For the first time in his presidency, Barack Obama is using a prime-time news conference Wednesday night to play catch-up.
With the public souring on both his handling of health-care reform and the economy, Obama is stepping to the podium for the fourth time in six months in hopes of convincing the public he’s got a plan, to get the economy back on track and a health overhaul that will expand care to all without busting the budget.
With Democrats fractured on health-care and the GOP sensing a major political opportunity, Obama is engaged in an inside-outside strategy, cajoling members of Congress in private White House sessions while using his bully pulpit to rally public support for his plan.
So it’s health care where we start with our 10 Questions for President Obama.
1) Is it still realistic that both chambers of Congress will pass health care bills before their summer recess in August? And how worried are you that missing the deadline could endanger your hopes of getting a bill this year?
GO HERE to read more.
Someone needs to ask him while he continually lies to the American people!!
I will NOT watch him. Never will, no point!
what a wast of good tv time.
First question:
Being that you're our savior but so far have failed who should we blame and destroy for this failure? Is it the White Man being racist again? Come on, lord, we're ready to run riot, tell us please.
Not a citizen like I am... he's not anyone that counts to me. Nor the Russians
And when Democrats said the same thing about W, we were called unpatriotic.
So, you'd rather rely on what others TELL you he said rather than hear for yourself?
Question #2:
Will you and the Congress also use this health care plan?
Duck around we only called you and your ilk unpatriotic when you deplete the war effort and attack our own troops. If we can't come together during a war that democrats voted for as well we never will.
In answer to:
"Question #2:
Will you and the Congress also use this health care plan?"
Of course, he can lie about this as well as anything else he says.
And to:
"And when Democrats said the same thing about W, we were called unpatriotic."
Actually I don't like the Republican gang of crooks either. But I think it's hysterical that Democrats no longer say that dissidence is the highest form of patriotism. Also, how it's now hip and good to support Obamination's expanding war and applaud him as he gives more and more power to that most corrupt gang of thieves and twisted social architects, the federal government.
Anyone who thinks any of those in power are their friends are not only deluded but grant these corrupt monster carte blanche.
So, saying out loud that we attacked the wrong country is unpatriotic? Seems to me Saudi Arabia supplied 16 of the 19 9/11 terrorists, and Iraq supplied zero. Iran was the one with nukes, not Iraq.
I've never said a word against our troops - they're the best in the biz, and I hated seeing their efforts wasted on W's daddy issues.
Just as you refuse to follow a president you believe doesn't have the nation's interest at heart, I did the same, for 8 years. Yet I'm not calling anyone unpatriotic. Wrong, yes, but not unpatriotic.
hey 950
Deplete the war effort?
Like rummy did when he sent our troops over there without the equipment they needed? And the families of these soldiers were sending over flat jackets and other supplies they needed?
Remember "As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."
Yeah having our troops getting blown up by i.e.d.s because they didnt have the right tanks or equipment because Rumsfeld and company had no idea what they were doing when they sent them in. Nor did they care about the troops dying. It is mainly poor people who cares right?
he’s got a plan, to get the economy back on track and a health overhaul that will expand care to all without busting the budget. good man. keep it up.
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