Location: Shiloh Way Laurel
Date of Occurrence: August 28, 2009
Suspect(s): Raymond France, age 66 of Laurel
Resume: On Friday August 28, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Troopers and Laurel Police Department responded to a domestic altercation.
The 65 year old victim awoke to the defendant/ Raymond France asking her if she wanted to try some of the steak that he had cooked on the grill. When the victim looked outside, she observed her large Longerberger basket collection engulfed in flames.
France then told the victim to look inside the refrigerator for her medication. The victim discovered France had removed her three month supply of medication.
France then grabbed a large fillet knife and waved it at the victim, as he made statements that he was going to kill her.
France fled into the woods, after the victim had called 911. Troopers located France a couple of doors down from the victim’s residence. France resisted arrest and refused to cooperate with being fingerprinted.
France was arrested for resisting arrest, failure to comply with fingerprints, criminal mischief, theft, reckless burning, terroristic threatening, aggravated menacing, and possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony. France was committed to SCI, after failing to posting $38,000 secured bond
Old boy still got some kick in him.
Told ya not to pi$$ me off!
Yathink maybe it's like, OVER?
When will she learn not to run out of coffee in the morning!
I don't care who you are, that's funny. I bet there's not one guy on this planet that hasn't wanted to do that to some stupid sht their wife wastes money on.
My wife wont spend a dime on herself. Old School & Real as Rain.
This is my Home-Town.
I am a female and roflmao-ing at that one.I know alot of women who spend huge amiunts of money on that type of stuff.
Does Sound like money issues drove him over the edge. There were many times that I have to admit that I have had past thoughts of melting down deep sea fishing equipment.
what a joke poor guy he didnt need to be arrested all those charges will be noll pros
when my psyco ex did some of those things to me the police werent interested in arresting her
double standard for the guy who does those things
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