Don't let Chiefy Webster ever make you think Gangs aren't a problem in Salisbury. Gangs = Drugs = Crime = Murder.
UPDATE: We're told by Gang Specialists that this tagging was not from Gang Members. More than likely teenagers acting like they're from a Gang.
see the way people are talking about the salisbury chiefy webster. is no better then the people in delmar. the way they feel about there police dept. ragging is ragging. we all need better cops. to do there jobs. gangs, drugs,crime and murder is in deed in delmar,md. as well.turning your head is not going to make the problem go away.
A pole at the intersection of Camden & College has also been tagged.
is there actually ANYONE in salisbury who doesn't realize there is a major drug problem (with not just use, but serious sales/distribution) and thus very high crime?
is this even news?
Chiefy could care less about Salisbury - he's in love.
"Teenagers acting like they're from a gang" killed Anitra Pirkle. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Webster.
Growing population + crime = obvious rise in crime.
It happens. Salisbury is no different than any other town when it comes to crime and the toll that economic strains take on emergency services. I'm not crazy about the Chief but the fault does not lay with one person.
You would be surprised at how many of the gangs that exsist today are made of imigrants, some legal some not.
6:57 PM - Yes, there is actually someone in Salisbury who doesn't believe there is a problem - CHIEFY
Webster Cannot Function Properly As The Cheif Of Police!!!!
Im Willing To Buy Him A Golf Cart Set Him Up With New Set Of Golf Clubs And Show Him Where The Course Is!!!
Sir It's Time To Step Down You Cannot Again i Repeat CANNOT handle The Position Of Police Cheif.This Is Way Behond Your Capability!!
i think much of the problem with the Juvinile Justice system. they do not punish kids when they commit a crime.
You can thank Chiefy Webster and former Mayor Barrie Tilghman for that. They were instrumental in trying to bring down Hunter Nelms and the Drill Academy. Grandstanding is all it was. It wasn't even in their jurisdiction. One down, one to go.
Just being locked up when your young really doesnt achieve anything. It just prepares you for adult criminal lifes. Places like forrestry camp and outward bound programs seemed to do more for the kids then just being locked up. These places help you get back into schooling and group sessions can and will open you up to your peers even if you dont want it to, you learn about how much you suck and the shame makes you want to do better.
Where is the white spray paint "Sooowoop" at?This is a bloods call out to other blood gang members. To those parents who hear your kids saying to there nice friend wearing red and black clothing all the time with pretty red bandannas or beaded necklaces, you might wanna pay attention to there affiliation and look at the little things ie.like there cell phones an poems.
These cops are in denial ask a uniform police officer if there's a problem. My family has decided to arm ourselves and if I have to kill one of these gang members the body goes into the river because law enforcement will charge me for defending myself.
Thank you, Joe. Yes, there were some undercurrents re: Hunter Nelms and the Drill Academy. Not saying that Lewis is not doing a good job, but Hunter took it from absolutely nothing (and I know... I was with the Dept back then) and turned it into a legitimate agency so Mike had one hell of a good start.
the correct call for the bloods is "BRRRAAAAP". and you can tell it is not a gang painting. If it were the bloods, every letter c would have a arrow pointing down through the "c". This means down with the crips. I do agree, something has to be done about gangs. Intel says the bloods all of the sudden on the uprise.
Teenagers acting like they are in a gang? Doesn't that actually MAKE them a gang? What does it take to get gang respect around here?
The Hatian gangs in New York and upper Jersey make the crips and bloods look like boy scouts. I cant recall their name, something like "La-Trinades" named after leaders in their revolution I think.
Soooowoooooop and Brrrraaaaapppp are both Blood calls. There are additional things that would make a trained expert realize they aren't true bloods, but if it walks like a duck... (they fly red and claim it as Bloods, guess what.... they are)g. The real problem comes if they didn't get the go ahead to start there gang and someone from Charm City comes down and sees them. Talk about gang wars...
As far as Haitian gangs... La Trinidads and Zoe Pound are as bad as MS13..
Arund here the illegals are more likely to be victims of a gang than participants.Alot of the illegal Hispanics in Salisburys rough neighborhoods are robbed and beaten by non-Hispanic hoods but they are too afraid to report it to the cops.
Please tell me again whats so good about the eastern shore. Even if these ppl arent in gangs acting like one you are in one is any better. I love all the apologists around, deny, deny, deny. There is so much crime that goes unreported here its truly pathetic. Gotta love the backwards eastern shore!!
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