Paul Craig Roberts
There is no economy left to recover. The US manufacturing economy was lost to offshoring and free trade ideology. It was replaced by a mythical “New Economy.”
The “New Economy” was based on services. Its artificial life was fed by the Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates, which produced a real estate bubble, and by “free market” financial deregulation, which unleashed financial gangsters to new heights of debt leverage and fraudulent financial products.
The real economy was traded away for a make-believe economy. When the make-believe economy collapsed, Americans’ wealth in their real estate, pensions, and savings collapsed dramatically while their jobs disappeared.
The debt economy caused Americans to leverage their assets. They refinanced their homes and spent the equity. They maxed out numerous credit cards. They worked as many jobs as they could find. Debt expansion and multiple family incomes kept the economy going.
And now suddenly Americans can’t borrow in order to spend. They are over their heads in debt. Jobs are disappearing. America’s consumer economy, approximately 70% of GDP, is dead. Those Americans who still have jobs are saving against the prospect of job loss. Millions are homeless. Some have moved in with family and friends; others are living in tent cities.
Meanwhile the US government’s budget deficit has jumped from $455 billion in 2008 to $2,000 billion this year, with another $2,000 billion on the books for
2010. And President Obama has intensified America’s expensive war of aggression in Afghanistan and initiated a new war in Pakistan.
There is no way for these deficits to be financed except by printing money or by further collapse in stock markets that would drive people out of equity into bonds.
The US government’s budget is 50% in the red. That means half of every dollar the federal government spends must be borrowed or printed. Because of the worldwide debacle caused by Wall Street’s financial gangsterism, the world needs its own money and hasn’t $2 trillion annually to lend to Washington.
As dollars are printed, the growing supply adds to the pressure on the dollar’s role as reserve currency. Already America’s largest creditor, China, is admonishing Washington to protect China’s investment in US debt and lobbying for a new reserve currency to replace the dollar before it collapses. According to various reports, China is spending down its holdings of US dollars by acquiring gold and stocks of raw materials and energy.
The price of one ounce gold coins is $1,000 despite efforts of the US government to hold down the gold price. How high will this price jump when the rest of the world decides that the bankruptcy of “the world’s only superpower” is at hand?
And what will happen to America’s ability to import not only oil, but also the manufactured goods on which it is import-dependent?
When the over-supplied US dollar loses the reserve currency role, the US will no longer be able to pay for its massive imports of real goods and services with pieces of paper. Overnight, shortages will appear and Americans will be poorer.
Nothing in Presidents Bush and Obama’s economic policy addresses the real issues. Instead, Goldman Sachs was bailed out, more than once. As Eliot Spitzer said, the banks made a “bloody fortune” with US aid.
It was not the millions of now homeless homeowners who were bailed out. It was not the scant remains of American manufacturing–General Motors and Chrysler–that were bailed out. It was the Wall Street Banks.
According to Bloomberg.com, Goldman Sachs’ current record earnings from their free or low cost capital supplied by broke American taxpayers has led the firm to decide to boost compensation and benefits by 33 percent. On an annual basis, this comes to compensation of $773,000 per employee.
This should tell even the most dimwitted patriot who “their” government represents.
The worst of the economic crisis has not yet hit. I don’t mean the rest of the real estate crisis that is waiting in the wings. Home prices will fall further when the foreclosed properties currently held off the market are dumped. Store and office closings are adversely impacting the ability of owners of shopping malls and office buildings to make their mortgage payments. Commercial real estate loans were also securitized and turned into derivatives.
The real crisis awaits us. It is the crisis of high unemployment, of stagnant and declining real wages confronted with rising prices from the printing of money to pay the government’s bills and from the dollar’s loss of exchange value. Suddenly, Wal-Mart prices will look like Nieman Marcus prices.
Retirees dependent on state pension systems, which cannot print money, might not be paid, or might be paid with IOUs. They will not even have depreciating money with which to try to pay their bills. Desperate tax authorities will squeeze the remaining life out of the middle class.
