The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department is so overwhelmed right now it isn't funny. How does one Department handle all those Warrants and then go to 100 homes this month and evict 100 Families. There's just not enough manpower to handle the load.
One thing that seems to be forgotten is the cost of the property owners. Not only have they been out their fair share of rent for at least two months before they can get the eviction, they have mortgages too. So now there are 100 Landlords out at least two months rent and they'll probably have to do extensive work inside these properties to get them rent able once again.
Then there's the Banks that are short their mortgage payments. The Obamanomics is starting to trickle down and just like I have told all of you for many months now, this thing isn't anywhere near over!
We are headed into a deep depression and Obama and his Administration is failing America. I don't want to hear the old, give him more time crap! Paving roads, when Bridges are in disrepair all across America, isn't going to save the economy.
Finally, think about this for a minute. There are 100 Families being thrown out of their homes as we know it right now. Where are 100 Families going to go? Mind you, this is just in Wicomico County! This is NOT good Folks!
Like Bush had nothing to do with causing this, right?
It's the fault of "W", not "O"!
OK, let's even point a finger at Bush, I really don't care. However, Obama wanted his seat as President and knew what he was getting into, or so he said.
The bottom line is, we, as Americans, are screwed. I stated January 1, 2009 that this Blog was going to focus on giving back. Helping those less fortunate. Well, the times are here and WE need to figure out how WE'RE going to help those less fortunate.
We do NOT need a County/City riddled with crime. Desperate people do desperate things, think about that.
WE need to figure out what WE can do locally and NOT depend on our Federal Government to keep us afloat. Are you getting me now?
3 years ago the economy was fine under W, I think it was the Clinon liar under oath. Blame who you want though, the things need fixing now. Quit pointing fingers and be a help to the solution 11:20am
What do your suggest Joe? You have all the answers, remember your rant last week? You could do a better job than Obama, etc., etc. Put you money where your mouth is.
You are completely correct here. Remember on point though: The banks never had the money they loaned to the land owner. The land owner created the money with the signature (promise to pay). WE CREATE OUR OWN MONEY - and this is the problem. Everytime a person uses a credit card, she/he creates the money with the signature as promise to pay. The money does not exist out there!
We need to understand Fractional Reserve Banking and the evils of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
Obama is doing exactly as he was chosen to do - destroy the working class of America.
It is the same agenda our government has had for some time now.
Soon we will BEG for a Global Government!
Order out of chaos.
First they will create chaos. We will demand a response. They will give us order. Problem / Reaction / Solution.
Or as Hegel wrote: Thesis, Anti-thesis, and Synthesis
Everything is going exactly as planned.
anonymous 11:30, I'd start with creating jobs for the Homeless. If you can prove you've been evicted, our Government will step in and help you. If the Government is going to start handing out all these alleged jobs, put these qualified people on the front line. If they refuse to do so, well, they're on their own.
A solid American will take any decent paying job to provide for their Family.
Look deeper into people like JT who sucks at the teet while proving he is perfectly capable or holding a job. There are MILLIONS of suck wads like him in America that laugh right in each and every one of your faces. Every time you go to his blog you are supporting an unamerican.
Get rid of the County Executive position again in Wicomico County, it has only cost the taxpayers more money.
Shall I go on?
Well why don't you help those poor 100 families that are now homeless. I work three jobs to keep my household running. Obama is trying to deal with the right now and make everyone as comfortable and trusting as possible. Have you ever said anything good about this man. He didn't come in on a clean slate. Lets not forget the House of Representatives have to agree with Mr. President before its a bill on Capitol Hill. So ease up.
You are Naive to believe that he could turn a Country around in a few months. Wake up and get real!
I'll tell you why some people "suck at the teet" while they are perfectly capable of holding a job---health care costs. I know a few people on disability who would love to work. Unfortunately, they have health issues and can't afford the care they need. Medication and doctor visits are expensive. The choices are stay on disability and get all the care paid for by the government or find a job that has health insurance right off the bat (nonexistent) or find a job where you will clear enought to pay for the full price prescriptions and monthly doctor visits and your rent. Working at the mall or the new convenience store isn't gonna do that!
anonymous 12:05,
I'm not suggesting they be thrown out of their housing and or lose their benefits. I'm suggesting they become useful Americans who can provide for their families and feel good about themselves for once.
Perhaps they can FILL those positions that are low paying and others refuse to fill. A true American doesn't sit on their A$$ all day abusing other hard working, tax paying Americans who work hard every day and then spit in our faces.
Can I get a Hell Yeah!
We ahve alot of these people who are evicted live lilke this. They move ever 60 days. Looks like the land lords would get to know who these people are sooner or later. These moochers pay rent plus deposit and live there till the money runs out then move their things to another place and they make sure they tare it up before they leave. There are honest people out there who get evicted who try to do it right. But they loose a job, bad health or just give up. These are ones we need to help. These people who have been evicted in your picture above at lease have furniture. I have seen people "move in" in a Baileys Cab. So we know they wont be staying long. I dont mind helping people who help themselves. Mosts of them are too proud to ask.
alot of these "homeless" peopel are nothing more than drunks that choice to be that way
anonymous 12:10, Come on now. We're talking about 100 people THIS MONTH. There's not 100 eviction notices going out every month in one county without a bad economy. I'm sure there are a select few that do play the game but we're talking about 100 Families.
sorry if i got off topic...i just hear homeless and i think it makes the families that are being evicted feel pretty low to call them homeless.
