WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. housing market has started to recover from the most far-reaching crisis since the Great Depression, data released Thursday shows."
If YOU want to believe this BS, I've got some waterfront, former swamp land in Florida I can sell you for $100.00 a acre!
How many of YOU received bonuses in the past year? How many businesses in America are on the rise? Here's a good one for you. In the past we could rely on industries like the cell phone industry, the computer industry, beta, then vcr and now dvd industries. Why don't some of YOU tell us what the next BIG industry you see on the rise in America?
THERE ARE NONE! Oh, unless you now want to consider getting a job at WalMart the next big industrial job.
Our government is full of crap and the MSM is trying to sell a bill of BS goods to you and the Daily Times thinks they can print this crap and get Americans to believe it! Come on guys, wake up and look at the empty desks right there in your own building and stop wiping your A$$E$ with that stupid newspaper just because you have 20,000 spare papers per day floating around because no one can afford your news any more.
There must be a lot of really happy Real Estate Agents out there right now raking in the big bucks, eh? Keep printing that money Mr. Obama, they're going to really need it.
The sad truth is that our so called "press"..including major TV networks are not challenging the Obama administration at all on any of the "fuzzy math" they propogate.
The man said we needed IMMEDIATE action on the stimulus to keep unemployment down to no more than
8%...it's now nearly 10% nationally and well over that in many states.
The "stimulus" spending a la FDR is a ton of one time "projects" that yield no continuing economic benefits or employment.In other words they produce no sustaining GDP.
And despite what Obama "promises" you can be assured that a series of tax increases are on there way...these will be needed to pay for this busywork and the expansion of government....and they will kill employment as they will affect most LLC's and S corps...the core of small business and employment generation.
See, the problem is we have career politicians running the economy now...people with ZERO credibiltity to do so.
Gannett is doing what they are told to do. Big media is tied together with the corporate industrialists who have off-shored our jobs in order to make bigger profits. Now they want to convince us everything is getting better so we will reinvest in their stock market craps game. They are propagandizing and Joe has called them on it.
The DT's IMHO doesn't have to put this information out there. I could be wrong but let me assure you that there's so much news out there to pick and choose from today, this was NOT something they should have published.
My guess is about 40% of those 200 employees they had just about a year ago are waiting in line to sell their homes because they couldn't find new jobs and or foreclosed on their properties by now.
Oh, that's right, before Salisbury News came along there was no other outlets to go after what THEY do to their own Staff and then hide by putting up BS articles like this one.
And they are laying ppl. off.
Whoa, whoooa there, horsey. Come back off the gallop, take it to a trot. Now, come to a stop. Are you stopped? Good. Now take a breath. A big, healthy breath ... hold it ... now slooowly, easy, let it out. Relax yourself. Throw your shoulders back, and breathe.
Are you relaxed? Good. Now listen.
Stop being so reactionary. You often fire off a post before you consider all the facts, namely, that the DT really has nothing to do with this story because it comes from the AP. Please relax with the rhetoric. You need to chill the F out.
Thanks for listening. Now back to your regularly scheduled maniacal ranting.
I have no doubt that housing has risen vs. a year ago. People's expectations about the value of their houses are more realistic, and locally foreclosures are starting to leak out into the market. Buyers want that $8k tax credit, and they do not believe that it will be extended past November so they need to start buying.
A friend of mine just bought a foreclosure for 1/2 of it's sale value three years ago. With the tax credit and state assistance for first time buyers, combined with a 10% down payment, he got enough equity to eliminate the need for PMI. Deals are starting to arrive in our market.
So what I'm trying to say here, is that a year ago the numbers were so bad that it's not hard to create an improvement.
Over the past few days, I've heard some bad news from NPR, though. Some people are estimating that there is 4x the number of houses that will need to go through foreclosure and resale in the next two years compared to current numbers. A bulk of them will hit the market in 12 - 18 months.
You've got to think that a good deal today will at least keep you even over the next few years. But if you bought at the top, you're going to be screwed for the next 10 years.
Moral of the story - don't over extend yourself, and buy the house because it will make for a nice, long term HOME for your family. It will be a long time before substantial capital gains can be realized from your house.
This was RE-PRINTED from the AP, so are you saying the AP is worthless?
