(July 20) -- Is the honeymoon over? Six months into his presidency, a new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows approval ratings for President Barack Obama's handling of health care, the economy and the budget deficit sliding.
As he starts a major push for health-care reform legislation, approval for Obama's handling of the issue dropped to 49 percent, down four points from a month ago.
Approval for his handling of the economy fell four points as well, to 52 percent, and his handling of the federal budget deficit was down five points to 43 percent.
GO HERE to read more.
I don't get what people really see in polls.
They ran poll after poll before the election and the polls lied.
You know why? People like me will not answer their questions truthfully because really it's none of their business.
Polls don't mean squat in my book because they are unreliable.
anonymous 1:04, you could be right. However, you know the Obamanuts run to these polls to vote for their masiah, so I have to believe this one to be true.
um...hey Joe, I heard that NASA is going to Obama today to pitch their plan for plopping a man on Mars! Fitting as today is the 40th anniversary of landing on the moon, but in this economy I don't think that anybody should be approving budgets for exploratory space travel. Do you have any more details on this NASA proposal?
anonymous 1:16, I read a little bit about it this morning but had the same thoughts you did.
Looks like the honeymoon is over...look at the poll numbers and you'll see...and this is from a liberal media source.
"However, you know the Obamanuts run to these polls to vote for their masiah"
Really man? REALLY?!
OK Joe, you're so smart, why don't you tell us what to do about 50 million Americans without health insurance, or for those that have health insurance, what to do about annual increases of up to 100%. Well Joe???
anonymous 2:28,
OK, you asked for it, I'll deliver it.
Every Family get a Major Medical Policy with a $10,000.00 deductable. You pay for your doctor visits and anything major that happens, you pay the first $10,000.00 and the Insurance Company pays the rest.
Look, you spend more than $10,000.00 for a Family Plan anyway, so if no one has anything seriously wrong with them and they're standard checkups, pay the $50.00 doctor visit and go on with your life. The Policy will only cost you around $250.00 to $350.00 per quarter.
Quit your freakin bellyaching and stop acting like spoiled brats where every American has to be equal. The poor Democrats are acting like they actually give a sh!t when in the long run the government will ultimately scam every single taxpayer out of anything they have left.
Again, as I said as a comment in another post earlier, if you do NOT believe each and every American is in a 70% tax bracket, you're mistaken. We're already treated like socialists where the government taxes us so deep we can't afford to live.
You pay taxes in cars, gas, food, real estate taxes, interest on money already taxed, highways, 911 taxes, cell phone taxes, you name it, you're taxed well above and beyong the taxes taken out of your paychecks. Federal, State, it goes on and on. Social Security, Medicare, it's sickening!
Keep the freakin government out of private business. If they want to change anything, go after the curent insurance companies billing the crap out of us making it completely unaffordable.
Major Medical Policies are the answer. Look at other Countries, by the way. Who the hell do our politicians think they are shoving this down our throats. They already force every American to wear seat belts, there is no choice.
I and folks are tire of being "talked at" F&%$#@! that kenyan jackal. man.
I actually received a phone call from the Gallup Poll about a month ago. I was pretty excited. I think I was 1 out of 1000. They asked me everything from Obama, Sotomayor, Limbaugh, and Steel. I felt great after the poll because I was capable of answering every questions intelligently. I was wonder how Americans could actually answer all the questions.
Nice that you could afford $10,000 a year in deductible Joe. Good for you. You've made good and that's a good thing.
That much debt for medical would bankrupt me. I don't have that kind of money laying around to pay to the hospital and doctors if I get sick or injured.
So I wish you wouldn't tell people to stop their bellyaching. I'm not in favor of our government forcing us into "their" health care system but big insurance has too many deep pockets in Washington for our elected officials to ever go after them and make them provide affordable services.
I don't call that bellyaching.
Let's see...who was it that deregulated the insurance industry?
anonymous 3:42, or should I say, clueless.
You don't HAVE to pay a $10,000.00 deductable every year, ONLY FOR SOMETHING MAJOR MEDICAL, SHOULD YOU NEED IT.
Now let's try this one more time. Most Families are paying about $1,000.00 to $1,200.00 a MONTH for a good insurance policy. That's at least $12,000.00 a year YOU'RE ALREADY PAYING FOR! HELLO!!!!!
Now, drop that down to $1,400.00 a year, or $350.00 every quarter with a $10,000.00 deductable, (should you ever have to use it) and you're WAY ahead of the game.
Mind you, it's NOT for everyone, especially if you have someone sick and needs lots of medication but you asked for an answer, I gave you one.
I know, instead let's force every small business top provide health insurance or they'll be fines 4% of their gross sales and we, (the government) will make sure evry American is covered. Now a gallon of milk will go to around $10.00 a gallon. A cheeseburger at McDonald's will be $7.00, ARE YOU GETTING IT NOW?
America is failing because Americans are so stupid. Right Mr. Obama????
Yes Chuckie Poo, you know you are an Obamanut gurl. Now go pimp your boy Jimbo and make sure he does the job he was elected to do.
Rassmussen poll has had bho at 0 (yes, that's zero)overall approval for a few weeks now. +2-2
President Bush was the one whose administration formulated the plan in 2004 to go to Mars, not President Obama's.
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