This morning on the Bill Reddish Show Bill stated that there is RUMOR going around that someone signed off for the completion of the Salisbury WWTP. This is absolutely untrue and all Bill had to do was make one phone call to Mr. John Pick or the Mayor and he would have settled such rumors immediately, as I did.
The WWTP is NOT complete. In fact, the Construction Company is still working through the "punch out list" but NO ONE has signed off on anything referencing completion. While Bill may no longer have his lengthy show on WICO and has now dropped down to 1/2 hour a day, one would think he'd have plenty of time to go out there and get news. However, I never see him anywhere publicly, not after the election anyway.
So Bill, while you're getting news from the Daily Times and Salisbury News, you might want to concentrate on Salisbury News more and finally give CREDIT for where you get your news because when you do it on your own you only prove that WICO is a follower, not a leader. You can then stop spreading RUMORS about something that after all your years in the business would simply be ridiculous anyway. Oh well, you got what you wanted as we're now talking about you and the Station.
By the way Bill, I'm not the one who heard it. Someone called me and filled me in on what you said. WHEN IN DOUBT, LEAVE IT OUT!
For Salisbury's sake, I hope that you are right about the contract status. Apparently, the City did make the final payment for the construction.
Mayor Ireton should issue a definitive statement on where things stand, including (in general terms) who is responsible ("liable") for what and whether the City has waived or released anyone or anything. That would be much more appropriate than his invalid comparison to a car with an air conditioner that does not work.
It looks like the initial consultant (Mr. Stover, from Oklahome) has been unable to tweak the WWTP to make it work, and now the City is going to completely overhaul the system that has just been build to the City's specs. That could be very costly, and for starters they have brought in a big time engineering firm all the way from California.
Making final payment probably consist of signing off on the contract. Im not a lawyer but this sounds fishy.
Call John Pick yourself if you don't believe me. 410-548-3100
No one signed off on it.
Mind you, there is a very interesting fact that remains.
Lynn Cathcart was the Council Member that signed off on all of the checks during the construction stage of the WWTP and since she's been gone, no one was reassigned to do so.
That being said, Louise Smith has been signing checks for the past two years. Things that make you go, hmmmmmmmm!
Then shes got some explaining to do to the tax-payers. Her ship may have just sunk. Final payment constitutes satisfaction with the completion of the contract, I think.
You mean that Bubba Comegys lied: "on time and under budget and works great"?
They may be other problems besides making payment in full and accepting the WWTP as built. What warranty is there and has it been breached by changing from using methanol to "sugar water" in the process -- has the plant operation been a cause of the problem??? Apparently the volume is much less than the City asked to be a design criteria.
Ireton can and should address the situation at the City Council tonight. The "media event" he staged last week was a joke.
No one "actually" signs the checks. The City uses a signature card that has the signatures of the finance director and council president on them. When the checks are cut the signatures are automatically placed on the checks. Don't think Lynn actually ever signed any checks.
Then the finance director and the council president have some explaining to do. Whos is their boss again, oh thats right Mr Photo-op himself.
1232 --
What about Barrie ("I'm Responsible") Tilghman and Bubba ("Me, Too") Comegys?
This needs to go before a court and be figured out by a judge.
The larger problem is that the new mayor, Jim-beau Ireton, is simply following the format of the previous one -- lots of media events, but no real information about the situation. That's why "rumors" prevail in the 'Bury.
Call it what you may, Bill Reddish is a follower and spreading RUMORS trying to out-do the rest of the MSM will certainly leave him jobless in the near future.
I heard that Ms. Cohen really socked it to the Daily Slime on the Reddish show this morning. Sorry I missed it.
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