DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Well, Did We Go To The Moon In 1969 Or Not?
Here is a video of particular interest with the coming 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar landing. It can be viewed as funny. It can be viewed as a practice run. It certainly could be a complete fake. It certainly could be 1969 era made. How many people believe we went to the moon in 1969?
I personally do NOT believe we ever landed on the Moon. The fact that when they made their first step onto the Moon and created dust, the dust fell back down and didn't keep floating. Then of course I have always said, how did they get the 4 wheel drive vehicle on the Moon? I mean, you do remember the size of the capsule they landed in, right?
Our Government plays us like we're all stupid, that's all there is to it. I know many of you WANT to believe this to be true, that's your right. SUCKERS! Click on the link, it's a very brief 34 second video worth watching.
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Conspiracy theorists make me laugh. The dust settled because there is GRAVITY on the moon!! It isn't as much as on earth (obviously, due to mass of the body involved), but there IS gravity. The lander was large enough to house the astronauts and the vehicle. It isn't rocket science.. Oh wait, yes it is!
Multiple light sources in the video.. It is outer space. There is no atmosphere to interrupt the flow of light waves, so our sun is not the only source of light.. I could go on and on and on.
Of course the dust fell back down! The moon has gravity; it's only one sixth of the Earth's gravity, but gravity nonetheless. Duh.
I'm a die hard science geek, and I don't believe it. The biggest question is why haven't we went back? Why hasn't any other nation with modern technology went? Simply put..it never happened!! It may happen in the future but it didn't happen back then, and I'll never believe that it did. They had no way near the technology we have today!
Seriously? You really don't think we landed on the moon? That is the nuttiest thing you have ever said, by far. Here's a basic scientific fact for you: the Moon has gravity! Thus, the dust settling. C'mon!
Ahhhhhh Joe, we went to the moon buddy. The lunar rover vehicle weighed 77 pounds on the moon and folded into 3 collapsing parts stored in a storage bay on the Landing Module.
and we are going back to the moon, go to nasa.com and read about a little thing they call the aries project.
Guys.. watch the vid.. he's kidding
PS- My college roomie's dad worked on Apollo as did my own via a contractor...trust me we went..
I am as much a conspiracy theorist as anyone, but those "we never landed on the moons" guys are somewhat out there...
You are nuts. The reason other countries have not gone back is simple: it is hugely expensive. Had they found precious minerals on the Moon, you better believe everyone would be heading there. If they found oil, we would be going to war over it.
We didn't land on the moon. Michael Jackson isn't dead. North Korea is not a nuclear power. America isn't socialist. You all can live in lies if you wish, but please spare us your filth. How about a topic that's actually important to the livelihood of our local populous, and our great nation? Something along the lines of "Places of Business that are hiring" so our local people can pay their bills. Perhaps a "Local Food Banks" story so our people can find their next meal.
Any of you folks seen "Capricorn One"?
Seriously I am undecided but my husband swears up and down it (moon landing)never happened and there is more evidence to back that up than there is proving we were there.Consider the era.Propaganda,the Red Menace.....
I from the moom and I can tell you we have NEVER had any visitors!
There was a movie based on this theory.
OK nut jobs, explain the 4 wheel drive vehicle. Yeah, you want to only focus on the dust. Come on now, explain away, I'm waiting! You'll buy anything. You voted for Comegys and Obama, didn't you.
Sorry Joe, but in my neighborhood the people with McCain signs were the same ones that had Comegys signs.
Too funny!!!!
OK nut jobs, explain the 4 wheel drive vehicle. Yeah, you want to only focus on the dust. Come on now, explain away, I'm waiting! You'll buy anything. You voted for Comegys and Obama, didn't you.
Deployment of the LRV from the LM quad 1 by the astronauts was achieved with a system of pulleys and braked reels using ropes and cloth tapes. The rover was folded and stored in quad 1 with the underside of the chassis facing out. One astronaut would climb the egress ladder on the LM and release the rover, which would then be slowly tilted out by the second astronaut on the ground through the use of reels and tapes. As the rover was let down from the bay most of the deployment was automatic. The rear wheels folded out and locked in place and when they touched the ground the front of the rover could be unfolded, the wheels deployed, and the entire frame let down to the surface by pulleys.
The rover components locked into place upon opening. Cabling, pins and tripods would then be removed and the seats and footrests raised. After switching on all the electronics the vehicle was ready to back away from the LM.
Of course you would never believe this, so lets just say, since we are throwing logic and science out the window,--monsters did it.
Sorry, not buying it.
so where do you think we get all the cheese from??? wisonsin?
I don't know how many times I have to tell you this JT, we know when you're on our Site. We also know it's driving you nuts wanting to know how. Stay away Mr. anonymous or act like a man and use your real name.
I reject any of his comments, he knows I'm onto him.
I like these thought provoking posts lately. Keeps the readers active whether they disagree or not.
