The mainstream media is deluging us with coverage of the “moon landing” that occurred forty years ago next Monday (July 20). But have you heard similar reminiscence about yet another momentous event that occurred just two days before Neil Armstrong told the world that “Eagle has landed” – the “accident” that resulted in the drowning death of Mary Jo Kopechne, an attractive young woman who was a passenger in the car that Senator Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy (no doubt somewhere between sobriety and total stupor at the time) drove off a bridge and into a pond on Martha’s Vineyard. Only the great bloated one managed to escape from the submerged vehicle.
According to Kennedy the accident occurred after he made a “wrong turn” but was unaware that had. His behavior both before and after it happened is incredible. He was competing in a Yacht Club regatta and one evening attended a party for young women who had served in Robert Kennedy’s 1968 presidential campaign, including Ms. Kopechne; Kennedy’s wife was not there. He left the party with Ms. Kopechne – afterwards stating to public officials that he was taking her back to her hotel, and told his chauffeur that his services were not needed. His actions after the accident are even more perplexing. He did not report the accident until he learned that her body had been found inside the car. The diver who removed it testified that she may have survived long enough to have been saved had he contacted the police promptly.
Kennedy was charged with only minor offenses and given a suspended sentence. Despite blood on Ms Kopechne’s skirt and in her nose and mouth, her body was not autopsied. Her family received payment’s of $90,904 from Kennedy and $50,000 from his insurance company. At Kennedy’s request, the inquest was conducted in secret.
It is widely believed that the event resulted in Kennedy’s not becoming President of the United States – he ran against Jimmy Carter in the 1979 party primary. But it did not harm him in Massachusetts, where he was reelected with 62% of the vote (a real “landside”) one year after the Chappaquiddick and many times thereafter.
This Saturday, July 18, is the 40th anniversary of Ms. Kopechne’s death.
government health care ?
Since this is salisbury news how about posting something about Salisbury
Sure, why not send me your billing address so we can start charging you to visit us every day.
Funny part is, you won't see information like this on the democrats site.
Previously you were the go to site for local news. Now I dont see that. Why?
Are you suggesting we're covering up local news? Go take a look at the DT's today. They have next to nothing for news.
Salisbury News isn't like bored firefighters that start their own fires just to stay busy.
When the local news comes in, we produce it. So much so that we're overwhelmed with up to 40 posts per day with news and information.
I pick and choose what I feel our visitors want to see. Tyhe ONLY person that would make such a statement is someone connected with JT because no one else is stupid enough to complain about stuff like this when it's free. You could also scroll right past the national information and see the local news, or are you that lame?
Anyhow, if you don't like it, leave and don't return. However, if you did that then you wouldn't have anything to write about, would you JT. Down 60% and it's killing you. ROTFLMAO!
Have you told Barrie & Chiefy your numbers have dropped to next to nothing. Or are you still lying to them.
Great article, needs to be main stream press Joe.
Funny thing, money takes care of everything, if you are a Kenedy you are the King of the country. Nothing can touch you on Earth, but enjoy it while you can, The Devil cant wait to get you down there.
Burn in Hell Ted, because that is where your taking the country.
Every day I come on here I'm more amazed!! There IS more LOCAL news on here than you'll find anywhere else in Salisbury! So what if the national news is mixed in? I think it's a great thing to read local and national news on the same blog.
You jokers who do nothing but complain remind me of the guy who continues to complain about a TV show but can't turn the dial...if you don't like what's here, don't come back!! Differing opinions are nice, INTELLIGENT differing opinions!! Sheesh, is that so hard to comprehend??
This was a double murder -
1 Mary Jo
2 Mary Jo & Teddy's unborn baby
Liberal whiners are used to the state run media telling them what they want to hear.
There is certainly nothing wrong with a respectful remembrance of the unfortunate death of Miss Kopechne.
Now that you have, we can return to pounding The Family Cult on C-Street until it is purged from power. Hopefully, we will then move on to Opus Dei and the Knights Of Columbus in their criminal role as unregistered agents of a foreign Prince.
See: Foreign Agents Registration Act
12:03 that is nothing more than shear speculation and you know it. Comments like that show your ignorance. This did NOT happen in area 51 by the way.
Wow, say something about the obese one and the liberals go nuts.
Slpa on the wrist...you maen like our states attorney?
He will die in a week.
I'm too young to remember this, but my parents and their friends would alway sing "Cross Over the Bridge" whenever fat Teddy Kennedy was on TV or radio. They sang especially loud the line: "leave your evil ways behind you!"
Thanks for letting me know why they did that.
And MJK will be waiting for him!
You (and he) can count on it!!!
1:40 where did you go to school, buddy? I love your spelling and grammar.
You do have to wonder about the Kennedy Karma...It does all come back around. There have been alot of premature deaths in that family.
It all comes back around. Its amazing the extreme what political families will go to to save face. Empty heartless plastic figurines.
Right on. Can you imagine Teddy's greeting by Ms. Kopechne (assuming he winds up where she has gone)?
Hey naysayers. Read the book "Senatorial Privilege"
It is a very in depth study of Senator Kennedey and the Chappaquiddick incident.
Kennedy should have been put in prison!
He will soon be answering for what he did though. Won't be long!
My guess, he'll be spending eternity with a lot of his Democrat friends too!
I will look for the book this weekend. Although it will probably pi$$ me off to high heaven when I read it.
More on the Kennedy Karma....This is very odd and interesting...I would be burning the sage if I were Mama Kennedy. Or better yet, kicking my Son's A$$e$.
There should be a statue of Mary Jo Kopechne erected in Washington DC along with those of other American heroes; the service that young woman did by keeping Ted Kennedy out of the White House should never be forgotten.
This is a factual: Ted gave a dog like his to Obama. Ted's dog is named "Splash".
Wonder who Ted named the dog after? :^)
Ted Kennedy's Car Has Killed More People Than My Guns!
For god sake's Joe it was the sixties and he was a Kennedy maybe you were to young to remeber
slow people like you dont gte it.
Don't worry, Mary Jo. He's on the way. You can "bird him" on the way down.
She should be exhumed & DNA testing done on her fetus. That ought to clear things up a bit.
At the very worst, the senior senator from Massachusetts murdered a young woman to cover up her pregnancy by him. At the very best, he is guilty of drunken vehicular homicide, abandoning his companion to die, leaving the scene of a fatal accident, failure to report a fatal accident in which he was the driver. For most, there would be hell to pay. If your name is Kennedy, you get a lifetime seat in the United States Senate. But I think the senator knows there will, and very soon, be hell to pay at the hands of a just God who cares nothing about his father's bootleg riches!
i thought all he has to do is ask God for forgiveness?
Doesnt do any good to ask unless you mean it in your heart and Ted doesnt think he did anything wrong.....
some are too vile, even for God to forgive. IMO, "teddy" is one of those.
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