NEW YORK (Aug. 10) -- Researchers say a small number of young law enforcement officers who participated in the World Trade Center rescue and cleanup operation have developed an immune system cancer.
The numbers are tiny, and experts don't know whether there is any link between the illnesses and toxins released during the disaster.
GO HERE to read more.
Can you say MERCURY from the fluorescent lamps alone???????
I have stated this for years. There were hundreds of thousands of fluorescent lamps, if not millions in both those buildings.
By the way, this article is only about the young people. There were older peoploe and LOTS of people who got cancer after the 9-11 attacks.
It's all part of the elaborate government scheme to kill 3000+ of its own citizens, so the US could declare war to secure the oil in Iraq!
Mercury is deadly in large amounts,I can see where that would be a probable cause.
Dumb question,but is there mercury in simple household flourescents?
Bluto, yes. You must have a certain amount of mercury in flourescent lamps in order to ignite the lamp.
10:58 The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. There was/is no connection.
Bluto, thermostats also contain a glass bubble with a quarter teaspoon of mercury in them, too. That would add up to many gallons if that were the type they had in the buildings.
prob cause they work in that dirty city
In addition, there is thymerosol in ALL VACCINES! Thymerosol is mercury.
Think about it.
All of the rescue dogs used died within a couple of years.
The towers needed to be remodeled to deal with all of the asbestos.
The air was deadly, but the EPA gave the green light to go ahead an reopen Wall Street.
Our government has lied about 911
One cannot say with any degree of certainty this would or not have happened had this incident not occurred.
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