Ok. We hear you. It doesn't change the fact that houses are still declining in value. The real economy is in free fall. We won't react to the truth. We will simply acknowledge it.
There, all realxed. Feeling pretty good. I like this depression, lost most of my retirement savings, house worth 1/2 as much as I paid, kind of stuff. Yeah, this just might work out pretty good for me after all. Hey, thanks for the advice about relaxing.
anonymous 4:34, absolutely! Bought and sold and they'd sell their mother to boot.
And you wonder why the Daily Times wont keep your posts on their articles?
They can spin it anyway they want. I have been out of work for almost 6 months now and it is really tough out there! The competition for the few jobs are available is fierce!
Was employed for over 25 years until my job was outsourced to India. Now I apply for anything within my skill set at half the pay. Don't know what I will do once my savings runs out. Even Walmart has cut their hours to 12 hours per week! This is not a recession. This is a depression! If you have a job, you are rich!
Relaxing over here also.
Hear here.
You are a true bird brain. The Daily Times didn't write the article, the Associated Press did. Secondly, you take an article on home sales rising and rather than make some type of intelligent, cogent point about this data, you start writing about bonuses and how many companies or corporations "are on the rise," whatever that's supposed to mean.
I know we are in a recession but it seems like everywhere you go people are still spending big bucks-are they living on credit???
Jon Stewart is now the most trusted man in America (for news).
The new-media theory is that Jon is entertaining. My theory is that Jon hasn't sold out to anyone.
I work in Somerset County and received a COLA and an increase in salary this year. What do you say about that JA?
Maryland is not Michigan things are not that bad here. Home building has stopped everywhere including here but it will start again. It will never come back to Michigan. We should not complain it could be worse, much worse.
I'm not saying anything good about the Times because they flippin SUCK! However, we do have a "next big industry." Its the green technology industry. While Obama has tried to play this industry a little to try to rebound our economy, he has failed miserably! The great thing about this "Green Industry/Revolution" is that it is so broad that a wide range of technologies, ideas and jobs COULD come out of it. I honestly think that this could be what drags us out of this mess, but so far no substantial ground has been made. I also think that redeveloping old technologies will be the next big thing as well-I mean look at what they have done with LED bulbs, LCD displays and fiber optics...Agree or not, just my opinion on the subject.
But certainly it cannot be denied that the DT SUCKS!
Anon 7:41, I sure that you don't work FOR Somerset County! If you do, I would keep that on the low so you don't get murdered by your taxpayers!
Green Technology is a load of sh!t, seriously.
I don't just make that statement without cause. I have been involved in this BS for 20+ years and I know for a fact it's a load of crap.
I can't spend much time on this so I'll make it brief. If you want to know more at a later time you can e-mail me.
It got its main push with the "Energy Act." Similar to back in the day when they wanted to reduce pollution and make cars burn fuel cleaner and more efficiently, where's the better gas mileage????????? BS!
The energy act also delivered policy allegedly forcing lamp manufacturers, (as an example) to produce lamps that burn less energy. A 32 watt fluorescent lamp on average burnt 38 watts, not 32 watts. So then they came out with electronic ballasts to FORCE the lamp to burn 32 watts. Here's the problem though. Reduce the watts, premature burn out and I mean much lower life than the 20,000 hours they're supposed to get.
It's a scam. The energy companies can't keep up with growth, seriously. It was either Government Owned energy plants or reduce energy allowing the current companies to stay afloat without government competition.
I'm too busy too continue. You're being lied to, trust me on that one. It may become a big industry buut it's a false industry and you need to be corrected, it's been around for the past 15 years, at least. I asked for a new industry. I don't mind newer but 15 years is not a good answer.
-A national group of real estate agents says more Americans bought a house in June than they did in May.
-The economy remains dismal and a lot of people remain out of work, including people on the Eastern Shore - even at your local newspaper.
If you can't possibly conceive of both of those things being true at once, you're with Joe - you're flabbergasted.
If you can accept that both are true without your head exploding, you're with the rest of us.
It is customary to compare sales with the same month LAST YEAR. Since things have become so terrible they like to now compare with the previous month. This will change once they cycle on a year of misery coming up this fall.
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