As local recovery agents, (i.e. Bounty Hunters) they are always looking for ways for people to turn themselves in. Recently they had a guy, (THOMAS KENSEY) who was wanted by the Fruitland Police Department for quite some time. The Fruitland Police tried numerous time to get their man but were unsuccessful.
A local Bail Bond Company was asked to find him and one Bail Bondsman and his Wife came up with a creative way to get their man. While searching him out, they found him on Facebook in Durham, N.C.
Here's the problem. His warrant wasn't extraditable, so they couldn't just go there and get him. That being the case, his Wife came up with the idea, (since his Facebook page showed him at parties all the time with numerous girls) to call him and tell him she was pregnant. She made the call and convinced him he was the Father and the baby was born the day before. She went on to say she couldn't afford the baby and she had no choice but the legally drop the baby off at a local Police Station, unless he wanted to take care of the baby.
Convinced she's telling the truth, Thomas Kensey boarded a Bus, (Greyhound) and headed back to Salisbury to meet what he thought was a Child Welfare Agent to take him to the State Police to get fingerprints and a photo and then take custody of his new day old baby.
To every ones amazement they arrived at the Greyhound Bus Station and the dumbest criminal on earth came off the Bus in Salisbury and got in the fake agents car and drove the the MD State Police Barracks. Once inside a State Trooper said, OK, all we need to do is get your photo and fingerprints and we're done here. He proceeded inside the barracks and that was the end of his story. He was immediately arrested and taken into custody.
He was wanted for numerous traffic violations and is now being held on a $10,000.00 Bail at the WCDC. Thomas Kensey Wins The Dee, Dee, Deeee of the week award!
Criminals sure are STUPID people, aren't they?
So why on Judiciary Case Search is there no record of a Thomas Kensey anywhere in the State of Maryland? For that matter there is also no record of ANYONE with the last name Kensey in Wicomico County.
Any thoughts on the character of the guy for stepping up and taking responsibility for a fictitious kid he thought was his?
Trust me I think he relieved that he doesn't have a kid to take care of by himself. Just another win win situation. I have to give him credit for trying to do the right thing for a change.
Glad they finally have their man. But I don't think anyone should ever involve a child (real or made-up) in a lie. Just my opinion....
Good question Mike. He actually goes by the following.
Check that name out and you'll find him.
I'm glad for them and all but he can have a case of entrapment.
Here comes the liberals!!!!!
By the way, all of you, what is it about Wanted Criminal that you don't understand?
anon 1:21,
I agree with you completely! He may have some other issues in his life to deal with but a lot of men would not make the trip to take a baby home with them they knew NOTHING about. He does have some character in him that many men don't. On another thought, it may make him a little less of a ladies man if it makes him think about what might result of the "partying" with all the women. LOL
Anon 1:42 ;
You may want to look up the legal definition of Entrapment. Entrapment is when a person is persuaded to commit a crime in which they normally wouldn't have committed if not persuaded. It has absolutely nothing to do with luring a criminal into turning themselves in whether it be under real or false pretenses.
Further more, contrary to popular belief a cop saying he isn't a cop isn't entrapment.
The story matters JT, (comment rejected) because it's a story. You see JT, here at sbynews.com we don't sit around all day wasting our lives on stories about you. We don't produce 100% lies just to get attention, like you. We provide news and information and yes we even link to other articles of interest and then we actually give credit for those stories. We don't have to steal photos and ACT like we were there.
So go back to trying to put your shoes on your feet without socks because we know how difficult that is for you without your significant other doing it for you. Now go away and have a delicious day. oink, oink.
Traffic violations huh,
Anon 2:43 - Yeap traffic violations. I think they wanted him so badly b/c he skipped out on bail though. At least that's the way I understand those case files...
My ? is simple if this guy was a killer rapist or bank robber .Would any one care how he was caught?
1:21 Dead on.
Traffic violations and skipping on bond. He is dumb for sure. But wow! You guys are missing the incredible story of a guy coming here to care for a baby.
The Father will judge all of our hearts.
Please hire the bailbondsman who had enough smarts to accomplish this and give him the Chiefys' job.
I feel better now that a traffic violater is in custody, even though I can't sleep at night because we have killers on the lose I can be safe on the road. come on now.
Sometimes you just need to be creative to get these guys. Doesn't matter to me how you get them as long as they are got.
How do you all know he was going to take care of this baby? Maybe he was going to sell it to the highest bidder. He probably thought it was an easy way to get some money. Couldn't have been for sentimental reasons, especially since he couldn't have possibly remembered this fictitious mother.
The Father will judge all of our hearts. Wow.
He came to care for his own. And his own had him arrested.
And his own "undoubtedly" tortured him.
And his own will probably crucify him.
Yes, hear here.
Wanted or not,gotta give him cred for showing up for the "baby".Not alot of guys would.
Yeah it's really the "liberals" who question things like prioritizing law enforcement, the scope of gvoernment,etc . I really don't get when Big Government guys going around calling people "liberal." It makes no sense. Never met a law too small or a government expense too large, yet everyone else is a liberal socialist. Right.
I like it! Gotta think outside the box. And, hey, you published it, but these bounty hunters have so many great angles. Not sure the baby thing has been used before, but a few recovery agents are going to add that to their bag of tricks.
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