athletes or congress??
What he did goes way beyond just a petty crime. I agree with Mrs. Tom - he should know what it's like to have to fight for his life with a bunch of idiots standing around cheering - then maybe he'd show true remorse, not just be "sorry" when he thinks it will affect his future earnings. No one who has a heart would be able to excuse what he did.
Hey anon 8:50 if he raped your daughter &/or son, dowsed them in kerosene, beat them, and then forced them into a cage fight with people bigger than they are while betting money they would either win or lose would you be so quick to dismiss his arrogant ignorance? Well guess what those dogs are even more susceptible to being harmed and mistreated because he was the father to those animals. The trend he as a professional has caused dogs and cats to be beaten, thrown away like trash, and set on fire because he was the "hero" and he did it so now all the little pea brained followers think its okay to do.
That is the problem with this situation. He showed not only can you cheat, drink and drive, threaten people with violence, shoot people, but now you can also get away with torturing innocent animals. He was wrong, he knew he was wrong but he still did it to benefit his own sick obsession. He is sorry now only because he was caught. He is not sorry for the animals that had to be put down, he is not sorry for the animals that will always be timid and affraid, he is not sorry for the bite wounds these animals suffered, he is not sorry for the loss of vision his actions caused. He is sorry for getting busted, that's all he is sorry for.
Another thing, why does it always have to be about race? He was an a-hole for what he did. Black, white, puerto rican, mexican, or indonesian he was wrong and should be held to the stiffest penalties of American law and subjected to public ridicule for the rest of his pathetic life.
Your point is taken, that he paid his debt - but considering the evil things he was part of, many people don't feel he deserves to be part of a top NFL team.
He isn't..he is part of the eagles, not a top nfl team
3:44 and 11:11, The point is this man went to trial in front of a jury of peers, was convicted, was sentenced by a judge, and he has performed his sentence. No matter how disgusted by him you may be, the man has done what the state has said he has to do in order to pay his debt and become rehabilitated. Don't think he has done enough? Blame the judge/judicial system. Vick has satisfied his human judge; he only has to square up with the judge from above now.
I have been an Eagles fan all my life. Carried on from my father and his father. Yes I do think what Vick did was wrong, but he served his time. Am I happy that he's on my favorite football team, not really, but I am a fan and I will support the Eagles still. The Eagles organization (as well as the NFL) feels he paid his debt to society and deserves a second chance. You mean to tell me that if this was your son or daughter that did that or a crime like it, that they shouldn't be given a second chance? There are numerous players in the NFL that don't deserve to play but they are still there. Look at all the celebrities that are out there that are screw ups as well. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Hoepfully Vick has learned his lesson and can come back in the NFL and prove that.
I'm with Shannon & Mrs. Tom.
Michael Vick is a piece of sh*t who is only sorry because he got caught.If you were chained to a cinderblock in his backyard,you would feel differently about him.You can take a guy out of the slums but you cant take the slums out of a guy and the only way justice would have been served is if one of those pitbulls bit him in the goods.I cant wait til the Giants whip the Eagles ass on the field this season.
I think this really SUCKS.
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