I was at the Salisbury Zoo with my children on Saturday a couple weeks ago and in the parking lot was a new local vender called Snowie Bus. Similar to snow cones, but much better, she offered many flavors of snow cones on a hot day. Kids were lined up and very excited. My child and I were lucky enough to get some before the zoo “police” proceeded to not only kick her off the property, but made every child already in line go away without one!
She tried to explain to him that she had permits, but it was not good enough. So ice cream trucks and such can drive around town and park on the street corner, but they cannot park at the Zoo? This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! All we ever hear is how we need to build our community and support local business owners. I guess they just don’t want us to do that if it’s on CITY property?
If you happen to see this little “Snowie Bus”, you should all give it a try. She also does birthday parties, festivals and fund raisers.
Thanks, Joe, for posting this. Maybe this will encourage the Mayor and City of Salisbury to support local business owners a little more.
The owners name is Sherry Gray. Her number is 443-235-1706.
come one, come all! Who needs a permit? All vendors who want to sell in the parking lot, lets show up. lets not even leave enough parking for the visitors of the park.
We will be wall-to-wall vendor trucks. Anarchy is the way to go!
3:39. Cmon, anarchy is ridiculous and i cant believe you would try to sell that nonsense here. and their are kids coming back into town for scholl soon. for me i break the rules by putting several dozen brass monkeys in my trunk just to test whether local bloggers are really reading things or just passing comments through after the first sentence just to get more hits. Only time will tell who is right my friend but god bless you and your family during these tough times!
3:39...obviously you didn't read the post....she had permits. If something else was needed they should have allowed the customers in line to complete their purchases and then asked her to leave.
i LOVE her "snow treats"!! and she is absolutely the sweetest woman - great idea for a small area like salisbury! we need more people like this out there trying to provide for our community! why someone would say this is not allowed at a PUBLIC PARK is beyond me, ugh. our Town "officals" are rediculous!!
Shes got to be out of her mind. All cash transactions, think the bad guys care how nice she is. Be careful lady.
Hey Joe,
Been there done that, I am the old Good Humor Man that was thrown out years ago and you can have all the permits and licenses you want to sell anywhere in the city you want, but THE ZOO AND PARK ARE OFF LIMITS, its an ordinance thing you know. Oh well here we go again.
Mark; why is that?
Is it because to many venders would pile-up at the park or zoo?
Sherry will do great with this she loves children and has a great product and how bout that truck, thats awesome!
Years ago someone wanted to rent a stand outside the Zoo, (before Ben's Red Swings came along) and sell ice cream.
There was a lawuit involved and some how I believe Ron Alessi was involved, I could be wrong, it was a long time ago but I'll look into it.
Anyhow, for some reason the former Mayor made damn sure no one could sell stuff in that area. However, I have been down there many times and they were selling ice cream without being thrown out.
I'm sure Mayor Ireton will look into this and lift whatever BS policy they had and change it to something that makes good sense.
Alessi and Tilghman were two of the same in many ways.
Awww... I have had the shaved ice and we love it. We just bought some from her at the fair (Wicomico Farm & Home Show) take your kids and go there.
Does she have some with a little twist of grand-mas tonic in them.
I think she should have been drug out and tasered in front of the kids just for thinking that buying a retail license allows her to sell retail ice cream in public. Teach those dam kids a lesson, too! Try to make a legal living in this town, we'll kick your a$$! And, she should have to paint that vehicle plain grey so it won't attract so much attention, too! Another reason to give her another shot with the taser!
I was a vendor for many years and I know you have to have permission from the business or property owner to "set up shop" on their property. If you didnt need permission to do so people could come set up a flea market on anyones property at any time and you couldn't do a thing about it. There are proper ways to do things, follow the rules and she will not be thrown off the property. Its common sense, maybe she should buy some of that!
If anyone is really interested it was Flannery's that had the winning bid to do the concession at the zoo. We did it for 3 years. The city then bought our concession trailor ( now being used in the zoo) and equipment because of the way it was awarded. If you want to know ant more come visit me at Camden Ave and Allen Rd. in Fruitland, Monday - Friday 10am to 3pm. I will be more than happy to talk to you, sell you lunch and the best sno ball around. Its the ice that makes the sno ball the best in my opinion. I haven't tried hers but I hope she does well...