Well, if you're evicted from your home, are you homeless, or not? I doubt many of the 100 people being evicted this month have a second home.
i wouldnt want to be called homeless. I would hope these people have family that would take them in. My best friend was evicted and had a place to go. I guess its kind of hard to know how they feel since they most likely dont have access to a computer. They have subsidised housing, i hope they get on the list. Its a fail-proof way to know it won't happen to you again.
–adjective 1. without a home: a homeless child.
–noun 2. the homeless, persons who lack permanent housing.
if your evicted you wouldn’t have a home so therefore you are homeless, wow you people need to go back to school or stop stereotyping people, see in today’s world if we didn't stereotype people then you would understand that a homeless person is just a person without a home. Not some dirt bag junkie on the side of the road... I hate how judging our world is!
Remember how angry we used to get about people who appear to "milk" the taxpayer with food stamps, subsidized housing, welfare, etc? People having additional babies so they can receive more money in welfare?
Well now, we are seeing what? We are seeing this government finally collapse at the weight of it all. This was unsustainable. Our government (our taxes) can't continue to support millions of people who do not work. We simply cannot go on with this system.
If you are accustomed to depending on the government for housing, food, etc. then wake up. Your time is coming.
11:45 JoeAlbero.....I love it!!! How can someone responsible for the governance of the county make logical decisions for the people as a whole when they do not even know what it is like to carve out their own destiny or even the basic survival skills of life?
I guess the 24% that already live below the poverty level in the Bury will be going up. Meanwhile I read a recent report about my hometown(midwestern city)having several new businesses opening in the area. Restaurants and retail stores that in this "horrible" economy provides jobs(even if its just a supplemental income). If anyone thinks that these problems are everywhere, think again. The shore has never been known for its stellar job market. Now that there are even less you now have an even bigger problem.
C'mon boys share the wealth, lets vote Obama in for four more years right now and watch all this dependence on
government escalate don't worry Obama will eliminate all this poverty have faith in the Messiah
Nothing is fail-proof. Wehn the government runs out of money there will be no free housing, no food stamps no walfare. If only part time jobs are available take three of them. Do what ever it takes to make you and your family survive. It works! Dont look for the easy way out.
Housing costs way too much in this area and in most areas. Most of the jobs in this area are low paying. People working 2 and 3 jobs can't even pay rent and utilities and buy groceries. Prices of housing have to come down in order for people to afford it. Option is: less taxes taken out of our take home pay. We need more money from our pay checks and less going to the gov.!!
wonder how the politicians would feel if they had to "live" on what most of us have to live on?
Mrs. Tom
The NEW WORLD ORDER is almost here, just a few years to go. Long live the Templars.
Stop with the Obamination BS, you can't blame one person for the mess we are in and you certainly can't expect one person to clean it up in a matter of months. I love this blog, and read it daily but sometimes Joe, I can't help but to wonder if you just hate Obama as a person let alone as politician. Give Obama a break!!
It aint the people on rent subsidies losing their homes-it is hard working Americans.The people getting subsidies just go to social services to get their back rent paid-where do working people go?On the street.
It is bushs fault. I dont give obama any credit either but bush put us here .
And the landlords who wont even help people who have been with them for years.
It is greed , thats ok whos going to rent these places and feel sorry for the banks , F--- them.
They put themselves there with there lending practices.
Laugh if you like , its going to get to all of you as well greedy bas====s.
Print that unless you took the day off again.
The problem is Joe, too many people are NOT solid Americans who will take any job to support their families. They expect the government/social services (i.e. the TAXPAYERS) to support them.
Blutojthetotmom you are exactly right. Its the working people that are being put out.
Now Barney Franks thinks the standards for freddie and fannie are to high. Isn't that what started most of this housing mess? Giving loans to people that shouldn't have had them to begin with.
It was odd to me that Karl Rove, the man in Bush's mirror that also favored Obama? I guess because he saw no changes forthcoming.
bull crap, the jobs in this community dont pay enought to support familys.
The rich keep it all for themselves and pay the ones who work nothing.
I havent had a raise since 1978.
In other words i dont work for the same people, but the is the rate in this very poor economic region.
Sound like the hills of hills of w virginia.
"A solid American will take any decent paying job to provide for their Family."
If everyone were "solid Americans" by this definition, the economy would not be in the state it is. Too many people have decided that it is not worth working harder to make a better living when they can live the way they are used to by not working at all. I have even heard of social workers saying things like - you make too much money to qualify for x y or z. If you will just quit that 2nd job . . . Our ecnomy depends on people willing to work to make a living - we take that incentive away when we provide for anyone and eveyone that do not feel like they need to get (or keep) a job!
i dont think we can blame obama,remember when he got sworn in he had to step into a 8 year pile of bush-cheney poop,so dont blame him.now on the subject of landlords lets be fair.there is a big difference between a landlord and a rent collector,how many of these evicted people,keep their place nice,and even when they have a problem the landlord dosent do anything,but he is always on time to collect the rent.
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