Pushing the health care vote to September means that my Blue Dog colleagues and I have been successful in ensuring that our colleagues and constituents will have the appropriate amount of time to consider, review and assess any health care reform legislation before voting on it. Members of Congress may continue to disagree on the merits of the legislation but any reasonable person should be able to admit that getting this done right is more important that getting it done quickly based on artificial timetables.
Our health care system in need of some reform, but the current legislation falls short on three fronts, coverage, cost and rural access. After decades of debate, we now have a chance to craft reform that puts us on path toward fiscal stability and middle class prosperity. That means that Congress has a responsibility both to this generation and future generations to get it right. Slowing down the process is the best way to achieve this.
Rep. Frank Kratovil
Would you buy a used car from Frank? I wouldn't. And he' about as much of a Blue Dog as Nancy Pelosi.
Crag Theobald
Healthcare reform is SOCIALISM pure and simple. It's a money grab for the leftist government Pelosi types. Very scary!!!!
90% of American's polled are happy with their insurance. Why mess with that.
Oh PLEASE don't make me die laughing Frank. Blue dog my foot!
I just read alot of the health care bill PEOPLE WAKE UP call up Frank and everyone else this is bad stuff. The government will tell you when its time to pull the plug!
What Kratovil is Really saying is this: We're in deep trouble, we're cornered, and we just don't know yet how to vote on that one.
Middle class prosperity huh. Most people in the middle class around here Frank are wondering how to pay the house payment and electric bill. Hows that medical insurance you and yours are covered by working for you? You cant even lie good,Putttzzz.
The blue dogs all collect huge amounts of insurance monies for their campaigns. Why do you think they oppose any meaningful change?
10:23 Social Security is a pure program of socialism so make sure your refuse that check.
If Congress wants to show us how fantastic the health care program they are constructing will be than they must include them selves in that same plan.
There is absolutely no reason for us to believe anything we are told about health care by either the president or congress.
They all have NO crediability, none what so ever.
I have a lot of questions ont his terrible bill. They have excluded themselves along with Obama from this mandated healthcare bill. But if all Politians including the President would ask themselves one question and then vote on the bill it would never pass. The question is would you want this type of healthcare for you and your family?
How do you spell "Liar"?
I bet Frank can go to the doctor and get treated and not have to worry about rejected claims with that taxpayer subsidized coverage he has.
Congrats & Thanks.
Don't let the bozos and morons that did the noose display at your office this week bother you. They're our lunatic fringe.
I worked and paid into Social Security for 41 years. If they will give me back what I paid in, I'll refuse the SS checks.
There is no health care crisis for 80% of the people. We are happy with what we have now. Why change anything just to cover the other 20% that either don't want insurance or are probably in this country illegally anyway? Vote against any health care reform bill Mr. Kratovill, we don't need this kind of reform.
People, quit your b*tching and read the bill as much as you can, or read up on both sides of it, and call Frank.
This is a gift of time, and you're b*tching out one of the people who got that gift of time.
Call with changes you want made to the bill, or your feelings to support it or defeat it.
Democracy is about constructive participation, not b*tching and whining.
I watch you people b*tch and moan about Salisbury, but hardly any of you stick your necks out to even write a letter to the editor in support of your elected people getting a pounding by that sorry a$$ newspaper you have.
I think Joe would agree with me on this. Write or call your congressmen. Write letters to the editor. Or forever be a bunch of whiners who make no difference.
Don't forget the Lawyers monies since there is no tort reform
1:47 You will get the money you paid in after about 10 years after that refuse anymore.
How could I have been so snowed by this guy? I voted for a conservative Democrat and got a Kennedy. You know a slick, silver tongued liar. How can you add all illegal aliens and still save the " health care system" money.
This liberal got his last vote from me.
i dont see why we have to have any tort reform right now because we have more important issues for heavens sake. torts are delicious as they are and i dont want to see any changes to them. liberty is a heart and foundation in our constitution and libertypastry is very important so that we can continue to show 19th century progress right here in Salisbury. this bill is just bad and boarders on socialism.
If you print that change it to annon please.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hope all of you that voted for Kratovil just because Gilcrest lost the primary to Harris have realized your mistake and will not make the same mistake in the next election. Kratovil=Democrat=liberal! Harris=republican=conservative! Go figure.
Remember: Kratovil will be at the Wicomico Extension Office at 1 PM on Tuesday August 4th. Show up and tell him how you feel about this bill. This is your chance to meet him face to face while he is on vacation for Washington.
You havent voted any way but "blue" since you were elected. Thanks for the billions wasted on the stimulous, my kids are really going to enjoy paying for your democrat party slush fund. Please keep it up and vote in favor of socialized medicine. I hope you enjoy expalining to your kids twenty years from now how and why you did what you did. Make sure you explain that when you had a chance to better this country you blew it.
Slowing down the process only helps one group of people: The insurance lobby.
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