Location: Wilson Hill Road North of Seashore Hwy, 2 miles east of Bridgeville, Sussex County
Date of Occurrence: August 12, 2009 at or about 1240 pm
Delaware State Police are investigating a crash that claimed the life of an 11 year-old Georgetown boy.
The crash happen today when Trevor Kuntzi, 11, was riding his bicycle east on a private drive known as Bass Road. Kuntzi entered Wilson Hill Road and crossed the road from west to east when he entered the northbound lanes of Wilson Hill Road. Kuntzi was struck by a 2008 Ford F350 pickup truck. The pickup truck was operated by Charles Quillen, 44, of Georgetown.
Kuntzi was pronounced dead at the scene as a result of blunt force trauma he received during the crash. Kuntzi was not wearing a safety helmet.
Quillen was transported to an area hospital where he was treated for contusions and lacerations to the left side of his body. He was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.
The investigation is still on going; however, troopers do not expect to file any charges against Quillen.
This is terrible, the worst thing that a parent could ever deal with. I will try to push some strength your way.
My daughter taught this little fella in her art class at the boys and girls club. She was devastated last night. His mother is a wonderful volunteer there and gives tremendously to the needier children at Christmas time. Our hearts are aching for their family. I cannot begin to imagine what she is going through. God takes the angels.
How heartbreaking and terrible! Our thoughts and prayers go out to this family!
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