At approximately 1300 hours on Friday, July 24, a house fire was reported on the 25000 block of Nanticoke Road. Thanks to a quick response time by member of Salisbury Fire Dept, Engine 16 was able to quickly control the fire and limit fire damage to the kitchen. Outside of the kitchen, however, there was extensive smoke and water damage throughout the house. Several long-time family pets were lost in the fire with the exception of their sheltie, Scooter.
After completing initial firefighting procedures, the crew began to remove pets from the house. When Scooter was removed, he was the only pet that still had a pulse. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of several firefighters, Scooter was resuscitated on scene and transported to the Salisbury Animal Hospital by Hebron EMS, and later to the Pet's E.R. Despite a heat related eye injury and smoke inhalation, Scooter is expected to make a full recovery in time.
The family, Tim and Tammy Cannon, their son Timothy Jr, daughter Shelby, and brother Michael Dugan are currently displaced and are staying at an area hotel. The family currently has nothing but what they have been able to get since the fire. The family has stated that their primary concerns right now are for the kids, Timothy and Shelby, and their dog Scooter. As of right now, the vet bills for Scooter are expected to run into the thousands of dollars, and he is still under care at the animal hospital. The family has stated that they will gratefully accept any donations at this time, as all belongings in the house have been smoke damaged. Specifically, the family is asking for donations to help cover the cost of the vet bill, and donations for their kids.
For further information or to contact/make a donation to the family, please contact Mike at 443-614-7644. The family would like to express their gratitude for all who have jumped in to help so far.
OK Folks, let's show this Family what we're all about. 2009 is the year to Give Back. This could be any one of us and we need to dig deep, pull together and provide, especially for these children. We will update everyone with sizes and furnishings needed. Thanking You In Advance, Joe
A list of requests by the family has been compiled, consisting of:
-Clothing for an 8 year old girl, size 14/16
-Clothing for an 11 year old boy, size 16 husky or men's medium shirts
-Age appropriate toys for both kids
-Any and all dishes (plates, bowls, silverware, cooking utensils)
-Pots, pans, cookie sheets, and baking dishes
-Towels, hand towels, dishrags, washcloths, etc
-Pillows, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, etc
-Beds, box springs, and mattresses
-Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, microwave
-Any small appliances, but please NO toasters
-Furniture for entire house (kitchen table, chairs, recliners, sofa, lamps, etc)
Any other donations will be greatly appreciated, however the family has not yet found a temporary home, so space is very limited. Specifically, the family is asking for monetary donations to help cover the cost of the vet bill, and donations for their kids.
"Hi Joe,
I just wanted to personally thank you for everything you are doing to help my family. We have suffered such tragedy, especially losing our four pets. It is sooooo heartbreaking I don't know if I will ever recover. I am sad for my children who lost their sense of safety and security along with their toys and things. My daughter broke my heart, she said "Mommy, will we be able to get more clothes and toys?" Our sheltie, Scooter, survived and what a blessing! We picked him up yesterday. Linda Lugo donated 500 dollars towards his bills and also said when we get moved back in someday, we can come to the humane society and pick out 3 kitties for free. That made my kids smile!! Will you please send a huge thank you to her for us on your website? Our insurance does not cover pets, sadly. Well I just wanted to say thank you for anything and everything you do for us and others, and for being a voice for our animals. Blessings, Tammy Cannon (Quantico fire)"
Dear Cannon Family,
One of the ONLY rewards to this Blog is knowing we can make a difference in cases like yours. Not to get long winded but I have been extremely fortunate in life and when I chose to retire, I wanted a way to give back and I found that path through Salisbury News. Many people do not realize the sacrifice my Family puts up with but they know why I do it. The fact that we reach an audience in the tens of thousands per day means that we can reach out to the good people of the Eastern Shore and together we can all make a difference. Every time I consider calling it quits, someone like Brooke Mulford comes along or the Red Kettle Campaign with the Salvation Army, Tracy Gibb and so many others like yourself. We're proud to be a part of every ones lives on a daily basis making a positive difference, even for the animals that have no voice. So it is our pleasure to serve you and so many others as we should all never forget where we came from and or the surprises life can bring us along the way.
