Thomas McGuire and son Chris McGuire volunteered time yesterday to the Town of Delmar, Maryland painting curbs. In fact, I spoke with one Council Member who stated they are looking for more volunteers this Saturday to meet at Town Hall on Pennsylvania Ave. at 8:00 AM to do more painting of curbs. If you're interested please contact the Town of Delmar at 410-896-2777.
Now this is what I'm talking about Folks. Rather than bitching and complaining, get out there and participate and make a positive difference. My hat is tipped once again to the Town of Delmar and the McGuire Family for truly making a difference and uniting the community.
Hey delmar council this is my public challange to come out and help , Joe will you show to see if our town council and town maneger show and pitch in ?
public officials will not volunteer are you nutts?!?!?!
then maby its time to get new public offcials
who is regulating this painting there are standards set by all towns as to how much and where and what color to paint curbs? that is a huge liability if someone is struck or there is a violation that has to do with parking..
11:54, IDIOT! YOU are the reason America is failing.
A all we are doing it painting were it already is . Jerome is on top of it and checks the work daily.If there is a question we STOP and move on to another area till MR j tells us what to do .As joe said stop your bitching and and get out and help.
So did you speak with a Councilperson or a Commissioner?
It seems this is being done on the Maryland side?
What about the Delaware side? Those elected officials are Council members.
Most of the elected officials don't ever volunteer for anything in Delmar unless it's RIDING in the Christmas parade. I have seen the Mayors WALK the parade route however.
Unless the elected officials are willing to be proactive in their community, it's hard to expect the residents to do so.
They didnt even sweep the leaves away first. LOL.... just paint over or around them.
A i just started yestarday it takes about 2 hours per corner to do. since i am voluntering my time it is going to take more than a day/a week to get done. why dont you call me directly at 410-603-2640. and come on out tonight and give me a hand. i will be on chestnut or pine. i have extra rollers/brushes etc. and yes i am in contact with the counsel.
as the idiot who questioned the regulation of the painting i would like to say it's a real shame you guys have to be doing it. i was not aware that the painting was a re-paint and you can barley even tell the paint was there in the first place in the photo. i was just asking a question not being critical your efforts. what an embarassment for the town of delmar, the leaders of delmar should be quite embarassed.....
when did you ever see a Mayor WALK in a parade? please let us know when.......
Maybe the whole town can get together and paint the Lecates building uptown. TOWN OFFICIALS--DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT BUILDING BEFORE SEPTEMBER 20, PLEASE!!!!!
No offense,but arent there public works employees that get paid to do this stuff?Its great to see citizens get out there but I hope the town is at least paying for the paint and brushes.
Yes, public works are paid to do this stuff. Makes you wonder what THEY are going doesn't it? Since how Delmar no longer does their own trash pickup. That was changed so more of the "other" stuff could get done.
As far as the posters criticizing HOW this is being done....don't see you out there doing anything....so how dare you criticize!
I applaud these citizens for what they are doing even though I truly think the TOWN should be doing it OR have already done it!
So what IS getting done in Delmar?
A chestnut & 4th chestnut &3rd pine &4th CHestnut &t 675 are all done .Anyone on a corner house wanting there done sooner please contact me @ 4433595049 or carl
Good example, thanks. To those who complain or see the errors. What have you done to improve/correct/make things better for this community?
Years ago Delmar used to hire students during the summer to do the painting and other labor intensive tasks. It was a good summer job for some kids and it taught them a little about responsibility. It is a shame that all kids can do now is watch TV and play video games.
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