Mr. Albero,
While this situation sounds like it needed more tact and customer service in how it was handled, this is still a law on the books that vendors are prohibited from the city park and zoo area. This apparently stems from a situation that arose a few years ago. The city park committee has discussed possibly revisiting the rule. The other rationale was to make sure the park did not become "commercialized."
For my part, I would like to find out what the problems were and see if we can't come up with a way to have a refreshing concession in the park or the zoo as other places have. One concern that would need to be addressed is ensuring trash is not an issue. Many zoos also have "no straws" rules because these are an injury risk for the animals. It would be ideal if we could arrange a concession that would contribute to the upkeep of the park and zoo.
Mayor Ireton,
Could you please look into what happened with staff in this situation and if another approach needs to be employed for if/when it happens again, everyone can walk away feeling it was handled well. As the council's liaison to the City Park Committee, I will be happy to contact Ms. Gray tomorrow to listen to her concerns and to share with her the situation concerning the park rules. Perhaps while the committee revisits the rule, some gentle reminder signage will reduce the risk of repeated occurences.
Mr. Albero,
Thank you for writing to express your concern. It enable the City to look into the matter, to give us an opportunity to put our best foot forward, and to improve experiences for our citizens and local businesses.
Terry E. Cohen, Member
Salisbury City Council
Mr. Albero –
I think that the Andy’s Ice Cream case is what is being eluded to from what I read in the paper, etc. (back in the day). More recently, the city has allowed the paddle boats, carriage rides, etc. – so maybe it’s time to take another look. As Councilwoman Cohen said, thank you for making us aware and providing an opportunity to consider whether it’s time for a change.
Debbie Campbell
We just returned from a trip to Salisbury for a wedding after being away for 8 years.
We took our 2 daughters to the zoo, and then to the new park there. I would say someone selling sno- cones is the least of their problems. When we returned the next evening to let them have some time on the playground Sat evening I was shocked to witness 2 drug deals. We left immdeiately. As far as trash goes... the playground late in the day was litterd with trash, kids to old to be on the playground running through it, kids not supervised, we definitely did not feel safe. Its sad to see what that wonderful playground has turned into, at least on the weekends, because it was fine during zoo hours.
9:37 --
Agreed, not only is this kind of commercialism an unsightly nuisance, but the City Park has deteriorated during the past 10 or so years (can you say "Barrie Tilghman). The trees have not been pruned for years. The Zoo is a disaster.
Yes, the zoo is a disaster!! I remember when taking children to the zoo was a wonderful experience...plenty of wildlife, animals that were well kept, grounds that were beautiful. Long gone is this experience. My family had not visited the zoo for several years until this summer. Walking through the over grown trees and brush was a hazard, fully expected a snake or something to jump out at any time. The smell was overwhelming and there was a peacock lying in the buffalo pen that looked like it was dead. Needless to say we did not stay.
This is very sad. What happened to our zoo. I used to be proud to tell visitors to spend an afternoon there. Does anyone know if there are plans to make improvements?
anonymous 10:31, improvements?????
You do realize that costs money, right.
Here's what I picked up from your comment instead.
You primarily mentioned CONDITIONS!
If they hired a Professional Staff that would easily take the pay these numbnuts are currently receiving the Zoo wouldn't stink. If they changed the soil like they used to BEFORE Jim Rapp came on board, it wouldn't stink in there.
You see, the Zookeepers working there now are pretty much used to the smell, so they don't notice it anywhere near as much as you do.
It's about cleanlyness, (sp?) and doing your job.
As for the money, WHY would ANYONE invest into the Zoo with the Staff they currently have, with all due respect to some.
Close the zoo down, its not worth it unless it is self sufficient.
I told you JT, stay off this Site. Your comments won't be published and we know who you are, fool.
This ordinance has been on the books prior to the Andy's Ice Cream law suit with the city, I know that as fact because I was the one who sued the City. This law was put on the books when Mayor Martin was in office because he wanted the zoo and park area to be free of any commercialization.
Joe, did Shanie get notified of this? She don't have none o' that innernet stuff, you know. And have you gotten any feedback from Gary, Louise, or Mr. Jim yet?
Like a snocone truck will make the place look any trashier.The last time I was there,I actually saw dirty diapers balled up and thrown on the ground at Bens Red Swings,not to mention older thuggy looking kids hanging around watching people like they wanted to snatch a purse.
It has also become a drug p/u and drop off. I've seen some strange things going on there,so we quit going to this park!!!!!
Just Know Peta Has There Eye on The Salisbury Zoo!!!
Joe, that is one classy letter. Mrs. Cohen's pathetic enemies can complain about her not being brief all they want. I learned a lot from that letter. We need more of this kind of friendly, informative response.
Mrs. Campbell's was nice, too. Those other three council people, all they do is run to the paper and whine about these two ladies. I hope those three whiners are out on their butts soon. When's the next election?
Its "their" eye not "there" eye
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