(CNN) -- Most Congress members conducting town hall meetings this month have chosen a noncombative posture to deal with angry participants who disrupt the proceedings. Not Rep. Barney Frank.
At a lively two-hour meeting Tuesday night in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Frank gave as good as he got in confronting opponents of overhauling the nation's health care system.
The crowded hall had both supporters and detractors, but the opposing side was much louder and more raucous, booing the Massachusetts Democrat from the moment he was introduced and shouting questions and challenges at him throughout.
"You want me to talk about it or do you want to yell?" he asked over and over when interrupted while trying to answer. Continued shouting brought a sterner rebuke.
"Disruption never helps your cause," he said more than once. "It just looks like you're afraid to have rational discussion."
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Barney Frank is one of the main player's in the recession not to mention his sweet heart loans as Americans lose their houses he also ran a gay prostitution ring out of his house and nothing ever happened to him.
Thanks for the post Joe. Saw the video of the Fox News coverage on youtube. Didn't like how it was edited; would like to see the raw footage.
I would love to see all the yellers/protesters from both sides sit down for a second and discuss all of the facts.
I'm glad Barney Frank finally had the guts to call out these people. You cannot have a discussion if someone is yelling over you as you try to answer a question. Good for him for telling it like it is!
Good for Congressman Frank. Shouting down the people you disagree with simply to shout them down does nothing for any side of any debate.
You have a right to free speech, and that right also extends to the people who want to tell you that you are acting foolish.
People seem to think who ever yells the loudest wins. You need to hae some true facts.
You can't hear the concerns of your constituents if your shouting them down. Although he really just made himself look ignorant and out of touch with average Americans. Don't forget who the tax payers are it's not the governments money !
If he talked to me like that he would of got his ass kicked.
The question asked of him was "why do you support the Nazi policies of this Administration?" The questioner was holding a poster of President Obama with a Hitler mustache. The question was not legitimate, it was simply a "rallying cry" to get others to applaud and get herself on youtube. Congressman Frank called her out on it.
His question of "what planet do you spend most of your time on?" seemed appropriate, and in the spirit of the original question.
Remember Folks, deomcrats don't have to be accountable, therefore they're never wrong.
I thought democrats were the ones always screaming diversity ? but as soon as you question them they start labeling and name calling.
Well maybe if they didn't act like Nazi's people wouldn't be upset. And wasn't it Nancy Pelosi who started the whole Nazi name calling in the first place ?
I watched a clip of this town hall that showed the “saucer-eyed” woman claiming that Obama’s health care plans are similar to Adolf Hitler’s euthanasia policies in Nazi Germany. Frank’s reaction was restrained and totally appropriate. This woman in particular struck me as the type who would be in a religious cult. She sounded totally brain-washed and more than a little demented. What struck me was her total belief and commitment to the jibberish that was coming out of her mouth. Being confronted by that kind of mentality can be deeply disturbing and I thought Frank handled it as well as any person could under the circumstances. The sad fact is that the people who are afraid of change and think the status quo is preferable to reform as grotesquely misinformed. They have been far too willing to accept the outrageous statements by people who clearly hate the President, while being totally unwilling to listen to any calm explanation of the facts. What we’re seeing now is a form of ideologically-driven insanity and it is very upsetting to see. Makes you wonder if terrorists have put something in our water supply.
I think these people have the right to be upset having this health care rammed down their throat without the administration able to effectively define it. And if they do force it through the government will have a say in all aspects of our lives under the guise of health care.
Lets not forget Hitler was a leftist.
Why should people believe it is better for gov't to take over the private medical sector which generates trillions of dollars and leads the world in treatment, technolgy, and service for one that would be similar to the post office in efficiency and accountabilty and generate the compassion of the IRS?
Please help me to understand why any sane person would want to support and be a part of such system.
What is it about what he said that is wrong? Yelling does not contribute to intelligent debate. Radicals do not undertand this and of course most of this screaming and yelling is brought to you by and paid for by the republican party
Lets also not forget it was a democrat Barney was yelling at . this is a democrat on democrat argument so lets get out of their way !
The thought of Barney Frank going "toe-to-toe" with anyone . . .
Oh, perish the thought!
Frank should be careful who he defends.Do you think Muslims approve of his lifestyle?Time to crawl back into that bag of sugar.
1:48 this was democrat vs democrat so go back to the state run media for some more baseless attack Ideas.
there is nothing baseless about much of this propaganda being fueled by the rebulican party and its runyons, fox
What propaganda or is this more baseless accusations ?The Democrats have the votes to pass what ever they want it's fellow Democrats arguing with each other.
I've heard Barney likes franks.
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