Independence Day is a time for reflection. A time to put away our petty differences and remember the sacrifices made by so many over 200 years ago to assure that the foundation of a free nation could be laid for future generations. We are among those generations as are our children. It is incumbent upon us to teach our children that our flag is the symbol of freedom recognized around the world and that the cost of our independence was paid for by the lives of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters, and should not be taken lightly. We're Americans first and foremost.
In honor of this, and as a tribute to our nation and our forefathers, The Wicomico Eastside Chamber of Commerce sponsored the 2nd annual Independence Day Celebration at the Willards Elementary School. It was once again a success and stands to serve as a shining example of what can be accomplished when a community pulls together.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people without whom this event would not have been possible:
All of those members of the Wicomico Eastside Chamber of Commerce who donated so generously during this incredibly tough economy.
The Willards Volunteer Fire Company for providing.....too much to list.
Wicomico County Board of Education.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office for providing security.
Bay Fireworks for a spectacular show.
The Tabenacle Church for live music that never ended until the firewworks were half over.
Sbynews, the TwoSentz crew, the Wicbury Crapper, WBOC, and the Daily Times for giving us the coverage with the PSA.
Erika Parks, her mom Vicki Harris, and The Community who came together and helped raise over $200 for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation - fighting childhood cancer one cup at a time.
Cobbs Hill Bison who provided an outstanding Buffalo Chip Tossing contest.
The Gathering Tree Church who provided chidrens games such as the three legged race.
And last but not least, the nine volunteers who showed up at the Willards Elementary School at 10:00 a.m. the following day to clean up the grounds so that we can use the property again next year.
Thank you all so much. Again, without your efforts and continued support this event wouldn't have been possible.
Robert Harris, President
Wicomico Eastside Chamber of Commerce
Who flung the furthest dung?
Bob looks like he has a discus in hand LoL My money is on Bob : )
Is Granddad still putting his eyes on a county council seat?
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