I don't think we made it to the moon back then, we just wanted to intimidate other countries by handling the new idea of space travel to other countries. America is more talk than anything, we should all know this by now. There are plenty of examples, and ironically you can't find them in the History books. You have to look harder, that's all.
Amen Bryan.
I don't see why people couldn't have walked on the moon back then.
Excellent post. This is such a cool topic to discuss with friends.
I must say it is far easier to believe we did not go, than to believe we did it.
If we had done it:
There would be a lot more fan fare about it.
We would look at the pictures every now and then on the media. They would not be able to resist several dozen hours of special shows this month in celebration of the 40th year anniversary.
However, they can't show the films and pictures to us now. We are far too sophistocated to buy it now. If you look at the pictures and films now it is quite laughable that they haven't fessed up already. I think they have now stuck to the lie for so long, they feel they just can't admit it. why? We will realize how very often they lie to us, and about such huge events like Oklahoma City Bombing (4-19), 911, Madrid Spain (3-11), London Tube Bombs (7-7), the Gulf of Tonkin, the overthrow of Mossadeq in Iran, so on. Oh yeah, and Clinton did not have sexual relations with that young woman.
Why don't they take a picture of the flag and land rover with a telescope and print the image in tomorrow's newspaper?
Heck, they point Hubble at other galaxies for crying out loud, why can't they point the lens at the moon and prove they went?
You can't be serious...
Wow.....truly evidence of small minds only think small things.
Maybe NASA should get George Lucas to "re-tool" the moon landing video to make it look more real.
i've always thought the same thing,why doesn't nasa point the hubble to the area where the flag and lander are,it would clear up the controversy without any doubt.
While they are at it why doesn't NASA point the Hubble telescope at the GOB and see if the Mayor is in his office? Get a life people. We are talking about something that happened 40 years ago.
I believe we went to the moon however even if it was full of oil the costs to get there, drill, extract and bring it back wouldn't be worth it.
Today we do not have the money nor the technology to go to the moon and people are still debating if we went there at all! We were supposed to have space colonies and moon colonies by 1993! That never happened and guess what- The next attempt at a mission to the Moon will not happen till 2019. We used to have the technology to send up satellites to the outer orbits but even that technology has been overtaken by France, India and China. You see it is cheaper to have them do it for us!
What would be VERY interesting is for the the people who visit the moon next (as is proposed and has been talked about in some of these comments) to take some pictures of the lunar modules and the flag, the plaque, etc. that was left there.
Of course one could argue that these things would be shipped or planted on the moon just for picture purposes but it might sway some of these ignorant people to believe that we did actually land on the moon.
re-entry was at 25,000 mph and they opened up the shoots and splashed into the ocean...right..
You have to stop and ask yourself whether or not you really have enough legitimate knowledge about physics, optics, astrophysics, aerospace engineering or rocket science to say any of the six successful moon landings were fake.
NASA lied about some part of the Apollo missions. The greatest PR op for NASA would have been to reimage the Apollo sites to inspire confidence in NASA and maybe increase funding. They haven't shown a damn thing other than blurry UFO pictures of the sites. Face it. They lied about something and that is why there are no images of what is really on the moon. Kids with balloons and $50 cameras are getting pictures of the edge of space. NASA can't even get good pictures of the hardware they left on the moon in low gravity moon orbit. Sad
forget about all of the geeky scientific talk that some of you are saying. The fact of the matter is for a nation that has immensely grown in technology. Why haven't we (Americans) gone back to the moon. How do you explain the high radiation given off by the soon that the moon contains to be something that an astraunat in the 60's and in a flimsy thin aluminum space suit can sustain that harshness. Furthermore, besides funding because we have far more money now then we did then. So it is not the cost that is stopping us from going. I want to believe it but I don't like liars. That is the problem with people. Nobody ever questions everything. I voted for Obama so what. Since someone decided to bring up politics. But don't forget it was our socialist Democratic administration John F Kennedy that so called sent us to the moon. I tolerated Bush and I love my current president and I have some questions for him as well. But just have a open mind. Stop being fooled by the lack of progression of thought!
Even if there is no picture of the landing site(s) nor their debris, it wouldn't automatically prove anything because it could always have been removed by the Galactic Sanford and Son Junk haulers as abandoned property.
With us now living in 2010 and the technology we have today, why wouldn't we just take one of these super advanced satellites in orbit and zoom in on the moon? Surely we would see the stars and stripes no? The large moon buggy or the footprints left by the astroguys that visited?!
It's because the whole thing is a damn hoax. Why can't people come to terms with that? We have no evidence or proof that we went there, so why do people believe?
Why do governments have to cover up there blunders and think that the rest of the world should believe what they say:
1) Princess Di 'Murder'
2) 911 'Terrorist' Attack
3) JFK assassination
4) Marilyn Monroe 'Suicide'
5) Vietnamese War
5) Climate Change
What feels right inside you is most likely the correct answer.....the thought of us going to the moon and coming back is so ridiculous..... think of the era and the cold war and the events around that.....look at the only motivation.
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