Location: Limestone Road, south of Ocheltree Lane, Pike Creek, Wilmington, Delaware, New Castle County
Date of Occurrence: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, at 11:00 a.m.
Suspect(s): None at this time
Resume: In one of the stranger reported cases of late, a male subject notified 911 earlier today to report being struck by a blow dart.
The 36-year-old male victim in this case advised he was riding his bicycle northbound on Route 7, south of Ocheltree Lane, when he felt a sudden and unexpected pain in his right thigh.
The victim looked down and observed a blow dart protruding from his leg. The victim removed the item and found it was approximately four inches in length. He reported that 3/4 of the dart had actually entered his body.
Being that this incident was unexpected, the victim advised he was not necessarily looking out for suspicious persons or vehicles and only remembers seeing a full size pick up truck passing him on Route 7 at the time he was injured.
The victim elected to seek treatment at his family doctor.
Anyone with information pertaining to this case is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
I've been trying to tell you we need blowdart control
OMG it has started. They are here. Pigmies in thr bush. Pigmies in the bush.
sorry my fault ! mulligan
makes me think of the scene in old school... when he takes the tranquilizer gun to the neck. hahaha
Why don't you start blaming Obama for this one as well. Seems to be the trend on this blog to blame Obama for all your problems.
Perhaps he paid someone... Oh no, he did it himself.
You know what your real problem is. When it comes to politics, you can't think outside the box or outside this blog. Whatever Joe says goes. Like Pavlov's dog you've been trained...
Noone is taking your healthcare away. Don't you think that certain things in developed countries just should not be for profit; like healthcare or education.
What was one thing that changed in your life since Obama took office and that you hold him responsible for?
NOTHING has changed since Obama has been in office....that is the problem!
Alex what a whining cry baby you are.Who's not thinking outside the box the people who are protesting are our seniors and will be affected first. It's not this blog or anyone Else's fault that the Administration has failed to explain Government health care.It's been left to the people to read it themselves something that even the Congress is to lazy to do.This bill is unnecessary and to important to let government get their hands on. I want less Government intrusion in my life not more. As we speak we have the best health care in the world and everyone in America has access to it no to say it's perfect but it's still the best.
Alex 2:57
You make a good point , this is typical of some African nations and
South American nations. They still use blow-darts as weapons.It's
called the silent killer , just like Obama!
Alex 2:57 Gas prices are going up again. That's one thing he's done that has affected me.
Alex...Apparently you haven't gotten the news regarding your subscription. Click the big red X in the upper right hand corner, but before you do make sure you leave your address. I want to be able to stand out in front of your house with a sign that reads JTYS (Joe Told You So).
Gas Prices Gone up?????????? They are down oer a dollar since last year.
Anon338 -
Well you probably don't have to worry since Obama also took your job away! No need for gas.
Anon3:42, that is so lame
Anonymous 3:05. Even you would have to admit that Obama has restored America's image in the eyes of the world.
Do you not think that Obama's administration facilitated the release of US reporter's in Korea?
Cash for clunkers isn't working? Markets are not going up?
Anonymous 3:14, your comment just proves that people like your are not thinking outside the box. For your information according to World Health Organization, US healthcare is ranked # 37. We are just above Slovenia and just below Costa Rica. Here are a few more countries that have better health care: Oman, Morocco, Chile, Colombia.
Government explains health care fairly well, but you would have to go on some website other than this blog. Perhaps you can pick the bill and read it yourself.
Alex first off you have to look at the size of our country compared to those other small countries. And no it has not been explained clearly at all because the salesmen haven't even read it most likely because they won't have to be on it doesn't that strike you as strange that it's good enough for us but not the Administration?
Alex said...
Anonymous 3:05. Even you would have to admit that Obama has restored America's image in the eyes of the world.
Do you not think that Obama's administration facilitated the release of US reporter's in Korea?
Cash for clunkers isn't working? Markets are not going up?
ya'got to love these libs, if it's bad they scream like little girls, "it's Bush's fault" "obama inherited it" "he's only been in office for 6 months how can he turn 8 years of Bush around in 6 months?"
But if something positive happens... obama did it in those same 6 months that they say he couldn't do it in.
hey 3:56
You went school where? Oh yeh ,
3rd grade graduate . That explains!
He got shot with a dart. Could
have killed him if hit in the right
place. Whoever did it should be hung by the grapes. Sounds like
a bunch of the westside idiot kids.
It's crazy how these libs get behind this guy knowing nothing about him or where he was born and then jump on this health care or " LIFE CONTROL Bill" band wagon like a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking Marxist !
Well Anonymous 5:30. I went to Villa Julie College and actually graduated cum laude. I am sure that you can tell by my writing that I am not a product of Eastern Shore.
Actually I was not born in this country. Yes, I came here legally and managed to graduate from college and even spent 8 years in the Reserves.
I have lived in other countries and traveled a lot and have first hand experience as to how other countries work. You have not idea how good you have it here! Stop bitching!