Lets do this
We'll have to know the sizes of the beds donated in order to get the correct size sheets/blankets, etc. Please inform us when you know. I heard the call when it came in and I know that a neighbor tried to knock down the fire with a garden hose and go in to get the pets. That is my greatest fear,that my pets would perish in a house fire. What a wonderful thing that the Hebron FD did in rushing the surviving pet to the animal hospital.
Great job fire fighters and EMS!
I'm in, Friday is payday and be more than happy to chip in, that's what communities are supposed to be all about. Help each other and less dependent on the government.
With all the empty rental houses it would be nice to see SAPOA help these people out too. Let's ROLL~!
Joe, thank you for posting this. I've emailed everyone I know and encouraged them to clean out their attics and see what they've got. Also encouraged them to open their wallets.
There but for the grace of God go I.
Please let us know where the donation site will be located. Thank you.
If you could please get me the address to wear we can drop things off at i know i have things that will help them out, MAy god bless each and every one of you.
I've gotten a microwave from my mother-in-law for the family. I can pick it up tomorrow and will store it here at my house.
Is someone in charge of the inventory of collected items Joe?
I hope this wasn't your "important post". you sure are falling in the minds of many albero. Nothing but filler, nothing but filler.
11:20am put up or shut up, help someone or go find somewhere else on the blog to drivel, you are just disrespectful.
Yeah 11:20 that could be any one of us dude.Take a Valium.
Just an update everyone. We are glad to be getting calls from people alreay who are willing to help out.
For those who requested information on bedding:
As of right now we are in need of bedding for (2) twin size beds.
I am coordinating inventory of what has been/will be donated and what is still needed. Please give me a phone call before you drop off items and I will give you the location, we don't want to take anymore than what we need. My cell number is 443-614-7644, my name is Mike, and I am available all day/night. Feel free to give me a call with questions/comments/concerns.
11:20 You are an a$$. These people need our help. How dare you post such a nasty response. Wish there was a way we could block you from this site.
Is there a bank account started or anything for this family? If not, have them check with their bank to see if they could start one. That way those of us who want to help this family can. A lot of times after a tragedy like this, just being able to go to the store and purchase some things on your own helps. Plus they could also use the money towards the vet bills. God Bless You Cannon Family. Just let us know. Thanks
Just ignore 11:20. Everyone knows it's JT. Sorry I wasn't moderating at that time.
The local chapter of the Red Cross usually helps out too in cases such as this. Has the family already received help from the Red Cross?
Yes, the family received aid from the Red Cross to help with essential clothing and food over the weekend.
Wow this is amazing!! I am so overwhelmed with the kindness of everyone! We did recieve 315 dollars from the red cross..which was another blessing. I have a place where things can go. My children are going to be so happy. We are and will be forever grateful to all of you, thank you for the prayers and donations. Scooter is doing well. Just for the record, I myself was the one that used the water hose and tried to get my pets..but I couldn't. I will gladly take calls myself at 443-735-7340 if anyone needs more info. Thank you and God bless! The Cannons
red cross is only for a few days then normally insurance kicks in. being around the fire service it still amazes me how many houses are out there with out insurance.
I am dropping off the bedding sets to Mike tomorrow. So scratch that off of the list
Help is REALLY on the WAY!
my daughter, gabrielle, was in timmy's class and would really like to donate some stuff. We can give shelby her old american girl.
I just dropped off some items to the Cannon family; I got a tour of the house. It was almost overwhelming.
We've got a refrigerator and a set of twin mattresses for them when they are ready; but they are going to need lots more help.
Come on Salisbury, let's show this family that we are a community. Open your hearts and your wallets.
I dropped off the bedding today and got a tour also. How devistating! It was so sad. My heart really goes out to the family. I wish that I had more to give them.
Hey everyone! Thanks to who all who have made donations so far, we really appreciate it! A couple people had asked if there was a bank account established for the family.
FYI: Please mail checks to
Hebron Savings Bank
Carroll St Office
415 E. Carroll St
Salisbury, MD, 21804
Make checks payable to Timothy and/or Tammy Cannon, memo "Fire Donation"
I just want to thank the community that has opened their hearts for my son,daught-in-law and grandchildren.It is so greatly appreciated for what everyone has done.i also want to thank the firefighters who done such a wonderful job.it could have been even worse than it is if not for the,also all the emt's and everyone that helped and for saving scooter. my grandchildren are so grateful for what everyone has done.we don't really know how lucky we are for the simple things of life until they are taken away.god bless each and everyone of you.
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