Devaugh Ayers, 26, 400 block Ocean Court Shipbuilders Village, Milton
Anthony Francis, 25, 30213 Regetta Bay Blvd, Heron Bay, Lewes
Steven Francis, 27, 30213 Regetta Bay Blvd, Heron Bay, Lewes
Wayne Wyatt, 49, 28468 West Springside Drive, Harbeson
Mary McNeill, 36, 509 Burton Village, Rehoboth
James Eley, 24, 412 Bridgeham Ave., Milford
Zelda Sheppard, 40, 15204 Hudson Road, Milton
Russell Ayers, 23, Lewes
Michael Brewer, 31, Burton Village, Rehoboth
Terrance Johnson, 28, of Lewes
Stephen White, 26, of Lincoln
Lawrence Micclhe, 35, Dagsboro
Jacob Svenson, 27, Dagsboro
Delaware State Police, DEA Dover Task Force, Dover Police Department, Milford Police Department, Georgetown Police Department, Probation and Parole and Dewey Beach Police Department have concluded a 7 month investigations that results in the arrest of 7 individuals for narcotics racketeering and related drug charges after several raids were conducted. In addition 6 suspects are still wanted as a result of the investigation.
On Thursday, August 13, police executed 7 search warrants in the Lewes, Milton and Milford areas of Sussex County in connection with the investigation. As a result of this investigation Devaughn Ayers was implicated as a main supplier of cocaine and crack cocaine in the Lewes / Pinetown area. Ayers used a residence located at 30093 Pinetown Road and 17716 Cone Lane in the Lewes area. Ayers and several co-conspirators were responsible for the distribution of over 1 kilogram of cocaine.
When Ayers was arrested on Thursday on Pinetown Road and was found in possession of 100.5 grams of crack cocaine and paraphernalia. A search warrant executed at Cone Lane resulted in the seizure of several handguns and a shotgun and additional paraphernalia. Most of the items were in a BMW parked in the residence which was maintained by Ayers. He was arrested for Organized Crime and Racketeering, 7 counts of Trafficking Cocaine, Possession with the intent to Deliver Cocaine, Maintaining a Vehicle, 14 counts of Conspiracy 2nd, 9 counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 5 counts of delivery of Cocaine, 8 counts of Criminal Solicitation 2nd, and 4 counts of Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited and Receiving a Stolen Firearm. He was committed to the Department of Correction in default of $631, 500 cash bond.
A subsequent warrant was executed at the home of Anthony and Steven Francis located at 30213 Regetta Bay Blvd., Heron Bay, Lewes. As a result of the search police recovered 233 grams of marijuana.
Anthony Francis was charged with Organized Crime and Racketeering, 2 counts of Conspiracy 2nd , 2 counts of Criminal Solicitation 2nd, Possession with the Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Maintaining a Dwelling, Tampering with Physical Evidence, 2 counts of Possession of Paraphernalia and 2 counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child. Anthony was committed to the Department of Correction in default of $3,500 bail
Steven Francis was charged with Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and 2 counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child. Steven was released on $3,500 bail.
A search warrant executed at Wayne Wyatt’s residence, 28468 West Springside Drive, Harbeson resulted in Wyatt’s arrest. He was charged with Organized Crime and Racketeering and 3 counts of Conspiracy 2nd. Wyatt was committed to the Department of Correction in default of $36,000 bail.
A warrant executed at the home of Michael Brewer and Mary McNeill located at 509 Burton Village, Rehoboth Beach resulted in the seizure of 41.7 grams of crack cocaine and paraphernalia. McNeill was taken into custody and charged with Trafficking Cocaine, Possession with the Intent to Deliver Cocaine, Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd, 2 counts possession of drug paraphernalia and Endangering the Welfare of a Child. McNeill was committed on $87,500 bail. Brewer was not present at the time of the raid. Brewer is wanted by the state police for Trafficking Cocaine, Possession with the Intent to Deliver Cocaine, Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd and 2 counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Endangering the Welfare of a Child.
Milford Police executed a search warrant at the home of James Eley, located at 412 Bridgeham Ave., Milford. Eley was charged with Organized Crime and Racketeering and 3 counts of Conspiracy 2nd. Eley was committed on a no cash bond.
In addition Zelda Sheppard, 40, of Milton, was arrested on Pinetown Road during the raid. She was in possession of 21 grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. She was arrested for Possession with the Intent to Deliver Marijuana and 2 counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Troopers are also actively looking for the above subjects who are wanted of racketeering and drug charges.

Sad. Lost Souls.
Good Job-DEA
SPD needs To Take Notes!!!!!!1
Stop Beeing Cowards And Run Up In These Drug Dealing Houses..
I don't Want To Hear No BS Excuse Of Well Investigation Takes Time Kick In The Damn Door And Take Them Into Custody!!!!
And For 7 Month Investigation And This Is All They Yeilded Is Rediculous...
I Am Glad They Got These But They Missed 50 Others!!!!
delmar pd needs to take notes as well....
i see u: the spd as well as delmar pd and other local police departments are always hiring... so since you know so much more about and are so much better able to perform the duties of a police officer, go ahead and send in your application. i'm sure as soon as you get on the streets, all of this drug crime will stop.
p.s. you can't spell
Hey, where are the Obama T-Shirts ?
looks like someone p o the police. the truth hurts
It does no good for cops to make these kind of arrests when the courts keep turning them back out onto the streets with stet dockets and suspended terms.
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