Nothing in Obama’s economic policy is directed at saving the US dollar as reserve currency or the livelihoods of the American people. Obama’s policy, like Bush’s before him, is keyed to the enrichment of Goldman Sachs and the armament industries.
Matt Taibbi describes Goldman Sachs as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentless jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” Look at the Goldman Sachs representatives in the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. This bankster firm controls the economic policy of the United States.
Little wonder that Goldman Sachs has record earnings while the rest of us grow poorer by the day.
Yes, the economy can recover, but it will take time. The longer the out of control spenders in the Democratic party are in control, the longer it will take. THE INSANITY OF SPENDING HAS TO STOP NOW!!! TELL YOUR CONGRESSMAN/SENATOR AND DEMAND THAT IT STOP!!!. The mid term elections next year are probably the most critical in America's history. Vote out the spenders!! Spending to this degree has never, never, ever rescued or bailed out any country in history. A return to capitalistic roots is the answer. Period. btw- all you universal health care lovers out there- better protect your health, because under the proposed Obama plan, once your old- you won't be getting treatment i.e. your heart bypasses, your cancer treatment,etc. because the cost will far outweigh the benefit, i.e why pay 50k when your life expectancy is only another year anyway. You'll be told to simply go home and die. Remember that when you vote for this bullshit.
This is way past politics now. We are at the threashold of collapse. Who controls the media & Who controls the money. If I go down after lifetime of work and have to feel like I have failed my family, Im not going down quite, Im going out BLOODY.
We used to make things in this country.. now we stick our hand in our neighbor's pocket.
I agree, politics are not the answer. We got into this mess under the watch of the Republicans, now they say nothing but the Democrats are spending us into disaster. I'm tired of the he said she said crap. The investment bankers that manipulated the system to just get richer win everytime. There will come a time in this country when the middle class fight back. When this happens... God help you all.
Rage coming to a town near you.
Yes but first we must vote out the socialist extremists and not let them do what they did to California to the rest of the union.
Votes are a joke, we are way past that now. When people respect nothing on its own merits, than you have to force them to respect by the only thing thats left,(Fear).
Didn't Cali's tax/financial woes begin with the '78 property tax referendum (prop 13)?... sponsered by conservatives.
Anon 11:24 Absolutely unequivocally not!!!!! Californias problems are an immigration policy out of control. They've taxed the ying yang out of every business (because of being "green") to the point where its no longer feasible for companies to operate there. Back to immigration and illegal aliens. The number of illegals in California is draining the public coffers at such an alarming rate, that some people have theorized is Mexicos way of retaking southern California. My opinion, let them have it.
You dont win a fist fight with words.
Can a service-based economy sustain itself? Maybe. Can an economy based on speculation and easy-credit and overspending sustain itself? Never.
I'm surprised, Joe. This article is too leftist even for me.
10:57 blames this on republicans what a joke it was democrats that regulated bank loans forcing them to loan to people that couldn't afford to pay for them and all agree it was this market that started this massive down fall. Them it was the banking system itself that failed and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were supposed to be over seeing and actually said everything was great they must have been talking about their "special loans" just for them. Now Bush had a record breaking economy remember that what happened ? oh yea Reid and Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats took over control of the congress and screwed us all.
With all of the actual facts laid at your feet, you still believe that story from Rush Limbaugh?
"all agree it was this market that started this massive down fall."
No. No serious economist believes that. Only right-wing Rush acolytes believe that. C'mon, let's get a little bit more objective here.
to 1:30pm-Excellent point! People fail to or refuse to recognize that the economy grew 7 out of the 8 years Bush was in office. It started faltering the last year due to gov't oversight( or lack thereof) of the mortgage industry- the Chris Dodds and Barney queer Franks of the world!! Even their god-Bill Clinton-admitted on national tv before the election that his administration blocked republican efforts to reform the mortgage industry. These f------ liberals/democrats have no clue about the economy. their only mantra- "blame Bush" is quickly wearing thin, and people are finally beginning to see what a mess they've put this country in. Bring on the mid-terms and vote every one of those a-- holes out! even the wish washy republicans who don't have a backbone to stand up to liberalism-get rid of them as well.
