While two Theaters have been torn down in Downtown Salisbury, Urban Salisbury brought life back to the Downtown Plaza by bringing a Harry Potter Movie shown on an exterior Theater Screen in a Parking Lot behind Parker Place.
Quite a few people showed up to enjoy the Movie. Some had never seen a Harry Potter Movie and wondered if they'd be able to catch on but I don't think they would find it any less entertaining.
Great Work Urban Salisbury!
It also allows the homeless some entertainment. In addition those on limited income. Great idea!
You are a jerk. It was a nice idea!
Annon 1:01 I am very serious as I volunteer for the homeless! This is
a great idea for all.
Ugh! I even printed out the informaion & wrote the time & date on my calendar..
& I STILL missed it!.
OC does it every Friday - It's a great idea!! Keep us posted on the next one! (& maybe a reminder the hour before- haha)
Not all homeless live on the street, many have a great deal of respect for themselves and respect for others.
Looked like a stupid idea to me. Then of all the places to have it that was the best place...come on. If you are going to do something like this have it in a nicer venue...maybe inform more people instead inviting only friends and family then calling it a community event. I don't think word travels fast with this bunch.
I think this is a fabulous idea and if it continues I can see some local vendors coming down to sell sno cones or hotdogs...or bbq!! rock on downtown, its things like this that are so good for our city!
1:54 - WOW - negativity anyone? I think it was a great idea - where would you prefer to have it? Next to the Perdue plant? or maybe down the other end close to Rt. 13? this was a great location for everyone to congregate and easy to get to. I wasn't able to attend this one but hope they will do it again so I can go. And FYI - Joe had at least 2 posts up about it before the event...pay attention!
I think if was a good site. The Ulman Theatre used to stand on this site before it burned down. Outdoor summer theatre was located there in the 80's and its a good site to hold a lot of people.
Oops, sorry! I apologize, I htought you were being sarcastic. My bad!
Not the forum to define, but there are many homeless that are living with family or friends. This outdoor theater concept is wonderful and would help revitalize downtown. Hats-off to the person or persons who brought this to downtown.
I wish I had known about it. Never heard a word on it so I sat home. It is a great idea just spread the word.
Is this legal? Can you show a movie in a large venue like this?
Hats off to the people who started this in the park (remember Star Wars played there), but got smacked down by Barrie Tilghman. I didn't get to go, but I remember the posts about it.
12:43 a.m., of course it's legal. Communities everywhere do it. Glad Urban Salisbury picked up the ball after Barrie squashed it in the park.
This is great, im not homeless and it is a great idea.
I will enjoy more of this with the homeless.
I sure some sob like you would call the cops or object to stuff that should be. You a-- h---
There was also an outdoor movie at the Salvation Army a couple of weeks back.
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