Today the Daily Times wrote an article on the letters written separately by Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen and touched briefly on their content.
I took the time to respond to one comment on the article and wouldn't you know it, within 5 minutes the comment was gone. Now, here's the problem with such yellow journalism.
Let's say you have a Candidate, (take Jim Ireton as an example) who is running for Office as Mayor. The Daily Times likes the other Candidate, (Gary Comegys as an example). They write an article and comments start coming in on that article. The next thing you know, (hypothetically) Gary's friends, (it only takes three people) hit the abuse button on the comment and within seconds the comment is gone and all of the Ireton supporters comments are gone.
This could easily sway an election, just as Webster's friends are removing my comments. Fortunately, however, there's Salisbury News where we're getting more visitors per day now than the Daily Times and we can expose such problems.
I did speak to Joe Carmean, aka, jcinsby, this morning and they claim they have spoken to corporate about this being a problem and he said they hope it will be brought up in a Corporate meeting with Gannett.
Anyhow, below are the two comments that were on the Daily Times but as you can guess, mine is gone. We can just discuss it here, no problem.
City1732 wrote:
Campbell is just being vindictive. She doen't car about the people of Salisbury. She is on a personal vendetta against Webster for her pal Joe Albero.
Joe Albero Wrote:
City1732, That's just ridiculous. First of all, Campbell owes me nothing. Far be it hundreds of people, (if not thousands) have the same impression of Chief Webster. Campbell & Cohen represent the citizens of Salisbury and when you have a Department Head who is unwilling to cooperate with the City Council and fulfill their requests it is their duty to report them. The only thing that shines on Chief Webster is that bald head of his. I wonder when he'll be suing Campbell & Cohen for doing their job!
Actually, Joe, your comment is at the end of the Dr. Alvarado update.
I wondered what it was doing there.....
They would use a post that serious about a great man to play games with Joe, whats that tell you about their carachter.
DT is nothing but bird cage liner anyway.
Anon 9:45,
Except that it's considered Main Stream Media by most, which is unfortunate. They ALMOST NEVER represent any of my views, or any views which I might agree with. They are the masters of "spin" especially here in Salisbury and regarding SBY politics and political issues. The DT manages to blindly support their chosen ones, without going to any lengths to either verify or consider the other side of the issue or opinion.
Bad job done by our one newspaper, and bad for those who rely upon the daily paper for their news. They're being cheated, big time.
Ohh your comment wasn't posted? That can be frustrating huh? What goes around comes around...
Just go zap City1732's comments in the same way. It is easy to do.
The comment was posted, just in the wrong place.
When the DT ceases to exist, how are those without a computer going to get the news? I am really curious because WBOC and WMDT just plain don't cover any news in Salisbury, they are all about what's going on in Delaware.
Maybe they didn't like what you said - just like you don't post things here that you don't like!
anonymous 11:25,
Why weren't you speaking out all these years for those folks living in depressed areas who couldn't afford the Daily Times every day????
You're a typical left wing nut job who THOUGHT you could get away with making such a statement but has now smacked you in the face.
Anon 10:57
Right on!
11:31 You're a typical right wing nutjob.
It's kind of funny, Joe, when you speak of the Daily Times' bias. I love Salisbury News, but unbiased it ain't.
I gave up on leaving comments at DT because it takes sooo long to load.In the time it takes to read and comment on one story there,I can read Salisburynews in its daily entirety twice.I just do not have the luxury of spending hours reading the paper.
I don't understand the issue, honestly.
The DT is biased and moderates comments on the web site as they see fit - possibly even removing comments they consider inappropriate or inflammatory.
This blog is biased, and the comments are moderated - meaning many never see the light of day - possibly because the blog owner feels they are inappropriate or inflammatory (or contradict the blog owner.)
DT is not any more obligated to post every comment as this blog is - once it is noted that there is a registration required or that the comments are moderated, any expectation of 1st Amendment free speech is removed.
With the exception of PBS and NPR and some cable-access outlets, the vast majority of media companies are just that - companies. Owned by people. Who get to pick and choose what they print/post/put on the air.
Is the issue that people don't understand that?
Andie, 1:41, I beg to differ.
Once "I" (as an example) put up your comment, non one but me can remove it.
In the case of the DT's, they allow an abuse button in which they CLAIM they review all of the alleged abused comments and put them back up if they see fit. That never happens, number one.
Secondly, I USED MY NAME. That being said, "I" am liable for my own comment. It was NOT a fictitious name, therefore they have abused my First Amendment Right.
YOU cannot come on Salisbury News and remove someone else's comment and that's what they're allowing to happen. It's perfectly orchestrated to work in the Yellow Journalism Market to CONTROL the flow of how Americans think and especially how elections are won.
Perhaps I can't remove someone else's comment on this or another blog - but you get to choose what is posted, and can decide not to post things you don't like, regardless of whether the person signs their name to it.
The end result on both sites is that there are comments not being seen which may contribute to a biased view that readers are not being allowed to openly contradict.
My question is - so what? Both media outlets (DT and this blog) are basically just businesses, and CAN choose to print/post what they choose.