Chuck- you obviously are part of the problem,rather than the solution. Not quite sure what your comment about Rushs comments mean. Since I have not heard the comment, I do not know what context it was given in- however, that being said- free markets will prevail if given the chance, rather than the course we're currently on, which is spending like there is no tomorrow. You cannot, ever, spend your way out of a recession/depression. Never happened before in history, never will. got it?
Well Chuck I lived through it I don't suffer from your short memory issue this historical fact you can't spin your way out of being wrong!
Thank you for insulting me. It really puts you on the "higher ground" doesn't it?
No. Every single Depression and Recession have been recovered through increased spending. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Don't believe me? Go ask Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
But, if anyone is "part of the problem" it would be people who disregard facts and argue for positions that are in direct contrast with observable data.
Chuck, while I don't always agree with you, one thing I am most proud of you about is the fact that you use your real name on here and stand firm on your beliefs, unlike MOST of the people commenting here.
Please try to remember that you're holding conversations with a brick wall.
JT has been on here at least 6 times already today trying to comment anonymously and is NEVER man enough to use his name. Probably because he talks like a 4 year old and writes like one too.
I really wish more people would use their names as it is way too easy to just go on the attack fictitiously or anonymously. Oh, since JT wouldn't know what fictitious is, look in a morror and you'll know.
How's that drop of 60% of your readership working for you. ROTFLMAO!
chuck- yes it does- just like a democrat-supposedly the party of tolerance,yet they tolerate no one! and about facts- try this one- the GAO states that Bush tax cuts added 256billion over and above regular receipts to the treasury between 2003 and 2006, yet this is often ignored and actually portrayed that bush tax cuts are the problem. Hows that for facts and no - what recession or depression do you speak of where pure and simple spending brought of out it?? or was it the accompanying tax cuts that spurred investment, that spurred job creation etc that brought us out of it? Any gov't can add jobs just by spending millions of dollars for "make work" programs- but is that growth? hardly. And Ronald REagan continually preached (and practiced) that gov't spending was not the answer.
Oh jeez Chucks playing the sensitive liberal victim . You start out telling lies what do you expect Chuckles.
"the GAO states that Bush tax cuts added 256billion over and above regular receipts to the treasury between 2003 and 2006"
Now, do me a favor, and look at what they have to say about the net addition to the DEFICIT from 2003 to 2009. Did you leave out the last 3 years on purpose to make your argument look good, or did you just miss that part?
Name a lie I told. And, there's no "sensitive Liberals" here... seem to be some cowardly anonymous commenters, though.
No Chuck, I didn't miss that part. The president doesn't SPEND a dime- Congress does, and since Congress was democratically controlled, I guess they spent it.
Did you miss that part on purpose to make your argument look good? btw, what does "net addition to the deficit"mean. How can adding 256b over and above normal receipts make a deficit bigger? That makes no sense at all. If anythinng, additional monies, kept the deficit from getting bigger. Anyway,Tom Foley, former speaker of the house,during the Reagan years, used to routinely say when Reagan submitted his budget that it was DOA-dead on arrival. Because Congress through appropriations committees etc actually control the budget and spending. So yes, deficits continued to increase during the Bush years. why? because Congress spent more than it took in. Now, about being anonymous, I don't think "Chuck" actually qualifies for not being anonymous. I wish to protect my privacy- but if it makes you feel any better- Call me "Stinky"
I think it wil but it wont be anytime soon.
I would be glad to confront you if that is what you want Chuck !The lie you told was that Bush and the Republicans caused this recession ! Your a liar !
On what date will Obama be held accountable for the economy? 6 months and still getting worse!
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