Cash-for-clunkers has produced a blizzard of paperwork for car dealers in the state, and few have yet to receive reimbursements for the clunkers they've collected. Salisbury blogger Joe Albero provides an inside look at the woes of one Eastern Shore dealership.
Great job Joe! It was a well written article.
You are clearly becoming a news source for many who live in the Salisbury area. It is time to place advertisements on your blog. It is time to "take it to the next level".
Thank You, we're working on it. Loys of work still ahead but we're getting there.
Did they link to your article?
anonymous 4:27, HELLOOOOO! Is anybody home!
Go Joe Go Joe!
That is pretty cool, you should be proud.
" the woes of one Eastern shore dealership ". Please. While I pity those free market Republicans in drag, and my heart cries for those slobbering Obamadroolers, they don't deserve a dime of it. I see no difference in these clunkere dealers than a porked out, tobacco chompin, not-had-a-shower in days welfare queen buying 30 boxes of Twinkies. Hey dudes, it's charity and it's OUR money! The free market will sort this out IF there is anything left when we send this clown Obama home.
Bet JT is all in a dither because he's not getting mentions like this.
But then, much of his stuff is written by MD and LC. All he can write is "Debbie is a witch, Terry is ugly and whines, I'm gonna get that BlutoMom, who else can I attack, wah, wah, wah."
people have clunkers for 2 reasons only. they either LOVE 'em or another vehicle is unaffordable.
it's not like the 4500 goes in their pocket. most liens will be too much to afford. (in the thousands of dollars.)
to me, it's no different than the housing sham. 300,000 isn't affordable, but you can get a loan for that too big house you can't afford. (used to be)
excellent article!
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