Again, it is unfortunate that people like you refuse to gather their information outside of this blog or Fox News or Rush Limbaugh. By the way I do not consider myself a liberal. I considered voting for McCain until he picked Ms. Palin.
???? What are you people talking about? This is a local assault on a private citizen. Obama? Healthcare? What? Stop this bus, you're all Bozos.
Can we get to the subject of the post?
I have a blowgun and let me tell you it's a very nice weapon; I've hunted with it and it's great for squirrels.
Anon 6:48
We used to use one of those on possums,we had some vicious possums attacking outdoor cats at one time and it is effective at scaring them off but doesnt kill them.
you have to get the long darts and buy plastic broadheads and put them on; very effective weapon.
Alex 5:59
Your a bone head you tell us how great we have here and in the same breath say lets change. How much of my tax dollars went into your education from the liberal indoctrination center you attended ? If you don't like the health care system here feel free to return to your country of origin ! You gotten your free ride !
7:25 I paid for my own education and I learned there enough to know that when our health care as just above Slovenia, something needs to be done.
I did not spend any of your tax dollars.
Don't you think it is unfortunate that majority of scientists now are from some country other than US. Perhaps, it is because of the rhetoric such as your. What is wrong with tax dollars spent on education? If more tax dollars were spent on education, there would be less shallow people like you. The only thing that came into your mind when I said I was not born in this country is that I somehow "got a free ride". In actuality chances are, because I have education, I will eventually give you a free ride on welfare using MY tax dollars.
Instead of screaming at town halls, why don't you attend a study hall and try to broaden your horizons.
Alex- to your remark about my earlier post (3:05) Obama hasn't done a darn thing for me. Cash for clunkers is what you are praising him on? What happens when all those people now buy brand new cars (if they can get through the 130 stipulations you have to qualify for to be able to get a new car in the first place) and then they turn around in 6 months to a year and the car gets repossessed. How is that stimulating the economy? I'm pretty sure there are other ways to improve the economy than offering people $4500 to trade in the piece of junk cars. And as far as your comment "you can tell by my writing I am not a product of the Eastern Shore," are you trying to say that we are not educated? Well as far as I'm concerned, if you feel people around this area are uneducated, then maybe you should consider a new residence. Us "dumb Eastern Sho' folk" would't be too upset that you left. Hey maybe Obama can give you a job in his office and you can help him stimulate the economy even more with your Villa Julie College education.
Anonymous 8:26.
I do not live on the Eastern Shore.
As for people having their cars repossessed, they should know what they are getting themselves into. If you cannot make a payment, then your car should be repossessed. We have seen this happen on the larger scale already with predatory lending and housing bubble. You cannot make 30K per year and afford 500K home.
Offering $4500 is not a solution to fix the economy, but it's a good initial step.
No, I did not mean Eastern Sho' folk are not educated, but the rhetoric of majority of commenters is soaked with racism and hatred. I am not urging anyone to become a liberal. What I am asking is for you to look beoynd the Eastern Shore, especially when it comes to issues like health care. You want to learn more about it, read August 10 Time magazine article.
I take it upon myself to look at both sides of the argument before I make comments. Perhaps, you should too.
Thank you.
8:22 If I wanted a free ride I would go along with all the freebies promised. You say you paid your own way but by gauging you by your words you have had a free ride and chances are you still are, maybe welfare as you seem to know who will be on it.Your short sightedness hasn't mentioned how this will be paid for and that the fact illegal aliens will be covered paid for by whom ? Not you as I sure your tax exempt !
I read a study that the Eastern shore folk as you call them were the smartest people in the country per capita look it up.
Alex - your reponses really give me a good laugh. Thank you for providing me with a chuckle everytime I view your comments. I can't believe you state in once sentence that people should know what they are getting themselves into when they purchase a new car or house and then turn around and say well people that make this much can't afford things that are this much. A lot of people do know what they are getting themselves into, but what happens when they lose their job because the enonomy has gone to s**t? That's right, they can't pay their bills. And as far as your example on making 30k a year and getting a 500K home, I would like to know where you bank. Maybe they can finance me for a home or anyone else on the planet for that matter.
I think people on the Eastern Shore do look past things. Just because we are from here, and you aren't, doesn't mean we don't know what's going on in the rest of the world. People comment on this blog are filled with hatred and racism because they are fed up and this gives them a chance to voice their opinion (hence the comment option). If you don't like what you are reading then don't visit the site. It's your choice to be upset by someone else's opinion. Then you come on here acting holier than thou because you aren't a native of the Eastern Shore, you insult our intelligence and then expect us to respect and listen to your opinion....I'm pretty sure I have education enough to know it doesn't work that way.
and for the record Alex....you are the one that brought Obama into this whole discussion!
How did a post about blow-dart attacks become a p*ssing match?LOL
BTW,the bridges are open 24-7,anyone who doesnt like it here can leave anytime
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