If people read the paper OR this blog without realizing that they are being provided with only what the outlet's owner(s) want them to see, then, well, wow.
But I still don't get what the issue is - why all the calls to the DT?
I mean, goose & gander, right, Joe? Shouldn't YOU be promising to post EVERY comment that comes to you with a signature, then?
Andie, I do publish ALL comments that come in with someone's name on them.
I disagree. I sent in three different comments yesterday on various threads with my name signed to each. Only one of them was posted.
Yesterday was not the first time I sent in signed comments that did not post. I do not know what your process is for moderating, and I know you have said you have people who assist with that. So I recognize that you may be unaware that not all signed comments are getting through, but regardless, that is the case.
However - past comments aside, you are saying you will publish ALL signed comments in the future?
That certainly is a one-up on DT, but it still doesn't alter the fact that they own a business, and can choose to refuse comments from, remove comments from, or run their forums in any way they see fit.
I mean, you always say everyone reads your blog and the DT is failing anyway, right? So why do you care about having your name ON the DT web site? It's already plastered all over this one, and, according to a post today, all over much bugger media outlets.
Why is the DT such a thorn in your side? And if you are so against them, why say anything at all? Aren't you just promoting them by even talking about them on your blog? You know as well as I do that there is really no such thing as bad press when you're selling something - even if what you're selling is the press.
Andie, you're a liar!
I personally moderated ALL of the comments yesterday and you did NOT put uup a comment in which it was rejected.
As for my mentioning the Daily Times. One thing I can guarantee you is that they read Salisbury News.
I can also guarantee you that they are watching my numbers daily, weekly, monthly, however you want to look at it. I think it's important that a newspaper that REFUSED to publish stories that were important to the community realize that when one man said he was going to go up against them 4 years ago and put them out of business, I want them to feel that slow death and I want to Public to know I fulfilled my promise.
Now, do I really want to see them go away, no. There WILL come a day, very soon, when they'll be calling ME about issues. They'll regret ever treating me second best and quite frankly my numbers prove we are blowing them away locally.
By the way, when I talk numbers, I'm talking unique hits, NOT PAGE VIEWS. The DT's only uses page views, again, misleaqding their paying customers.
Anyhow, that's the last time you'll post a comment in which you LIE. If I know you're lying, I'll reject your comment. You have not sent in a comment with your name on it and it was rejected. In FACT, interesting how you're a brand new name to the Blogosphere and then you maker such a claim. Show everyone where you've posted a comment ANYWHERE using that name. You're a liar, period. Go ahead, prove me wrong!!!!!
Why should someone who signs there name get privileged over someone who doesn't. There are reasons people post anonymously and not just to be a troll. Many comments that just disagree with what you say are not allowed. Any that point out the dissemination of false information are never posted. Why? Almost positive this is not going to make it even though this thread seems to be allowing outsiders thoughts.
anonymous 2:47, whoops, for a second there you thought I swasn't going to call you out, didn't you.
anonymous 2:47 is none other than JT. The pussy that hides all day long behind fictitious names and anonymous and gets frustrated because he just can't figure out how I know it's him.
Nevertheless overly obese one, where did you learn such big words. Oh that's right, you have BT, MD, LC and others writing for you anonymously and it's about time you picked up on a couple of key words.
You have claimed to follow my Blog all this time but you're not man enough to sign your name. Probably because you'd look pretty stupid, (like you did yesterday using the F-Bomb several times in front of Terry Cohen's children).
Get a life. I know, why don't you invent a tool for really fat people to be able to put a pair of socks on without having your weife do it for you every day. You'd make a fortune and then you could stop sucking off the taxpayers for disability. Oh, that's right, you enjoy screwing Americans.
Your Blog is a joke and we proved that today. You get less thyan 100 hits a day and you, two cents and Michael are all in the exact same league, the Below 100 Club. How about the fact that the City of Salisbury Website gets more hits per day than your Blogs. ROTFLMAO!
You're a wanna be Joe Albero JT. I'll bet you're telling AW and BT you're getting more hits than what you're really getting too, right? Of course they're too stupid to look it up and fiund out the truth but now that I've called them out on it I can assure you they'll be doing so right away. You wouldn't want to look like an IDIOT now, would you AW. Because right now thousands of people that know you're feeding JT know you are.
Snagged again Obese one.
Notice how quiet it gets after Joe calls him out. Good job Joe.
How come no one ever responds after you call them out. Its like people just jump in and then run away at the first sign of trouble. Way to go!
Maybe they do respond but Joe censors them. I'm a 'nobody' and typically remain anonymous if I commend because it doesn't matter who I am.
I visit this site because it's another source of news and I like to be informed. I don't visit it because of you Joe, so please try not to be so self-important. Nobody but you really cares how many hits you get, everyone just wants the 411.
With all that being said, you do have a point about the DT comment system being foul. They ARE on the right track but hopefully people calling them out helps them fix it. Giving them the benefit of the doubt they may not be vicious with their configuration they are just half-assed.
the daily disappoinment gets a tax break every year on their equipment form salisbury. other business owners are not that fortunate that's why they have left salisbury. the daily disappointment would never bite the hand that feeds it!
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