I was also a vendor for many years near a city park, just an actual functioning city. The local city council majority here should be ashamed but I am willing to give the new mayor a shot to be real. I saw him on the plaza and he seems to care despite what rather uptight people want to do to destroy this once as i heard fine city. liberty aint free and freedom aint love, but love changes lemons to applesauce where the heart which changes the soul and maybe this new guy can give us some real perspective regarding how the MSM is manipulating us before tennis shoes rise up and consume us. I hope we can all get together using this type of reason before it becomes to late. This was a good article. welcome back to SU students BBTW!!
Right now theres nothing in the zoo except Pepsi machines-no concession stands at all and its a perfect spot for one.
Hey Stewart,
No hard feelings from years ago, but the city bought you out because I appealed the local courts decision about how the bid was awarded and won in the Maryland Court of Special Appeals and they had no other choice but to end the concession set up you had. In the end I guess the winner was YOU getting money from the city, but oh well, life goes on and the ordinance still exists that no vending is allowed by hawkers or peddlers in the park area including the zoo. Too bad for all because this is probably the only Zoo in the country where you can't get an ice cream, but then again this is Smallsbury.
Since the Zoo doesn't have a concession stand or anything something like the Snowy Bus is needed. Hell if the zoo was smart the would run a profitable concession business and use the money to improve the zoo.
My family spent a well deserved $20 for about 10 snow cones last night at the farm and home show in Winterplace Park. She will be there all weekend. Her and her family were very friendly. I have to say that these were the 1st snow cones in years that you actually taste the syrup from begining to end. Some snow cones, the flavor sinks right to the bottom immediately. Not these. Go support the new business
Say you had a lunch cafe and some guy with a hot dog cart pulls onto your lot and starts selling his hot dogs. Makes sense that the woman wanted to set up his truck where the highest concentration of people were, but why should she be allowed to divert money from the zoo?
Divert money from the Zoo, you're kidding me, right?
It's a FREE ZOO!
You Zoo people have to be the most selfish, self centered people I have ever seen.
Do YOU provide snow cones? NO!
You people bitch at me for putting the Daily Times out of business, yet you won't allow someone else to provide something you don't even have there.
I hope the Council Members read these comments. In fact, I'll make sure they do.
Thats totaly not true Steward You had soo many complaints about your food being bad and people getting sick, the conditons of the trailer being down right dirty and unsanitary. It was the same with your "resturant" on the corner...I believe you were run out of salisbury by the complaints of your place and the sightly conditions that you kept everything...and by the looks of it...all you have done is taken your "Roach Coach" down to Fruitland and lets face it I challaged the Health inspectors to inspect your place...I bet it fails.......Clean up you act Steward....
anonymous 9:01, that's absolutely nnot true. In fact, who do you think caters all of the lunches every third Wednesday at the Salisbury bZoo for the Zoo Commission Meeting? That's right, STUART, not Stuard.
I know and am very good friends with Sherry and Im VERY proud to call her my friend and so thankful that she thinks enough of the kids in our town to want to do something like this. I will never understand why ANYONE would want to argue the issue of her to provide shaved ice to the kids. She has her permits she is doing the right thing and there has to be someone trying to ruin the GOOD in our community. GET A LIFE and if you dont agree with what she is doing DONT BUY ANYTHING!
Learn how to spell. I get inspected every year 2 times. I left the city because of the city govt issues. I had NO complaints what so ever at the zoo or at the restaurant either. I think you need another hit of what you are taking and when your ready to quit come see me I can help with that also... And I do not do lunch for the Zoo on Wednesdays either...
LMAO.....I was wondering Stu....I noticed it's monday afternoon and after posting my "roach coach" comments to Joe....as well as my comments about your "Inspections" that not only YOU but YOUR Buddy next door both have your lots spic and span.....all your trash is picked up and not left blowing down the road, all of the boxxes that were all around, grease barrells are now gone everything is in a neat line and the grass has been cut....AND YES I call the city of flunkies on both of you.......and from now on the first piece of paper,bag, or anything for that matter comes off either of you guys lots I am calling again, and again and again...both of you guy are a embarassment to Fruitland...Oh by the way...Unlike you...I have not.... and never have had any "Addictions"...You know the biggest hypocrits in the world are "recovering addicts" Get you another 8-ball....smoke it then write something else...better yet spend your time cleaning up and killing roaches in that coach of yours....
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